SasView Code Camp VI


The sixth SasView Code Camp was held at the ESRF and the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France from 4th to 11th April 2017.

Local arrangements were made by Miguel Gonzales with details on the planning page.

Initial Goals


Progress and Outcomes

Code Stats

Next Steps


All photos from the code camp on Flickr

Ticket Summary

Tickets Closed

Milestone: SasView 4.2.0 (12 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#932 fixed Need to fix upload of data files to marketplace ajj butler
#931 fixed Allow admins to edit all models and upload data etc on marketplace ajj ajj
#923 fixed Add CI and trac integrations to Slack ajj
#921 fixed Improve developer communication methods ajj ajj
#916 fixed Proper Logging ricardo ricardo
#913 fixed Need to add Diamond developer and logo in relevant places smk78 smk78
#912 fixed About box points to misleading contributors page on Github ajj smk78
#875 fixed Possible weirdness with 1D NXcanSAS data butler smk78
#854 fixed remove unnecessary sleep() in fitting perspective pkienzle
#838 fixed Fix model download from marketplace wojciech tim
#685 fixed Fix data upload to marketplace ajj smk78
#645 fixed GUI logic problem in Batch vs single fit mode butler butler

Milestone: Admin Tasks (5 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#925 fixed Marketplace Admin Panel issues ajj butler
#874 fixed Fix link between git commit messages and trac ajj ajj
#809 fixed Provide information on supported platforms wojciech
#759 fixed Generate PDFs of Roadmap ajj ajj
#731 fixed Bring roadmap uptdodate ajj butler

Milestone: SasView Next Release +1 (9 matches)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#522 fixed Add Batch Fitting Tutorial butler
#521 fixed Add simultaneous fitting tutorial butler
#520 fixed Add constrained fit Tutorial butler
#519 fixed Add 2D model fitting Tutorial butler
#518 fixed Add 1D model fitting tutorial butler
#517 fixed Add Invariant Tutorial Module butler
#516 fixed Add Pr Tutorial module butler
#387 fixed Need new tutorial documentation smk78 butler
#230 fixed Default "load data" directory to the last one used ajj

Milestone: SasView WishList (1 match)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#48 fixed Need output of parameters to a file for later use anonymous

Milestone: sasmodels Next Release +1 (1 match)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#944 duplicate non fitting or derived parameters in models pkienzle richardh

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Oct 29, 2017 10:09:53 AM