Administrative Tasks

Provide ability to submit bug report directly from SasView
Need to review all uses of pop-up information and the information bar
Verify that constrained simultaneous fitting provides FISH level constraint options
auto builds (win, osx10.4) at NIST
Reorganize users on
Verify Correctness of Shulz Zimm Distribution
easy developer setup
Build System consistency and robustness - packages
Need to verify UTK vs. Caltech License ownership
Provide acknowledgement text from UI
Problem with time sync on danse.chem
Move windows build batch file to repository
write SasView Paper
Develop Roadmap Document For SasView development
Integrate user and developer websites
Migrate mailing lists away from sourceforge
migrate repository to github
Set up build jobs for bumps and periodictable in Jenkins
change CNAME for to point to github page
change trac access to
fix links on webpages
Obtain DOI for Sasview releases
Remove references to sourceforge
Create SasView organanization and resolve ownership issues
write and submit abstract for SAS 2015
Need to write trac wiki page of all services and locations etc
#394 should redirect to
Tidy up and document the test data
Assure that the Qt licensing model is valid for SasView
Tidy up Trac admin issues
Need to develop "marketplace" for new models
Update scipy to 0.18.0
Merge corfunc branch
Merge file converter branch
Generate Zenodo DOI's for 4.0-beta and 4.0 release
Update acknowledgement text in when corfunc branch is merged
Generate Zenodo DOI for 4.1 release when ready
Add ANSTO logo to website footer
github integration not working on sasmodels
Clean up test data folder
Bring roadmap uptdodate
Generate PDFs of Roadmap
Update categories at marketplace
ensure everything useful is backed up
Add TU Delft logo to website
Provide information on supported platforms
only process ticket updates from checkin messages when merged to master
update version number
mac build instructions are incomplete and need updating
Lower entry barrier for developers
Fix link between git commit messages and trac
Add a copy of our licence to the the website
About box points to misleading contributors page on Github
Update install instructions / release notes for users who have Xcode installed but haven't authorised command line tools
Improve developer communication methods
Add CI and trac integrations to Slack
Add LibreOffice to Build Servers
Deleting trac wiki pages fails
Need to update Roadmap
Code Camp VI report needs to be writen
Need to write the Code Camp VII report
use same markup language for trac and github
Remove SasView from SourceForge entirely
Github services going away
Update list of contributors on webpage
can we get citations added to zenodo?


  • Andrew Jackson
  • Paul Butler
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Jan 14, 2015 5:52:32 AM