Changeset 6d6832e in sasview
- Timestamp:
- Apr 7, 2017 3:16:20 AM (8 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, magnetic_scatt, release-4.2.2, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload
- Children:
- 62af61fd, d1bee3f
- Parents:
- 9d06728 (diff), 5ed76f8 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent. - Files:
- 5 deleted
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9a5097c r5ed76f8 909 909 def set_sldms(self, sld_mx, sld_my, sld_mz): 910 910 r""" 911 Sets (\|m\|, m_theta, m_phi)912 """ 911 Sets mx, my, mz and abs(m). 912 """ # Note: escaping 913 913 if sld_mx.__class__.__name__ == 'float': 914 914 self.sld_mx = np.ones(len(self.pos_x)) * sld_mx -
rf9b0c81 r5ed76f8 9 9 10 10 SasView generates three different types of graph window: one that displays *1D data* 11 (i e, I(Q) vs Q), one that displays *1D residuals* (ie, the difference between the12 experimental data and the theory at the same Qvalues), and *2D color maps*.11 (i.e., $I(Q)$ vs $Q$), one that displays *1D residuals* (ie, the difference between the 12 experimental data and the theory at the same $Q$ values), and *2D color maps*. 13 13 14 14 Graph window options … … 42 42 plot window. 43 43 44 .. note:: 44 .. note:: 45 45 *If a residuals graph (when fitting data) is hidden, it will not show up 46 46 after computation.* … … 138 138 style and size. *Remove Text* will remove the last annotation added. To change 139 139 the legend. *Window Title* allows a custom title to be entered instead of Graph 140 x. 140 x. 141 141 142 142 Changing scales … … 226 226 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 227 227 228 Linear fit performs a simple ( y(x)=ax+b )linear fit within the plot window.228 Linear fit performs a simple $y(x)=ax+b$ linear fit within the plot window. 229 229 230 230 In the *Dataset Menu* (see Invoking_the_dataset_menu_), select *Linear Fit*. A … … 234 234 235 235 This option is most useful for performing simple Guinier, XS Guinier, and 236 Porod type analyses, for example, to estimate Rg, a rod diameter, or incoherent236 Porod type analyses, for example, to estimate $R_g$, a rod diameter, or incoherent 237 237 background level, respectively. 238 238 … … 319 319 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 320 320 321 This operation will perform an average in constant Q-rings around the (x,y)321 This operation will perform an average in constant $Q$ rings around the (x,y) 322 322 pixel location of the beam center. 323 323 … … 331 331 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 332 332 333 This operation averages in constant Q-arcs.334 335 The width of the sector is specified in degrees ( +/- |delta|\|phi|\) each side336 of the central angle (|phi|\).337 338 Annular average [ |phi| View]339 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 340 341 This operation performs an average between two Q-values centered on (0,0),333 This operation averages in constant $Q$ arcs. 334 335 The width of the sector is specified in degrees ($\pm\delta|\phi|$) each side 336 of the central angle $\phi$. 337 338 Annular average [:math:`\phi`] 339 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 340 341 This operation performs an average between two $Q$ values centered on (0,0), 342 342 and averaged over a specified number of pixels. 343 343 344 The data is returned as a function of angle (|phi|\)in degrees with zero344 The data is returned as a function of angle $\phi$ in degrees with zero 345 345 degrees at the 3 O'clock position. 346 346 … … 356 356 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 357 357 358 This operation computes an average I(Qx)for the region of interest.358 This operation computes an average $I(Q_x)$ for the region of interest. 359 359 360 360 When editing the slicer parameters, the user can control the length and the 361 361 width the rectangular slicer. The averaged output is calculated from constant 362 bins with rectangular shape. The resultant Qvalues are nominal values, that362 bins with rectangular shape. The resultant $Q$ values are nominal values, that 363 363 is, the central value of each bin on the x-axis. 364 364 … … 366 366 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 367 367 368 This operation computes an average I(Qy)for the region of interest.368 This operation computes an average $I(Q_y)$ for the region of interest. 369 369 370 370 When editing the slicer parameters, the user can control the length and the 371 371 width the rectangular slicer. The averaged output is calculated from constant 372 bins with rectangular shape. The resultant Qvalues are nominal values, that372 bins with rectangular shape. The resultant $Q$ values are nominal values, that 373 373 is, the central value of each bin on the x-axis. 374 374 -
