Custom Query (34 matches)


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Status: closed (34 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#193 Problem with periodic table install during Sasview build defect minor worksforme 11 years
#196 Be able to read semi-colon delimited files defect minor fixed 10 years
#213 Determine which versions of packages are being used vs nominal requirements ajj task minor fixed 10 years
#228 Get build working on Mavericks (OS X 10.9) defect minor fixed 10 years
#229 change title of simultaneous fit butler enhancement minor fixed 10 years
#232 Should be able to copy parameters in a way that is pasteable to excel etc defect minor fixed 10 years
#235 Remove the dataset drop down on single fit pages ajj defect minor fixed 10 years
#242 Add rectangular pizm models Gonzalez enhancement minor fixed 10 years
#244 Add new core shell ellipsoid model Heenan enhancement minor fixed 10 years
#247 Lamellar FF_HG model documentation needs fixing defect minor fixed 10 years
#254 add pringles model to shapes butler enhancement minor fixed 10 years
#255 Load menu item should be above quit in the file menu mathieu defect minor fixed 10 years
#53 Problem with saving as data jhjcho defect major worksforme 12 years
#75 SESANS integration discussion butler task major fixed 12 years
#79 Link Sphinx doc for ver 2.1.1 to link on web page butler defect major fixed 12 years
#85 Changing label on frozen models doesn't work defect major fixed 12 years
#87 Load Project is completely broken defect major fixed 12 years
#188 Can't set fit range for Linear Fits defect major fixed 11 years
#191 Data Info broken krzywon defect major fixed 11 years
#197 Unhealthy Competition defect major invalid 10 years
#199 Documentation for Pringles model ajj defect major fixed 10 years
#203 Problem with multiple datasets from single file krzywon defect major fixed 10 years
#208 Category code structure needs fixing butler defect major fixed 10 years
#210 Problem with Box Averaging in Qx krzywon defect major fixed 10 years
#212 Clicking close button on main window raises exception mathieu defect major fixed 10 years
#225 Provide FAQ on website smk78 enhancement major fixed 10 years
#233 Fits saved in Cansas format do not fit the cansas format so they cannot be reloaded krzywon defect major fixed 10 years
#99 All Anisotropic 2D models: need to redefine the angular parameters. jhjcho defect critical worksforme 12 years
#102 Wrong calculation in GenSANS calculation with NO orientation (pdb) jhjcho defect critical worksforme 11 years
#204 SasView no longer writing CanSAS XML files compliant with the schema King defect critical fixed 10 years
#198 Fitting pespective not loading butler defect blocker fixed 10 years
#249 Save Project and Save Analysis Broken krzywon defect blocker fixed 10 years
#252 Fix/update model documentation for new models in release 3.0 defect blocker fixed 10 years
#253 The release notes need updating for release 3.0 (as well as other info files as necessary) butler defect blocker fixed 10 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.