Custom Query (97 matches)


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Status: closed (97 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#218 Finish code reorg including removal of all mention of sans krzywon defect blocker fixed 11 years
#273 p(r) inversion broken defect blocker fixed 10 years
#370 Data operations tool is broken ricardo defect blocker fixed 10 years
#381 PrView now broken mathieu defect blocker fixed 10 years
#383 Starup Error on Windows butler defect blocker fixed 10 years
#390 Problem with menu and toolbar on mac ajj defect blocker fixed 10 years
#397 PrView explore box is broken mathieu defect blocker fixed 10 years
#401 easy sum custom model broken butler defect blocker fixed 10 years
#403 Two "Fitting" menus defect blocker duplicate 10 years
#416 Mac build requesting git install when run defect blocker fixed 10 years
#421 Docs not showing up on Mac butler defect blocker fixed 10 years
#430 Mac documentation window broken again butler defect blocker fixed 10 years
#453 Important Grid Window functionality missing in Batch Mode butler defect blocker fixed 9 years
#234 Add warning about using the dataset drop down on Batch page enhancement critical fixed 11 years
#265 Investigate why Image Viewer tool is not loading .TIF or .BMP defect critical fixed 11 years
#373 2D data loader issue defect critical fixed 10 years
#395 Save Project Only Saving 1st Fit Page Data and Fit krzywon defect critical fixed 10 years
#405 resolution is being cleared when fit starts pkienzle defect critical fixed 10 years
#417 Plot limits connection to plot is totally screwed up butler defect critical fixed 10 years
#418 clicking "Fit Results" no longer does anything defect critical fixed 10 years
#429 Loading a project makes a second Fitting top menu appear defect critical fixed 10 years
#449 DREAM subplot configuration window is blank defect critical fixed 9 years
#32 Documentation needs to be reviewed and updated defect major obsolete 13 years
#49 Linux stability issue defect major worksforme 13 years
#74 Verify that constrained simultaneous fitting provides FISH level constraint options butler task major obsolete 13 years
#90 Provide a way for plugin models to use the built-in polydispersity functions enhancement major obsolete 12 years
#93 Cleanup modelfunction.html for making adding new model docs easier jhjcho enhancement major wontfix 12 years
#214 Integrate BUMPS as new optimization engine kienzle enhancement major fixed 11 years
#216 Update trunk to wx 3.0 mathieu enhancement major fixed 11 years
#220 Restructure documentation infrastructure - agree technology/plan Parker/Jackson/King/Butler enhancement major fixed 11 years
#221 Restructure documentation infrastructure - implement King/Parker task major fixed 11 years
#226 Provide description of NIST 2D formats read by SasView butler task major fixed 11 years
#262 Provide acknowledgement text from UI enhancement major fixed 11 years
#263 Error in report output for fixed parameters defect major fixed 11 years
#264 Remove .TIF extension form Load Data file extension filter defect major fixed 11 years
#267 Print preview doesn't work and then causes the graph to be very broken (Windows 7) defect major worksforme 11 years
#269 Failure to assign model when using attached data file krzywon defect major fixed 10 years
#275 Save Analysis in File Menu greyed out after fitting a model! defect major fixed 10 years
#276 Provide better error message when CanSAS file has invalid units enhancement major fixed 10 years
#297 Non Model Documentation needs to be ported to ReST enhancement major fixed 10 years
#298 Finalize BUMPS replacement of PARK enhancement major fixed 10 years
#302 Replace pisa with xhtml2pdf mathieu defect major fixed 10 years
#308 change CNAME for to point to github page butler task major fixed 10 years
#311 Obtain DOI for Sasview releases ajj task major fixed 10 years
#312 Problem with slit smearing enhancement major fixed 10 years
#313 Python polydispersity task major wontfix 10 years
#316 Autogenerate sasmodel "shims" defect major wontfix 10 years
#320 Error boxes in Fit panel appear and disappear randomly gonzalezm defect major fixed 10 years
#323 Fix access to online documentation defect major fixed 10 years
#324 Set logging to capture warnings defect major fixed 10 years
#331 Remove all references to DANSE from user feedback messages defect major fixed 10 years
#335 Report print preview is broken mathieu defect major fixed 10 years
#336 Refactor report dialog code enhancement major fixed 10 years
#337 Fix broken help on load image butler defect major fixed 10 years
#338 Remove help_panel files and calls thereto butler task major fixed 10 years
#339 get models Detail button pointing to proper sphinx documentation butler defect major fixed 10 years
#341 add SESANS reader enhancement major fixed 10 years
#343 SESANS data loader enhancement major duplicate 10 years
#349 Box Sum slicer parameter boxes are no longer editable on Windows defect major fixed 10 years
#353 Add help button to panels enhancement major fixed 10 years
#354 Fix menu bar on generic scattering calculator tool defect major fixed 10 years
#355 Finish porting old html help docs to rst smk enhancement major fixed 10 years
#356 Proof read Sphinx help docs smk78 enhancement major fixed 10 years
#357 Broken SciPyFit Unit Tests krzywon defect major fixed 10 years
#358 Breaking Averaging Unit Tests krzywon defect major fixed 10 years
#359 Be able to use new models from sasmodels alongside sas.models models ajj enhancement major obsolete 10 years
#365 CanSAS reader error krzywon defect major fixed 10 years
#367 Add panel help to each too item butler defect major fixed 10 years
#372 Test invariant state Gonzalezm task major fixed 10 years
#382 Panel positioning has been broken for windows butler defect major fixed 10 years
#384 Crashing mostly on Exit defect major fixed 10 years
#388 Need BUMPS usage documentation defect major duplicate 10 years
#389 Missing documentation about residual plot (and fit plot) defect major fixed 10 years
#402 custom model needs scroll panel defect major fixed 10 years
#404 Missing documentation for custom model editors defect major invalid 10 years
#420 problem with pearl necklace model defect major fixed 10 years
#423 Tidy up and document the test data task major fixed 10 years
#424 Grid Display of Batch Results broken defect major fixed 10 years
#428 Grid sheet does not accept copy and paste mathieu defect major fixed 10 years
#432 Documentation window needs to update to vers 3.1 butler defect major fixed 10 years
#433 Check for updates does not work on GitHub yet butler defect major fixed 10 years
#440 Errors generated in mac log on loading project defect major fixed 9 years
#442 Saving plot to file doesn't work from context menu butler defect major fixed 9 years
#443 Plots no longer allow printing either from toolbar or context menu butler defect major fixed 9 years
#444 combo boxe alignment wrong (overlap) in plot panel's add text panel butler defect major fixed 9 years
#452 Suppress DREAM Fit Results Panel if DREAM not in use defect major fixed 9 years
#202 Fix auto build of sphinx documentation defect minor duplicate 11 years
#207 Batch fitting does not display the correct data enhancement minor duplicate 11 years
#215 winFuncs problem defect minor fixed 11 years
#241 Simultaneous Fit panel "easy setup" visually broken with wx 3.0 ajj defect minor wontfix 11 years
#256 Mac has 2 about boxes and two quit buttons mathieu defect minor fixed 11 years
#325 find and remove rogue print statement butler defect minor fixed 10 years
#329 fit panel not defaulting to min and max from model definition defect minor fixed 10 years
#369 clean up ImageViewer interface butler defect minor duplicate 10 years
#376 lamellarPS in sasview, bugs in polydispersity loops (and Caille S(Q) ) richardh defect minor fixed 10 years
#408 Doc path breaks on Macs if exe is renamed defect minor invalid 10 years
#261 Default number of bins in Phi average is not ideal defect trivial fixed 11 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.