r7805458 r5ed76f8 10 10 ----------- 11 11 12 This tool is approximately estimates the thickness of a layer or the diameter13 of particles from the position of the Kiessig fringe/Bragg peak in NR/SAS data 14 usingthe relation12 This tool estimates real space dimensions from the position or spacing of 13 features in recipricol space. In particular a particle of size $d$ will 14 give rise to Bragg peaks with spacing $\Delta q$ according to the relation 15 15 16 (thickness *or* size) = 2 * |pi| / (fringe_width *or* peak position) 17 16 .. math:: 17 18 d = 2\pi / \Delta q 19 20 Similarly, the spacing between the peaks in Kiessig fringes in reflectometry 21 data arise from layers of thickness $d$. 22 18 23 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 19 24 … … 21 26 -------------- 22 27 23 To get a rough thickness or particle size, simply type the fringe or peak 28 To get a rough thickness or particle size, simply type the fringe or peak 24 29 position (in units of 1/|Ang|\) and click on the *Compute* button. 25 30 26 31 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 27 32 28 .. note:: This help document was last changed by Steve King, 01May2015 29 33 .. note:: This help document was last changed by Paul Kienzle, 05Apr2017 -
r6aad2e8 r5ed76f8 10 10 ----------- 11 11 12 This tool is approximately estimates the resolution of Q from SAS instrumental13 parameter values assuming that the detector is flat and normal to the 12 This tool is approximately estimates the resolution of $Q$ from SAS instrumental 13 parameter values assuming that the detector is flat and normal to the 14 14 incident beam. 15 15 … … 23 23 2) Select the source (Neutron or Photon) and source type (Monochromatic or TOF). 24 24 25 *NOTE! The computational difference between the sources is only the 25 *NOTE! The computational difference between the sources is only the 26 26 gravitational contribution due to the mass of the particles.* 27 27 28 3) Change the default values of the instrumental parameters as required. Be 28 3) Change the default values of the instrumental parameters as required. Be 29 29 careful to note that distances are specified in cm! 30 30 31 4) Enter values for the source wavelength(s), |lambda|\ , and its spread (= FWHM/|lambda|\).32 33 For monochromatic sources, the inputs are just one value. For TOF sources, 34 the minimum and maximum values should be separated by a '-' to specify a 31 4) Enter values for the source wavelength(s), $\lambda$, and its spread (= $\text{FWHM}/\lambda$). 32 33 For monochromatic sources, the inputs are just one value. For TOF sources, 34 the minimum and maximum values should be separated by a '-' to specify a 35 35 range. 36 37 Optionally, the wavelength (BUT NOT of the wavelength spread) can be extended 38 by adding '; nn' where the 'nn' specifies the number of the bins for the 39 numerical integration. The default value is nn = 10. The same number of bins 36 37 Optionally, the wavelength (BUT NOT of the wavelength spread) can be extended 38 by adding '; nn' where the 'nn' specifies the number of the bins for the 39 numerical integration. The default value is nn = 10. The same number of bins 40 40 will be used for the corresponding wavelength spread. 41 41 42 5) For TOF, the default wavelength spectrum is flat. A custom spectral 43 distribution file (2-column text: wavelength (|Ang|\) vs Intensity) can also 42 5) For TOF, the default wavelength spectrum is flat. A custom spectral 43 distribution file (2-column text: wavelength (|Ang|\) vs Intensity) can also 44 44 be loaded by selecting *Add new* in the combo box. 45 45 46 6) When ready, click the *Compute* button. Depending on the computation the 46 6) When ready, click the *Compute* button. Depending on the computation the 47 47 calculation time will vary. 48 48 49 7) 1D and 2D dQ values will be displayed at the bottom of the panel, and a 2D50 resolution weight distribution (a 2D elliptical Gaussian function) will also 51 be displayed in the plot panel even if the Q inputs are outside of the49 7) 1D and 2D $dQ$ values will be displayed at the bottom of the panel, and a 2D 50 resolution weight distribution (a 2D elliptical Gaussian function) will also 51 be displayed in the plot panel even if the $Q$ inputs are outside of the 52 52 detector limit (the red lines indicate the limits of the detector). 53 54 TOF only: green lines indicate the limits of the maximum Q range accessible53 54 TOF only: green lines indicate the limits of the maximum $Q$ range accessible 55 55 for the longest wavelength due to the size of the detector. 56 57 Note that the effect from the beam block/stop is ignored, so in the small Q58 region near the beam block/stop59 56 60 [ie., Q < 2. |pi|\ .(beam block diameter) / (sample-to-detector distance) / |lambda|\_min] 57 Note that the effect from the beam block/stop is ignored, so in the small $Q$ 58 region near the beam block/stop 59 60 [i.e., $Q < (2 \pi \cdot \text{beam block diameter}) / (\text{sample-to-detector distance} \cdot \lambda_\text{min})$] 61 61 62 62 the variance is slightly under estimated. 