Custom Query (190 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 190)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#238 Data objects should be independent of gui new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#407 constrained/simultaneous fit menu option GUI problem (both on Mac and PC) new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#461 Visual fit range indicators are not aware of axis "scale" new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#558 set reasonable min/max on polydispersity values for fit new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#573 error traceback unreadable new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#620 scroll wheel should scroll the fit page new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#640 model not recalculated when enter pressed in min/max new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#660 Add GUI triggers for compare, docview and user tests from the plugin editor. new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#846 set theory and data to same vmin/vmax when plotting 2D data new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#860 latex labels in graph menus new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#879 default value and limits are ignored for muliplicity/variant models new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#880 show progress during opencl test assigned wojciech major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#900 Frozen theories sent to perspectives not saved in projects new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#905 nD data sets opens new fit window if existing window is a different dimension new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#919 Projects should save transmission spectrum new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#924 Need better feedback to user when fitting fails to converge new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#933 Allow user to define order of models/fit pages for batch fitting assigned wojciech major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#941 Move menu items from regular menus to perspective menus new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#942 Need to Refactor SimultaneousFitPage Class new trivial SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#949 Wildcard import new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#957 Namespace clash for sasgui if shipped as separate package new piotr major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#997 save points as file from graph loses precision new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1016 custom models not included in saved projects new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1017 Separate thread for OpenCL tests new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1019 Add an auto background estimate to the Invariant Perspective new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1033 add tests for generic scattering calculator new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1041 multiplicity not included in copy/paste parameters new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1042 add test for bsl file converter new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1097 re-enable enumerated choice parameters for models new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1125 qt5 - MathJax not used in generated Sphinx docs new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1135 QT GUI - complex constraints (master ticket) new tcbennun blocker SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1150 Make Slicer Parameters box non-modal and add it to the Tools menu new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1158 Inconsistent fuzzy or rough interfaces in fuzzy_sphere and core_shell_bicelle_elliptical_belt_rough new minor SasView 5.0.0 sasmodels
#1161 new R_eff branch of sasmodels does not support VR new major SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1182 python old buffer interface deprecated in python 3 new minor SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1196 5.0 issue - Allow changing parameter values on theory FitPages after first compute new blocker SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1204 5.0 not giving same fit results as 4.2 assigned piotr blocker SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1248 Problem with non latin characters in username assigned piotr blocker SasView 5.0.0 SasView
#1242 Resolution smearing is only applied to positive Qx and Qy in 2D new blocker SasView 4.2.2 SasView
#1243 Problem reopening saved project .svs file assigned krzywon blocker SasView 4.2.2 SasView
#239 Need to verify UTK vs. Caltech License ownership new butler major Admin Tasks SasView
#328 Create SasView organanization and resolve ownership issues new major Admin Tasks SasView
#774 Move away from postgress for the markeplace new minor Admin Tasks sasmodels Markeplace
#1235 Fix twitter feed new critical Admin Tasks SasView
#1237 Need to get mail archives up and available new blocker Admin Tasks SasView
#1239 Set up Mirror Sites of services new major Admin Tasks SasView
#1246 Auto generate example data set/plot in model marketplace new major Admin Tasks sasmodels Markeplace
#322 Need to streamline requiring new version of packages new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#441 Problem with constrained simultaneous fit new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#482 better support for integer parameters in fit new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#495 singular covariance matrices give traceback error for dream/amoeba/newton new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#639 Math not rendered without network connection (Windows) assigned ajj critical SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#649 Fix model parameter nomenclature to be standardized reopened butler major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#702 Limiting cases of cylinder model new dirk major SasView 4.3.0 sasmodels
#715 resolution calculation does not check for basis of support between q points new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#764 redefine rectangular distribution parameters new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#787 models with the same name in different directories will not be distinguished assigned butler minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#805 improve accuracy of fcc/bcc/sc new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#813 Can stacked_disk model support polydisperse parameters new butler major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#828 Fix tests for oriented 2D models for new orientation defintion assigned richardh major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#839 Unit tests for Saving/Loading Projects new krzywon major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#842 allow specification of single and double precision opencl device new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#845 Fix volume normalisation on Raspberry model accepted ajj major SasView 4.3.0 sasmodels
#853 Move Perspective Calculation Files into sascalc assigned tim major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#867 Use integer number of branches for star polymer new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#871 autogenerated plot in doc for rpa is not helpful new major SasView 4.3.0 sasmodels
#872 document polydispersity and fitting for integer parameters new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#878 broad q resolution for USANS and negative q for USANS new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#885 New Model Editor needs to properly deal with form_volume function assigned gonzalezm critical SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#888 Support numpy v1.12.0+ - Array indices must be integers new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#894 triaxial ellipsoid with circular equator does not match ellipsoid new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#901 numpy should be imported as "import numpy as np" new mathieu minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#910 use new orientation for magnetic models new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#953 cross check dll/opencl/python polydispersity and orientation results new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#958 Proper Handling of Background Term in Invariant Analysis new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#963 fix stacked disk (qx,qy) test new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#973 sticky hard sphere fails for q<epsilon new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#975 bcc_paracrystal and fcc_paracrystal scaling, docs for all paracrystal new richardh minor SasView 4.3.0 sasmodels
#977 Don't use \text in equations new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#979 Resolve inconsistent naming of peak models new major SasView 4.3.0 sasmodels
#981 binary_hard_sphere fails for small qr new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#988 gcc has long compile times for sasmodels new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#989 use sasview installation to run batch scripts new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#998 improve corfunc tests new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1000 Unticking No OpenCL on Mac fixes problem with no model fit assigned wojciech major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1015 opencl memory errors during fits new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1022 sum and product models won't work with multiplicity new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1036 update tests for bcc/fcc paracrystal and core shell parallelepiped new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1045 Add SasView version flag to model marketplace assigned awashington major SasView 4.3.0 sasmodels Markeplace
#1053 warn the user not to set a large theta dispersity new critical SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1055 make sure 1D data masks apply to fits new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1056 Check max_pd maximum number polydisperse parameters new pkienzle minor SasView 4.3.0 sasmodels
#1059 Remove camel case from unified_power_Rg reopened butler minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1061 minor isue with simultaneous / constrained fits new krzywon minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1066 Add Maier-Saupe type orientational distribution new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1084 Reproducible thread error in bumps on Mac OS assigned wojciech blocker SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1085 standardize orientation docs across models new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1086 verify and document up_frac_i and up_frac_f calculations for magnetic models reopened major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1087 Check package versions in yaml files and new major SasView 4.3.0 SasView
#1088 duplicate parameters in save project files when toggling fit new minor SasView 4.3.0 SasView
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.