Custom Query (55 matches)


Show under each result:

Milestone: SasView 4.1.0 (48 matches)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#701 wimbouwman wimbouwman fixed Update documentation of data formats to Include SESANS
#704 wimbouwman wimbouwman fixed Add documentation on Hankel transformation for SESANS
#758 richardh fixed selecting params to fit before sending data to fit gives access violation
#706 pkienzle richardh fixed testing custom models - issues?
#748 pkienzle richardh duplicate plug-in model unit tests from python shell not always working?
#751 mathieu richardh fixed load_models now ignores old sasview 3 custom models
#678 pkienzle wontfix Hard crash when running complex model on GPU
#682 piotr butler fixed copy paste parameters should also copy constraints
#687 mathieu mathieu fixed Rescale smeared to unsmeared model
#692 smk78 smk78 fixed Update About window
#693 smk78 smk78 fixed Update Acknowledgement window
#694 ajj ajj fixed Compute button does nothing when there is data in the fit page
#697 mathieu smk78 fixed Change default for parameter selection boxes on FitPage
#698 mathieu smk78 fixed Remove Select All parameters checkbox from FitPage
#700 smk78 smk78 fixed Add ANSTO logo to website footer
#703 piotr smk78 fixed Make the Python Shell Check Model error/info popup window bigger
#705 ajj ajj fixed No about menu item on Mac
#709 smk78 smk78 fixed Update data_formats.rst when File Converter branch merged
#710 smk78 smk78 fixed Update the test data documentation
#712 smk78 smk78 fixed Clean up test data folder
#718 wojciech wojciech fixed Magentism crashes SasView on Mac
#720 smk78 smk78 fixed Incorporate instructions for running the SESANS GUI
#722 krzywon invalid Fitting Range and Checked Fit Parameters Not Saved
#728 wimbouwman wimbouwman fixed Direct SESANS model solid dilute sphere
#730 krzywon krzywon fixed Theories not deleted when before loading project file
#732 mathieu mathieu fixed Let a custom model class name differ from its model name
#734 smk78 smk78 fixed Review new GPU and OpenCL documentation
#736 smk78 smk78 fixed Review new File Converter documentation
#742 piotr richardh fixed after copy & paste parameters, "please select parameters to fit"
#743 wimbouwman wimbouwman fixed Consider revising the SESANS data format read by SasView
#744 wojciech fixed Old-style custom models don't load
#749 smk78 richardh fixed Also allow the Python Shell/Editor to be invoked from the Fitting > Edit Custom Models sub-menu
#765 wojciech wontfix Allow adding multiple c files into sasmodels-marketplace
#769 smk78 smk78 fixed Add TU Delft logo to website
#779 piotr wojciech fixed GUI warning about P(r) not using multiple data sets
#696 butler richardh fixed Investigate core shell bicelle model
#733 dirk dirk wontfix Check orientational distribution
#739 krzywon richardh duplicate Load project issues
#766 mathieu richardh fixed sum & product models hanging sasview
#683 ajj smk78 fixed Merge corfunc branch
#684 ajj smk78 fixed Merge file converter branch
#689 smk78 fixed Generate Zenodo DOI's for 4.0-beta and 4.0 release
#690 smk78 smk78 fixed Update acknowledgement text in when corfunc branch is merged
#714 mathieu pkienzle fixed cannot set custom smearing without data
#737 krzywon smk78 fixed Fix Report Results
#752 richardh duplicate "compute" button still not working
#755 ajj ajj duplicate S(q) models should not have scale and background parameters added
#762 smk78 smk78 fixed (Simple) New Plugin Model editor creates files even if it doesn't compile/pass testing

Milestone: Admin Tasks (3 matches)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#699 ajj smk78 fixed Push new documentation to the website
#711 ajj butler fixed github integration not working on sasmodels
#768 ajj richardh ensure everything useful is backed up

Milestone: SasView Next Release +1 (2 matches)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#679 pkienzle Allow kernels to use global working memory
#729 smk78 Provide a loader for the BerSANS 2D format

Milestone: sasmodels Next Release +1 (1 match)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#771 wojciech butler Add new library routines to sasmodels

Milestone: sasmodels WishList (1 match)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#783 pkienzle Performance tuning for 1D calculations
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.