63 63 64 8) A summary of the calculation is written to the SasView *Console* at the 64 8) A summary of the calculation is written to the SasView *Console* at the 65 65 bottom of the main SasView window. 66 66 … … 76 76 .. image:: q.png 77 77 78 In the small-angle limit, the variance of Q is to a first-order78 In the small-angle limit, the variance of $Q$ is to a first-order 79 79 approximation 80 80 … … 85 85 .. image:: sigma_table.png 86 86 87 Finally, a Gaussian function is used to describe the 2D weighting distribution 88 of the uncertainty in Q.87 Finally, a Gaussian function is used to describe the 2D weighting distribution 88 of the uncertainty in $Q$. 89 89 90 90 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 93 93 ---------- 94 94 95 D.F.R. Mildner and J.M. Carpenter 95 D.F.R. Mildner and J.M. Carpenter 96 96 *J. Appl. Cryst.* 17 (1984) 249-256 97 97 98 D.F.R. Mildner, J.M. Carpenter and D.L. Worcester 98 D.F.R. Mildner, J.M. Carpenter and D.L. Worcester 99 99 *J. Appl. Cryst.* 19 (1986) 311-319 100 100 -
r6aad2e8 r5ed76f8 19 19 ------ 20 20 21 In general, a particle with a volume *V* can be described by an ensemble22 containing *N* 3-dimensional rectangular pixels where each pixel is much23 smaller than *V*.21 In general, a particle with a volume $V$ can be described by an ensemble 22 containing $N$ 3-dimensional rectangular pixels where each pixel is much 23 smaller than $V$. 24 24 25 Assuming that all the pixel sizes are the same, the elastic scattering 25 Assuming that all the pixel sizes are the same, the elastic scattering 26 26 intensity from the particle is 27 27 … … 30 30 Equation 1. 31 31 32 where |beta|\ :sub:`j` and *r*\ :sub:`j` are the scattering length density and33 the position of the j'thpixel respectively.32 where $\beta_j$ and $r_j$ are the scattering length density and 33 the position of the $j^\text{th}$ pixel respectively. 34 34 35 The total volume *V*35 The total volume $V$ 36 36 37 .. image:: v_j.png37 .. math:: 38 38 39 for |beta|\ :sub:`j` |noteql|\0 where *v*\ :sub:`j` is the volume of the j'th 40 pixel (or the j'th natural atomic volume (= atomic mass / (natural molar 39 V = \sum_j^N v_j 40 41 for $\beta_j \ne 0$ where $v_j$ is the volume of the $j^\text{th}$ 42 pixel (or the $j^\text{th}$ natural atomic volume (= atomic mass / (natural molar 41 43 density * Avogadro number) for the atomic structures). 42 44 43 *V* can be corrected by users. This correction is useful especially for an 44 atomic structure (such as taken from a PDB file) to get the right normalization. 45 $V$ can be corrected by users. This correction is useful especially for an 46 atomic structure (such as taken from a PDB file) to get the right normalization. 45 47 46 *NOTE! * |beta|\ :sub:`j` *displayed in the GUI may be incorrect but this will not48 *NOTE! $\beta_j$ displayed in the GUI may be incorrect but this will not 47 49 affect the scattering computation if the correction of the total volume V is made.* 48 50 49 The scattering length density (SLD) of each pixel, where the SLD is uniform, is 50 a combination of the nuclear and magnetic SLDs and depends on the spin states 51 The scattering length density (SLD) of each pixel, where the SLD is uniform, is 52 a combination of the nuclear and magnetic SLDs and depends on the spin states 51 53 of the neutrons as follows. 52 54 … … 54 56 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 55 57 56 For magnetic scattering, only the magnetization component, *M*\ :sub:`perp`\ ,57 perpendicular to the scattering vector *Q* contributes to the magnetic58 For magnetic scattering, only the magnetization component, $M_\perp$, 59 perpendicular to the scattering vector $Q$ contributes to the magnetic 58 60 scattering length. 59 61 … … 64 66 .. image:: dm_eq.png 65 67 66 where the gyromagnetic ratio |gamma| = -1.913, |mu|\ :sub:`B` is the Bohr67 magneton, *r*\ :sub:`0` is the classical radius of electron, and |sigma| is the68 where the gyromagnetic ratio is $\gamma = -1.913$, $\mu_B$ is the Bohr 69 magneton, $r_0$ is the classical radius of electron, and $\sigma$ is the 68 70 Pauli spin. 69 71 70 72 For a polarized neutron, the magnetic scattering is depending on the spin states. 