Custom Query (16 matches)


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Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1205 4.2 set weighting choice seems to be ignored. mathieu defect blocker SasView fixed
#1221 ABS reader does not read in USANS data properly GitHub <noreply@…> defect major SasView fixed
#1074 Add incomplete gamma function to sasmodels GitHub <noreply@…> defect minor SasView fixed
#1212 Bug in Iqxqy plotting non rectangular / square matrices? ricardo defect major SasView fixed
#976 CanSas HDF reader will not read all valid CanSas HDF (NXcanSAS) files krzywon defect blocker SasView fixed
#1111 Convert all input Q units to 1/A krzywon defect major SasView fixed
#1227 Copy over pdfs of updated correlation function tutorial before 4.2.1 release smk78 task blocker SasView fixed
#1229 Copy updated corfunc_help to Github for new website docs mathieu task blocker SasView invalid
#1223 Expand permitted range of transformed data in Corfunc implementation awashington enhancement blocker SasView fixed
#1127 File Loader is not loading valid NXcanSAS defect critical SasView duplicate
#1206 Incorrect (and confusing) presentation of dQ from data in instrumental smearing section GitHub <noreply@…> defect major SasView fixed
#1129 NXcanSAS writer not writing all meta data krzywon defect critical SasView fixed
#1142 Plugin framework is broken pkienzle defect blocker SasView fixed
#1228 RELEASE.html needs updating before 4.2.1 release task blocker SasView wontfix
#1183 Test from creating new model reset all parameters to default in all open FitPages defect blocker SasView fixed
#1222 smearing options incorrect on show2D and show1D in fitpage GitHub <noreply@…> defect major SasView fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.