Active Tickets by Work Package (17 matches)


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Work Package: SasView Admin (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone
#44 Need to review all uses of pop-up information and the information bar new task major SasView WishList
#239 Need to verify UTK vs. Caltech License ownership new defect major Admin Tasks
#328 Create SasView organanization and resolve ownership issues new defect major Admin Tasks
#362 Need to write trac wiki page of all services and locations etc new task minor Admin Tasks
#494 Assure that the Qt licensing model is valid for SasView new task minor Admin Tasks
#841 mac build instructions are incomplete and need updating new task major Admin Tasks
#914 Update install instructions / release notes for users who have Xcode installed but haven't authorised command line tools new task major Admin Tasks
#1028 Code Camp VI report needs to be writen new task major Admin Tasks
#1029 Need to write the Code Camp VII report new task major Admin Tasks
#1051 use same markup language for trac and github new enhancement minor SasView 4.3.0
#1071 Remove SasView from SourceForge entirely new task major Admin Tasks
#1238 can we get citations added to zenodo? new enhancement major Admin Tasks
#211 Reorganize users on assigned enhancement minor Admin Tasks
#768 ensure everything useful is backed up assigned task critical Admin Tasks
#23 Provide ability to submit bug report directly from SasView accepted enhancement minor SasView Next Release +1
#299 write SasView Paper accepted task critical Admin Tasks
#303 Integrate user and developer websites accepted enhancement minor Admin Tasks
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