71 73 72 Let us consider that the incident neutrons are polarised both parallel (+) and 73 anti-parallel (-) to the x' axis (see below). The possible states after 74 scattering from the sample are then 74 Let us consider that the incident neutrons are polarised both parallel (+) and 75 anti-parallel (-) to the x' axis (see below). The possible states after 76 scattering from the sample are then 75 77 76 78 * Non-spin flips: (+ +) and (- -) … … 79 81 .. image:: gen_mag_pic.png 80 82 81 Now let us assume that the angles of the *Q* vector and the spin-axis (x') 82 to the x-axis are |phi| and |theta|\ :sub:`up` respectively (see above). Then,83 depending upon the polarization (spin) state of neutrons, the scattering 84 length densities, including the nuclear scattering length density ( |beta|\ :sub:`N`\ )83 Now let us assume that the angles of the *Q* vector and the spin-axis (x') 84 to the x-axis are $\phi$ and $\theta_\text{up}$ respectively (see above). Then, 85 depending upon the polarization (spin) state of neutrons, the scattering 86 length densities, including the nuclear scattering length density ($\beta_N$) 85 87 are given as 86 88 … … 105 107 .. image:: mqy.png 106 108 107 Here the *M0*\ :sub:`x`\ , *M0*\ :sub:`y` and *M0*\ :sub:`z` are the x, y and z108 components of the magnetisation vector in the laboratory xyz frame.109 Here the $M0_x$, $M0_y$ and $M0_z$ are the $x$, $y$ and $z$ 110 components of the magnetisation vector in the laboratory $xyz$ frame. 109 111 110 112 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 115 117 .. image:: gen_gui_help.png 116 118 117 After computation the result will appear in the *Theory* box in the SasView 119 After computation the result will appear in the *Theory* box in the SasView 118 120 *Data Explorer* panel. 119 121 120 *Up_frac_in* and *Up_frac_out* are the ratio 122 *Up_frac_in* and *Up_frac_out* are the ratio 121 123 122 124 (spin up) / (spin up + spin down) 123 125 124 126 of neutrons before the sample and at the analyzer, respectively. 125 127 126 *NOTE 1. The values of* Up_frac_in *and* Up_frac_out *must be in the range 128 *NOTE 1. The values of* Up_frac_in *and* Up_frac_out *must be in the range 127 129 0.0 to 1.0. Both values are 0.5 for unpolarized neutrons.* 128 130 129 *NOTE 2. This computation is totally based on the pixel (or atomic) data fixed 131 *NOTE 2. This computation is totally based on the pixel (or atomic) data fixed 130 132 in xyz coordinates. No angular orientational averaging is considered.* 131 133 132 *NOTE 3. For the nuclear scattering length density, only the real component 134 *NOTE 3. For the nuclear scattering length density, only the real component 133 135 is taken account.* 134 136 … … 139 141 140 142 The SANS Calculator tool can read some PDB, OMF or SLD files but ignores 141 polarized/magnetic scattering when doing so, thus related parameters such as 143 polarized/magnetic scattering when doing so, thus related parameters such as 142 144 *Up_frac_in*, etc, will be ignored. 143 145 144 The calculation for fixed orientation uses Equation 1 above resulting in a 2D 145 output, whereas the scattering calculation averaged over all the orientations 146 The calculation for fixed orientation uses Equation 1 above resulting in a 2D 147 output, whereas the scattering calculation averaged over all the orientations 146 148 uses the Debye equation below providing a 1D output 147 149 148 150 .. image:: gen_debye_eq.png 149 151 150 where *v*\ :sub:`j` |beta|\ :sub:`j` |equiv| *b*\ :sub:`j` is the scattering151 length of the j'th atom. The calculation output is passed to the *Data Explorer*152 where $v_j \beta_j \equiv b_j$ is the scattering 153 length of the $j^\text{th}$ atom. The calculation output is passed to the *Data Explorer* 152 154 for further use. 153 155 -
rf93b473f r5ed76f8 10 10 ----------- 11 11 12 The neutron scattering length density (SLD ) is defined as12 The neutron scattering length density (SLD, $\beta_N$) is defined as 13 13 14 SLD = (b_c1 + b_c2 + ... + b_cn) / Vm 14 .. math:: 15 15 16 where b_ci is the bound coherent scattering length of ith of n atoms in a molecule 17 with the molecular volume Vm 16 \beta_N = (b_{c1} + b_{c2} + ... + b_{cn}) / V_m 17 18 where $b_{ci}$ is the bound coherent scattering length of ith of n atoms in a molecule 19 with the molecular volume $V_m$. 18 20 19 21 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 22 24 ---------------------------- 23 25 24 To calculate scattering length densities enter the empirical formula of a 26 To calculate scattering length densities enter the empirical formula of a 25 27 compound and its mass density and click "Calculate". 26 28 27 Entering a wavelength value is optional (a default value of 6.0 |Ang| will 29 Entering a wavelength value is optional (a default value of 6.0 |Ang| will 28 30 be used). 29 31 … … 38 40 * Parentheses can be nested, such as "(CaCO3(H2O)6)1". 39 41 40 * Isotopes are represented by their atomic number in *square brackets*, such 42 * Isotopes are represented by their atomic number in *square brackets*, such 41 43 as "CaCO[18]3+6H2O", H[1], or H[2]. 42 44 43 45 * Numbers of atoms can be integer or decimal, such as "CaCO3+(3HO0.5)2". 44 46 45 * The SLD of mixtures can be calculated as well. For example, for a 70-30 47 * The SLD of mixtures can be calculated as well. For example, for a 70-30 46 48 mixture of H2O/D2O write "H14O7+D6O3" or more simply "H7D3O5" (i.e. this says 47 49 7 hydrogens, 3 deuteriums, and 5 oxygens) and enter a mass density calculated 48 50 on the percentages of H2O and D2O. 49 51 50 * Type "C[13]6 H[2]12 O[18]6" for C(13)6H(2)12O(18)6 (6 Carbon-13 atoms, 12 52 * Type "C[13]6 H[2]12 O[18]6" for C(13)6H(2)12O(18)6 (6 Carbon-13 atoms, 12 51 53 deuterium atoms, and 6 Oxygen-18 atoms). 52 54 53 55 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 54 56 55 .. note:: This help document was last changed by Steve King, 01May201557 .. note:: This help document was last changed by Paul Kienzle, 05Apr2017 56 58 -
