Code Camp Planning Page

In order to be more productive we need to commit to at least one of not two code camp locations and dates ahead. This page serves as a repository of information for the planning thereof.


Basic Requirements (as workshop gets larger will need to grow the number of rooms/seats):

  • Hotel/guest house with 10-15 room block and free wifi and large common space (bar/lounge/gathering)
  • At least two working rooms available preferably for the entire time of camp
    • One room should be able to hold at least 25 classroom style with room for 2 monitors each. Bigger the better to accommodate break-out groups
    • Second room should hold at least 5 classroom and preferably larger
  • Strong wifi for group
  • Overhead projection available in rooms
  • Preferably should be plenty of open gathering space nearby and or more rooms

Other considerations

  • Variety of food options nearby venue/housing
  • Interesting location to visit
  • Costs should be kept as low as reasonably achievable with above

Potential Sites

Potential sites can be locations where there is an existing or potential SasView community or some other connections or it could be more remote. This latter being more suitable for focusing on the core development while the former is helpful to promote the dual purpose of advancing the development with developing and engaging the broader community.

  • Pasadena (Caltech was the birthplace of SasView?'s precursor .. maybe nice for the Xth code camp anniversary?)
  • Munich (or Freisling?)
  • Cologne (magnetic focus?)
  • Knoxville (University of TN) - smokeys nearby. Nice renovated downtown and strip area.
  • UMD in DC area has strong connection to NIST
  • The University of Delaware has strong links to NIST. It is a bit more “isolated” yet close to metropolitan areas for pre and post visits as well as access to international airports (phili, Dc, New York even via train etc)
  • Beijing (there are several facilities in China)
  • Diamond and/or Cosner's house in the UK
  • Hongkong
  • Seattle
  • Mineapolis MN
  • Gainsville or Tallahassee FL (magnetic focus?)
  • Berlin
  • Brookhaven
  • Berkeley

Boot camps

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on Mar 31, 2019 3:58:26 AM