Changeset ab87b61 in sasview for sansmodels/src/sans/models/c_models
- Timestamp:
- Dec 9, 2011 4:56:59 PM (13 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, release_4.0.1, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload
- Children:
- 0e8b249
- Parents:
- 2cef9d3
- Location:
- sansmodels/src/sans/models/c_models
- Files:
- 49 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r0b082f3 rab87b61 172 172 return NULL; 173 173 } 174 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 175 PyArray_DOUBLE); 174 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 176 175 if (result == NULL) { 177 176 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 213 212 214 213 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 215 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);214 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 216 215 if (result == NULL){ 217 216 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 174 174 return NULL; 175 175 } 176 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 177 PyArray_DOUBLE); 176 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 178 177 if (result == NULL) { 179 178 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 215 214 216 215 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 217 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);216 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 218 217 if (result == NULL){ 219 218 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 164 164 return NULL; 165 165 } 166 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 167 PyArray_DOUBLE); 166 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 168 167 if (result == NULL) { 169 168 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 205 204 206 205 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 207 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);206 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 208 207 if (result == NULL){ 209 208 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 184 184 return NULL; 185 185 } 186 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 187 PyArray_DOUBLE); 186 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 188 187 if (result == NULL) { 189 188 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 225 224 226 225 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 227 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);226 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 228 227 if (result == NULL){ 229 228 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 174 174 return NULL; 175 175 } 176 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 177 PyArray_DOUBLE); 176 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 178 177 if (result == NULL) { 179 178 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 215 214 216 215 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 217 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);216 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 218 217 if (result == NULL){ 219 218 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 178 178 return NULL; 179 179 } 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 181 PyArray_DOUBLE); 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 182 181 if (result == NULL) { 183 182 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 219 218 220 219 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 221 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);220 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 222 221 if (result == NULL){ 223 222 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 175 175 return NULL; 176 176 } 177 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 178 PyArray_DOUBLE); 177 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 179 178 if (result == NULL) { 180 179 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 216 215 217 216 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 218 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);217 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 219 218 if (result == NULL){ 220 219 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 179 179 return NULL; 180 180 } 181 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 182 PyArray_DOUBLE); 181 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 183 182 if (result == NULL) { 184 183 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 220 219 221 220 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 222 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);221 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 223 222 if (result == NULL){ 224 223 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 163 163 return NULL; 164 164 } 165 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 166 PyArray_DOUBLE); 165 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 167 166 if (result == NULL) { 168 167 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 204 203 205 204 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 206 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);205 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 207 206 if (result == NULL){ 208 207 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 170 170 return NULL; 171 171 } 172 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 173 PyArray_DOUBLE); 172 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 174 173 if (result == NULL) { 175 174 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 211 210 212 211 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 213 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);212 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 214 213 if (result == NULL){ 215 214 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 158 158 return NULL; 159 159 } 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 161 PyArray_DOUBLE); 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 162 161 if (result == NULL) { 163 162 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 199 198 200 199 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 201 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);200 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 202 201 if (result == NULL){ 203 202 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 158 158 return NULL; 159 159 } 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 161 PyArray_DOUBLE); 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 162 161 if (result == NULL) { 163 162 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 199 198 200 199 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 201 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);200 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 202 201 if (result == NULL){ 203 202 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 170 170 return NULL; 171 171 } 172 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 173 PyArray_DOUBLE); 172 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 174 173 if (result == NULL) { 175 174 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 211 210 212 211 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 213 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);212 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 214 213 if (result == NULL){ 215 214 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 178 178 return NULL; 179 179 } 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 181 PyArray_DOUBLE); 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 182 181 if (result == NULL) { 183 182 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 219 218 220 219 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 221 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);220 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 222 221 if (result == NULL){ 223 222 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 172 172 return NULL; 173 173 } 174 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 175 PyArray_DOUBLE); 174 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 176 175 if (result == NULL) { 177 176 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 213 212 214 213 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 215 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);214 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 216 215 if (result == NULL){ 217 216 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 170 170 return NULL; 171 171 } 172 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 173 PyArray_DOUBLE); 172 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 174 173 if (result == NULL) { 175 174 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 211 210 212 211 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 213 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);212 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 214 213 if (result == NULL){ 215 214 