rf93b473f r5ed76f8 11 11 ----------- 12 12 13 This tool enables X-ray users to calculate the slit size (FWHM/2) for smearing 13 This tool enables X-ray users to calculate the slit size (FWHM/2) for smearing 14 14 based on their half beam profile data. 15 15 16 16 *NOTE! Whilst it may have some more generic applicability, the calculator has 17 only been tested with beam profile data from Anton-Paar SAXSess*\ |TM|\ 18 *software.* 17 only been tested with beam profile data from Anton-Paar SAXSess:sup:`TM` software.* 19 18 20 19 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 27 26 2) Load a beam profile file in the *Data* field using the *Browse* button. 28 27 29 *NOTE! To see an example of the beam profile file format, visit the file 28 *NOTE! To see an example of the beam profile file format, visit the file 30 29 beam profile.DAT in your {installation_directory}/SasView/test folder.* 31 30 32 3) Once a data is loaded, the slit size is automatically computed and displayed 31 3) Once a data is loaded, the slit size is automatically computed and displayed 33 32 in the tool window. 34 33 35 *NOTE! The beam profile file does not carry any information about the units of 34 *NOTE! The beam profile file does not carry any information about the units of 36 35 the Q data. This calculator assumes the data has units of 1/\ |Ang|\ . If the 37 36 data is not in these units it must be manually converted beforehand.* -
r6aad2e8 r5ed76f8 381 381 382 382 In the bottom left corner of the *Fit Page* is a box displaying the normalised value 383 of the statistical |chi|\ :sup:`2`parameter returned by the optimiser.383 of the statistical $\chi^2$ parameter returned by the optimiser. 384 384 385 385 Now check the box for another model parameter and click *Fit* again. Repeat this … … 387 387 fit of the theory to the experimental data improves the value of 'chi2/Npts' will 388 388 decrease. A good model fit should easily produce values of 'chi2/Npts' that are 389 close to zero, and certainly <100. See :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`.389 close to one, and certainly <100. See :ref:`Assessing_Fit_Quality`. 390 390 391 391 SasView has a number of different optimisers (see the section :ref:`Fitting_Options`). -
r6aad2e8 r5ed76f8 20 20 -------------------------------- 21 21 22 Magnetic scattering is implemented in five (2D) models 22 Magnetic scattering is implemented in five (2D) models 23 23 24 24 * *sphere* … … 28 28 * *parallelepiped* 29 29 30 In general, the scattering length density (SLD, = |beta|) in each region where the30 In general, the scattering length density (SLD, = $\beta$) in each region where the 31 31 SLD is uniform, is a combination of the nuclear and magnetic SLDs and, for polarised 32 32 neutrons, also depends on the spin states of the neutrons. 33 33 34 For magnetic scattering, only the magnetization component, *M*\ :sub:`perp`,35 perpendicular to the scattering vector *Q*contributes to the the magnetic34 For magnetic scattering, only the magnetization component, $M_\perp$, 35 perpendicular to the scattering vector $Q$ contributes to the the magnetic 36 36 scattering length. 37 37 … … 42 42 .. image:: dm_eq.png 43 43 44 where |gamma| = -1.913 is the gyromagnetic ratio, |mu|\ :sub:`B`is the45 Bohr magneton, *r*\ :sub:`0` is the classical radius of electron, and |sigma|44 where $\gamma = -1.913$ is the gyromagnetic ratio, $\mu_B$ is the 45 Bohr magneton, $r_0$ is the classical radius of electron, and $\sigma$ 46 46 is the Pauli spin. 47 47 … … 55 55 .. image:: M_angles_pic.png 56 56 57 If the angles of the *Q* vector and the spin-axis (*x'*) to the *x*-axis are |phi|58 and |theta|\ :sub:`up`, respectively, then, depending on the spin state of the57 If the angles of the $Q$ vector and the spin-axis (*x'*) to the *x*-axis are $\phi$ 58 and $\theta_\text{up}$, respectively, then, depending on the spin state of the 59 59 neutrons, the scattering length densities, including the nuclear scattering 60 length density ( |beta|\ :sub:`N`) are60 length density ($\beta_N$) are 61 61 62 62 .. image:: sld1.png … … 78 78 .. image:: mqy.png 79 79 80 Here, *M*\ :sub:`0x`, *M*\ :sub:`0y` and *M*\ :sub:`0z` are the x, y and zcomponents81 of the magnetization vector given in the laboratory xyzframe given by80 Here, $M_{0x}$, $M_{0y}$ and $M_{0z}$ are the $x$, $y$ and $z$ components 81 of the magnetization vector given in the laboratory $xyz$ frame given by 82 82 83 83 .. image:: m0x_eq.png … … 87 87 .. image:: m0z_eq.png 88 88 89 and the magnetization angles |theta|\ :sub:`M` and |phi|\ :sub:`M`are defined in89 and the magnetization angles $\theta_M$ and $\phi_M$ are defined in 90 90 the figure above. 