Administrative Tasks
- #23
- Provide ability to submit bug report directly from SasView
- #44
- Need to review all uses of pop-up information and the information bar
- #74
- Verify that constrained simultaneous fitting provides FISH level constraint options
- #92
- auto builds (win, osx10.4) at NIST
- #211
- Reorganize users on
- #217
- Verify Correctness of Shulz Zimm Distribution
- #219
- easy developer setup
- #223
- Build System consistency and robustness - packages
- #239
- Need to verify UTK vs. Caltech License ownership
- #262
- Provide acknowledgement text from UI
- #274
- Problem with time sync on danse.chem
- #296
- Move windows build batch file to repository
- #299
- write SasView Paper
- #300
- Develop Roadmap Document For SasView development
- #303
- Integrate user and developer websites
- #304
- Migrate mailing lists away from sourceforge
- #305
- migrate repository to github
- #306
- Set up build jobs for bumps and periodictable in Jenkins
- #308
- change CNAME for to point to github page
- #309
- change trac access to
- #310
- fix links on webpages
- #311
- Obtain DOI for Sasview releases
- #321
- Remove references to sourceforge
- #328
- Create SasView organanization and resolve ownership issues
- #333
- write and submit abstract for SAS 2015
- #362
- Need to write trac wiki page of all services and locations etc
- #394
- should redirect to
- #423
- Tidy up and document the test data
- #494
- Assure that the Qt licensing model is valid for SasView
- #501
- Tidy up Trac admin issues
- #585
- Need to develop "marketplace" for new models
- #626
- Update scipy to 0.18.0
- #683
- Merge corfunc branch
- #684
- Merge file converter branch
- #689
- Generate Zenodo DOI's for 4.0-beta and 4.0 release
- #690
- Update acknowledgement text in when corfunc branch is merged
- #691
- Generate Zenodo DOI for 4.1 release when ready
- #700
- Add ANSTO logo to website footer
- #711
- github integration not working on sasmodels
- #712
- Clean up test data folder
- #731
- Bring roadmap uptdodate
- #759
- Generate PDFs of Roadmap
- #763
- Update categories at marketplace
- #768
- ensure everything useful is backed up
- #769
- Add TU Delft logo to website
- #809
- Provide information on supported platforms
- #831
- only process ticket updates from checkin messages when merged to master
- #840
- update version number
- #841
- mac build instructions are incomplete and need updating
- #873
- Lower entry barrier for developers
- #874
- Fix link between git commit messages and trac
- #881
- Add a copy of our licence to the the website
- #912
- About box points to misleading contributors page on Github
- #914
- Update install instructions / release notes for users who have Xcode installed but haven't authorised command line tools
- #921
- Improve developer communication methods
- #923
- Add CI and trac integrations to Slack
- #927
- Add LibreOffice to Build Servers
- #1026
- Deleting trac wiki pages fails
- #1027
- Need to update Roadmap
- #1028
- Code Camp VI report needs to be writen
- #1029
- Need to write the Code Camp VII report
- #1051
- use same markup language for trac and github
- #1071
- Remove SasView from SourceForge entirely
- #1165
- Github services going away
- #1174
- Update list of contributors on webpage
- #1238
- can we get citations added to zenodo?
- Andrew Jackson
- Paul Butler
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Jan 14, 2015 5:52:32 AM