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 166 166 return NULL; 167 167 } 168 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 169 PyArray_DOUBLE); 168 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 170 169 if (result == NULL) { 171 170 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 207 206 208 207 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 209 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);208 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 210 209 if (result == NULL){ 211 210 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 160 160 return NULL; 161 161 } 162 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 163 PyArray_DOUBLE); 162 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 164 163 if (result == NULL) { 165 164 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 201 200 202 201 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 203 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);202 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 204 203 if (result == NULL){ 205 204 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 162 162 return NULL; 163 163 } 164 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 165 PyArray_DOUBLE); 164 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 166 165 if (result == NULL) { 167 166 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 203 202 204 203 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 205 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);204 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 206 205 if (result == NULL){ 207 206 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 153 153 return NULL; 154 154 } 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 156 PyArray_DOUBLE); 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 157 156 if (result == NULL) { 158 157 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 194 193 195 194 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 196 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);195 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 197 196 if (result == NULL){ 198 197 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 155 155 return NULL; 156 156 } 157 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 158 PyArray_DOUBLE); 157 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 159 158 if (result == NULL) { 160 159 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 196 195 197 196 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 198 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);197 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 199 198 if (result == NULL){ 200 199 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 159 159 return NULL; 160 160 } 161 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 162 PyArray_DOUBLE); 161 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 163 162 if (result == NULL) { 164 163 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 200 199 201 200 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 202 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);201 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 203 202 if (result == NULL){ 204 203 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 174 174 return NULL; 175 175 } 176 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 177 PyArray_DOUBLE); 176 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 178 177 if (result == NULL) { 179 178 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 215 214 216 215 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 217 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);216 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 218 217 if (result == NULL){ 219 218 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 163 163 return NULL; 164 164 } 165 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 166 PyArray_DOUBLE); 165 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 167 166 if (result == NULL) { 168 167 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 204 203 205 204 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 206 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);205 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 207 206 if (result == NULL){ 208 207 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 158 158 return NULL; 159 159 } 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 161 PyArray_DOUBLE); 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 162 161 if (result == NULL) { 163 162 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 199 198 200 199 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 201 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);200 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 202 201 if (result == NULL){ 203 202 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 161 161 return NULL; 162 162 } 163 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 164 PyArray_DOUBLE); 163 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 165 164 if (result == NULL) { 166 165 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 202 201 203 202 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 204 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);203 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 205 204 if (result == NULL){ 206 205 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 169 169 return NULL; 170 170 } 171 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 172 PyArray_DOUBLE); 171 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 173 172 if (result == NULL) { 174 173 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 210 209 211 210 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 212 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);211 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 213 212 if (result == NULL){ 214 213 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 164 164 return NULL; 165 165 } 166 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 167 PyArray_DOUBLE); 166 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 168 167 if (result == NULL) { 169 168 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 205 204 206 205 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 207 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);206 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 208 207 if (result == NULL){ 209 208 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 153 153 return NULL; 154 154 } 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 156 PyArray_DOUBLE); 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 157 156 if (result == NULL) { 158 157 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 194 193 195 194 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 196 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);195 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 197 196 if (result == NULL){ 198 197 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 153 153 return NULL; 154 154 } 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 156 PyArray_DOUBLE); 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 157 156 if (result == NULL) { 158 157 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 194 193 195 194 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 196 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);195 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 197 196 if (result == NULL){ 198 197 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 167 167 return NULL; 168 168 } 169 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 170 PyArray_DOUBLE); 169 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 171 170 if (result == NULL) { 172 171 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 208 207 209 208 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 210 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);209 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 211 210 if (result == NULL){ 212 211 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 239 239 return NULL; 240 240 } 241 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 242 PyArray_DOUBLE); 241 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 243 242 if (result == NULL) { 244 243 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 280 279 281 280 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 282 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);281 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 283 282 if (result == NULL){ 284 283 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 178 178 return NULL; 179 179 } 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 181 PyArray_DOUBLE); 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 182 181 if (result == NULL) { 183 182 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 219 218 220 219 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 221 