91 91 … … 93 93 94 94 =========== ================================================================ 95 M0_sld = *D*\ :sub:`M` *M*\ :sub:`0`96 Up_theta = |theta|\ :sub:`up`97 M_theta = |theta|\ :sub:`M`98 M_phi = |phi|\ :sub:`M`95 M0_sld = $D_M M_0$ 96 Up_theta = $\theta_\text{up}$ 97 M_theta = $\theta_M$ 98 M_phi = $\phi_M$ 99 99 Up_frac_i = (spin up)/(spin up + spin down) neutrons *before* the sample 100 100 Up_frac_f = (spin up)/(spin up + spin down) neutrons *after* the sample -
r6aad2e8 r5ed76f8 24 24 form factor is normalized by the average particle volume such that 25 25 26 *P(q) = scale* * \ <F*\F> / *V + bkg* 26 .. math:: 27 27 28 where F is the scattering amplitude and the \<\> denote an average over the size 29 distribution. 28 P(q) = \text{scale} \langle F^*F rangle V + \text{background} 29 30 where $F$ is the scattering amplitude and $\langle\cdot\rangle$ denotes an average 31 over the size distribution. 30 32 31 33 Users should note that this computation is very intensive. Applying polydispersion … … 57 59 .. image:: pd_image001.png 58 60 59 where *xmean* is the mean of the distribution, *w* is the half-width, and *Norm* is a60 normalization factor which is determined during the numerical calculation.61 where $x_{mean}$ is the mean of the distribution, $w$ is the half-width, and $Norm$ 62 is a normalization factor which is determined during the numerical calculation. 61 63 62 Note that the standard deviation and the half width *w*are different!64 Note that the standard deviation and the half width $w$ are different! 63 65 64 66 The standard deviation is … … 81 83 .. image:: pd_image005.png 82 84 83 where *xmean* is the mean of the distribution and *Norm*is a normalization factor85 where $x_{mean}$ is the mean of the distribution and $Norm$ is a normalization factor 84 86 which is determined during the numerical calculation. 85 87 … … 100 102 .. image:: pd_image007.png 101 103 102 where |mu|\ =ln(*xmed*), *xmed*is the median value of the distribution, and103 *Norm*is a normalization factor which will be determined during the numerical104 where $\mu=\ln(x_{med})$, $x_{med}$ is the median value of the distribution, and 105 $Norm$ is a normalization factor which will be determined during the numerical 104 106 calculation. 105 107 … … 107 109 size parameter in the *FitPage*, for example, radius = 60. 108 110 109 The polydispersity is given by |sigma|111 The polydispersity is given by $\sigma$ 110 112 111 113 .. image:: pd_image008.png … … 115 117 .. image:: pd_image009.png 116 118 117 The mean value is given by *xmean*\ =exp(|mu|\ +p\ :sup:`2`\ /2). The peak value118 is given by *xpeak*\ =exp(|mu|-p\ :sup:`2`\ ).119 The mean value is given by $x_{mean} =\exp(\mu + p^2 /2)$. The peak value 120 is given by $x_{peak} =\exp(\mu-p^2)$. 119 121 120 122 .. image:: pd_image010.jpg 121 123 122 This distribution function spreads more, and the peak shifts to the left, as *p*124 This distribution function spreads more, and the peak shifts to the left, as $p$ 123 125 increases, requiring higher values of Nsigmas and Npts. 124 126 … … 132 134 .. image:: pd_image011.png 133 135 134 where *xmean* is the mean of the distribution and *Norm*is a normalization factor135 which is determined during the numerical calculation, and *z*is a measure of the136 where $x_{mean}$ is the mean of the distribution and $Norm$ is a normalization factor 137 which is determined during the numerical calculation, and $z$ is a measure of the 136 138 width of the distribution such that 137 139 138 z = (1-p\ :sup:`2`\ ) / p\ :sup:`2` 140 .. math:: 141 142 z = (1-p^2 ) / p^2 139 143 140 144 The polydispersity is … … 156 160 157 161 This user-definable distribution should be given as as a simple ASCII text file 158 where the array is defined by two columns of numbers: *x* and *f(x)*. The *f(x)*162 where the array is defined by two columns of numbers: $x$ and $f(x)$. The $f(x)$ 159 163 will be normalized by SasView during the computation. 160 164 … … 172 176 173 177 SasView only uses these array values during the computation, therefore any mean 174 value of the parameter represented by *x*present in the *FitPage*178 value of the parameter represented by $x$ present in the *FitPage* 175 179 will be ignored. 176 180 … … 181 185 182 186 Many commercial Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instruments produce a size 183 polydispersity parameter, sometimes even given the symbol *p*! This parameter is187 polydispersity parameter, sometimes even given the symbol $p$! This parameter is 184 188 defined as the relative standard deviation coefficient of variation of the size 185 189 distribution and is NOT the same as the polydispersity parameters in the Lognormal -
