CodeCampV Working Group Sasmodels


  • Wojciech Potrzebowski
  • Dirk Honecker
  • Richard Heenan
  • Mathieu Doucet


#548 #662 #674 #664 #666

Dirk: SasFit models (magnetism) #288 #665

Richard: link here:

#675 - intend to try it as a custom model

#288 - ticket closed

#670 - beyond my capabilities to implement, see Paul K comments on ticket, is most useful for angular distributions, sheared rods etc.

Wojtek: Discussions: SasModels API in pipeline !Sasfit models integration: Models hosting, suppling F(q) !Sasmodels atributes

#624 - ticket closed

#576 - ticket closed

#673 - ticket closed

#665 - seems to be working requires some extra testing on different platform (Windows)

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Oct 10, 2016 11:17:40 AM