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);220 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 222 221 if (result == NULL){ 223 222 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 165 165 return NULL; 166 166 } 167 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 168 PyArray_DOUBLE); 167 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 169 168 if (result == NULL) { 170 169 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 206 205 207 206 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 208 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);207 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 209 208 if (result == NULL){ 210 209 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 157 157 return NULL; 158 158 } 159 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 160 PyArray_DOUBLE); 159 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 161 160 if (result == NULL) { 162 161 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 198 197 199 198 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 200 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);199 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 201 200 if (result == NULL){ 202 201 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 182 182 return NULL; 183 183 } 184 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 185 PyArray_DOUBLE); 184 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 186 185 if (result == NULL) { 187 186 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 223 222 224 223 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 225 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);224 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 226 225 if (result == NULL){ 227 226 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 224 224 return NULL; 225 225 } 226 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 227 PyArray_DOUBLE); 226 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 228 227 if (result == NULL) { 229 228 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 265 264 266 265 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 267 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);266 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 268 267 if (result == NULL){ 269 268 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 200 200 return NULL; 201 201 } 202 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 203 PyArray_DOUBLE); 202 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 204 203 if (result == NULL) { 205 204 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 241 240 242 241 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 243 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);242 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 244 243 if (result == NULL){ 245 244 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 172 172 return NULL; 173 173 } 174 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 175 PyArray_DOUBLE); 174 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 176 175 if (result == NULL) { 177 176 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 213 212 214 213 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 215 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);214 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 216 215 if (result == NULL){ 217 216 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 159 159 return NULL; 160 160 } 161 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 162 PyArray_DOUBLE); 161 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 163 162 if (result == NULL) { 164 163 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 200 199 201 200 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 202 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);201 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 203 202 if (result == NULL){ 204 203 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 153 153 return NULL; 154 154 } 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 156 PyArray_DOUBLE); 155 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 157 156 if (result == NULL) { 158 157 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 194 193 195 194 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 196 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);195 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 197 196 if (result == NULL){ 198 197 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 158 158 return NULL; 159 159 } 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 161 PyArray_DOUBLE); 160 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 162 161 if (result == NULL) { 163 162 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 199 198 200 199 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 201 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);200 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 202 201 if (result == NULL){ 203 202 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 216 216 return NULL; 217 217 } 218 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 219 PyArray_DOUBLE); 218 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 220 219 if (result == NULL) { 221 220 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 257 256 258 257 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 259 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);258 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 260 259 if (result == NULL){ 261 260 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 157 157 return NULL; 158 158 } 159 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 160 PyArray_DOUBLE); 159 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 161 160 if (result == NULL) { 162 161 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 198 197 199 198 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 200 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);199 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 201 200 if (result == NULL){ 202 201 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 177 177 return NULL; 178 178 } 179 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 180 PyArray_DOUBLE); 179 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 181 180 if (result == NULL) { 182 181 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 218 217 219 218 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 220 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);219 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 221 220 if (result == NULL){ 222 221 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 157 157 return NULL; 158 158 } 159 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 160 PyArray_DOUBLE); 159 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 161 160 if (result == NULL) { 162 161 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 198 197 199 198 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 200 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);199 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 201 200 if (result == NULL){ 202 201 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 178 178 return NULL; 179 179 } 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 181 PyArray_DOUBLE); 180 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 182 181 if (result == NULL) { 183 182 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 219 218 220 219 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 221 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);220 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 222 221 if (result == NULL){ 223 222 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 162 162 return NULL; 163 163 } 164 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 165 PyArray_DOUBLE); 164 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 166 165 if (result == NULL) { 167 166 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 203 202 204 203 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 205 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);204 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 206 205 if (result == NULL){ 207 206 const char * message= "Could not create result "; -
r0b082f3 rab87b61 143 143 return NULL; 144 144 } 145 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(q->nd, (int *)(q->dimensions), 146 PyArray_DOUBLE); 145 result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(q->nd, (npy_intp *)(q->dimensions), PyArray_DOUBLE); 147 146 if (result == NULL) { 148 147 const char * message= "Could not create result "; … … 184 183 185 184 // Make a new double matrix of same dims 186 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);185 result=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp *)dims,NPY_DOUBLE); 187 186 if (result == NULL){ 188 187 const char * message= "Could not create result ";
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.