r7805458 r5ed76f8 18 18 also provides two other measures of the quality of a fit: 19 19 20 * |chi|\ :sup:`2`(or 'Chi2'; pronounced 'chi-squared')20 * $\chi^2$ (or 'Chi2'; pronounced 'chi-squared') 21 21 * *Residuals* 22 22 … … 32 32 *Npts* such that 33 33 34 *Chi2/Npts* = { SUM[(*Y_i* - *Y_theory_i*)^2 / (*Y_error_i*)^2] } / *Npts* 34 .. math:: 35 35 36 This differs slightly from what is sometimes called the 'reduced chi-squared' 36 \chi^2/N_{pts} = \sum[(Y_i - Y_{theory}_i)^2 / (Y_error_i)^2] } / N_{pts} 37 38 This differs slightly from what is sometimes called the 'reduced $\chi^2$' 37 39 because it does not take into account the number of fitting parameters (to 38 calculate the number of 'degrees of freedom'), but the 'normalized chi-squared'39 and the 'reduced chi-squared' are very close to each other when *Npts* >> number of40 parameters.40 calculate the number of 'degrees of freedom'), but the 'normalized $\chi^2$ 41 and the 'reduced $\chi^2$ are very close to each other when $N_{pts} \gg 42 \text{number of parameters}. 41 43 42 For a good fit, *Chi2/Npts* tends to 0.44 For a good fit, $\chi^2/N_{pts}$ tends to 1. 43 45 44 *Chi2/Npts*is sometimes referred to as the 'goodness-of-fit' parameter.46 $\chi^2/N_{pts}$ is sometimes referred to as the 'goodness-of-fit' parameter. 45 47 46 48 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 53 55 value and its *true* value is its error). 54 56 55 *SasView* calculates 'normalized residuals', *R_i*, for each data point in the57 *SasView* calculates 'normalized residuals', $R_i$, for each data point in the 56 58 fit: 57 59 58 *R_i* = (*Y_i* - *Y_theory_i*) / (*Y_err_i*) 60 .. math:: 59 61 60 For a good fit, *R_i* ~ 0. 62 R_i = (Y_i - Y_theory_i) / (Y_err_i) 63 64 For a good fit, $R_i \sim 0$. 61 65 62 66 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ -
r6aad2e8 r5ed76f8 20 20 ================== 21 21 22 Sometimes the instrumental geometry used to acquire the experimental data has 23 an impact on the clarity of features in the reduced scattering curve. For 24 example, peaks or fringes might be slightly broadened. This is known as 25 *Q resolution smearing*. To compensate for this effect one can either try and 26 remove the resolution contribution - a process called *desmearing* - or add the 27 resolution contribution into a model calculation/simulation (which by definition 28 will be exact) to make it more representative of what has been measured 22 Sometimes the instrumental geometry used to acquire the experimental data has 23 an impact on the clarity of features in the reduced scattering curve. For 24 example, peaks or fringes might be slightly broadened. This is known as 25 *Q resolution smearing*. To compensate for this effect one can either try and 26 remove the resolution contribution - a process called *desmearing* - or add the 27 resolution contribution into a model calculation/simulation (which by definition 28 will be exact) to make it more representative of what has been measured 29 29 experimentally - a process called *smearing*. SasView will do the latter. 30 30 31 Both smearing and desmearing rely on functions to describe the resolution 31 Both smearing and desmearing rely on functions to describe the resolution 32 32 effect. SasView provides three smearing algorithms: 33 33 … … 36 36 * *2D Smearing* 37 37 38 SasView also has an option to use Q resolution data (estimated at the time of38 SasView also has an option to use $Q$ resolution data (estimated at the time of 39 39 data reduction) supplied in a reduced data file: the *Use dQ data* radio button. 40 40 … … 43 43 dQ Smearing 44 44 ----------- 45 46 If this option is checked, SasView will assume that the supplied dQ values45 46 If this option is checked, SasView will assume that the supplied $dQ$ values 47 47 represent the standard deviations of Gaussian functions. 48 48 … … 65 65 **[Equation 1]** 66 66 67 The functions |inlineimage004| and |inlineimage005|68 refer to the slit width weighting function and the slit height weighting 69 determined at the given *q*point, respectively. It is assumed that the weighting67 The functions $W_v(v)$ and $W_u(u)$ 68 refer to the slit width weighting function and the slit height weighting 69 determined at the given $q$ point, respectively. It is assumed that the weighting 70 70 function is described by a rectangular function, such that 71 71 … … 80 80 **[Equation 3]** 81 81 82 so that |inlineimage008| |inlineimage009| for |inlineimage010| and *u*\ . 83 84 Here |inlineimage011| and |inlineimage012| stand for 85 the slit height (FWHM/2) and the slit width (FWHM/2) in *q* space. 82 so that $\Delta q_\alpha = \int_0^\infty d\alpha W_\alpha(\alpha)$ 83 for $\alpha = v$ and $u$. 84 85 Here $\Delta q_u$ and $\Delta q_v$ stand for 86 the slit height (FWHM/2) and the slit width (FWHM/2) in $q$ space. 86 87 87 88 This simplifies the integral in Equation 1 to … … 91 92 **[Equation 4]** 92 93 93 which may be solved numerically, depending on the nature of |inlineimage011| and |inlineimage012| . 94 which may be solved numerically, depending on the nature of 95 $\Delta q_u$ and $\Delta q_v$. 94 96 95 97 Solution 1 96 98 ^^^^^^^^^^ 97 99 98 **For ** |inlineimage012| **= 0 and** |inlineimage011| **= constant.**100 **For $\Delta q_v= 0$ and $\Delta q_u = \text{constant}$.** 99 101 100 102 .. image:: sm_image016.png 101 103 102 For discrete *q* values, at the *q* values of the data points and at the *q*103 values extended up to *q*\ :sub:`N`\ = *q*\ :sub:`i` + |inlineimage011|the smeared104 For discrete $q$ values, at the $q$ values of the data points and at the $q$ 105 values extended up to $q_N = q_i + \Delta q_u$ the smeared 104 106 intensity can be approximately calculated as 105 107 … … 108 110 **[Equation 5]** 109 111 110 where |inlineimage018| = 0 for *I*\ :sub:`s` when *j* < *i* or *j* > *N-1*.112 where |inlineimage018| = 0 for $I_s$ when $j < i$ or $j > N-1$. 111 113 112 114 Solution 2 113 115 ^^^^^^^^^^ 114 116 115 **For ** |inlineimage012| **= constant and** |inlineimage011| **= 0.**117 **For $\Delta q_v = \text{constant}$ and $\Delta q_u= 0$.** 116 118 117 119 Similar to Case 1 118 120 119 |inlineimage019| for *q*\ :sub:`p` = *q*\ :sub:`i` - |inlineimage012| and *q*\ :sub:`N` = *q*\ :sub:`i` + |inlineimage012|121 |inlineimage019| for $q_p = q_i - \Delta q_v$ and $q_N = q_i + \Delta q_v$ 120 122 121 123 **[Equation 6]** 122 124 123 where |inlineimage018| = 0 for *I*\ :sub:`s` when *j* < *p* or *j* > *N-1*.125 where |inlineimage018| = 0 for $I_s$ when $j < p$ or $j > N-1$. 124 126 125 127 Solution 3 126 128 ^^^^^^^^^^ 127 129 128 **For ** |inlineimage011| **= constant and** |inlineimage011| **= constant.**130 **For $\Delta q_u = \text{constant}$ and $\Delta q_v = \text{constant}$.** 129 131 130 132 In this case, the best way is to perform the integration of Equation 1 … … 142 144 **[Equation 7]** 143 145 144 for *q*\ :sub:`p` = *q*\ :sub:`i` - |inlineimage012| and *q*\ :sub:`N` = *q*\ :sub:`i` + |inlineimage012| 145 146 where |inlineimage018| = 0 for *I*\ :sub:`s` when *j* < *p* or *j* > *N-1*. 146 for *q_p = q_i - \Delta q_v$ and $q_N = q_i + \Delta q_v$ 147 where |inlineimage018| = 0 for *I_s$ when $j < p$ or $j > N-1$. 147 148 148 149 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 175 176 **[Equation 9]** 176 177 177 In Equation 9, *x*\ :sub:`0` = *q* cos(|theta|), *y*\ :sub:`0` = *q* sin(|theta|), and 178 the primed axes, are all in the coordinate rotated by an angle |theta| about 179 the z-axis (see the figure below) so that *x'*\ :sub:`0` = *x*\ :sub:`0` cos(|theta|) + 180 *y*\ :sub:`0` sin(|theta|) and *y'*\ :sub:`0` = -*x*\ :sub:`0` sin(|theta|) + 181 *y*\ :sub:`0` cos(|theta|). Note that the rotation angle is zero for a x-y symmetric 182 elliptical Gaussian distribution. The *A* is a normalization factor. 178 In Equation 9, $x_0 = q \cos(\theta)$, $y_0 = q \sin(\theta)$, and 179 the primed axes, are all in the coordinate rotated by an angle $\theta$ about 180 the z-axis (see the figure below) so that 181 $x'_0 = x_0 \cos(\theta) + y_0 \sin(\theta)$ and 182 $y'_0 = -x_0 \sin(\theta) + y_0 \cos(\theta)$. 183 Note that the rotation angle is zero for a $xy$ symmetric 184 elliptical Gaussian distribution. The $A$ is a normalization factor. 183 185 184 186 .. image:: sm_image023.png 185 187 186 Now we consider a numerical integration where each of the bins in |theta| and *R*are187 *evenly* (this is to simplify the equation below) distributed by |bigdelta|\ |theta|188 and |bigdelta|\ R, respectively, and it is further assumed that *I(x',y')*is constant188 Now we consider a numerical integration where each of the bins in $\theta$ and $R$ are 189 *evenly* (this is to simplify the equation below) distributed by $\Delta \theta$ 190 and $\Delta R$, respectively, and it is further assumed that $I(x',y')$ is constant 189 191 within the bins. Then 190 192 … … 194 196 195 197 Since the weighting factor on each of the bins is known, it is convenient to 196 transform *x'-y'* back to *x-y* coordinates (by rotating it by -|theta|around the197 *z*axis).198 transform $x'y'$ back to $xy$ coordinates (by rotating it by $-\theta$ around the 199 $z$ axis). 198 200 199 201 Then, for a polar symmetric smear … … 207 209 .. image:: sm_image026.png 208 210 209 while for a *x-y*symmetric smear211 while for a $xy$ symmetric smear 210 212 211 213 .. image:: sm_image027.png … … 225 227 ------------------------- 226 228 227 In all the cases above, the weighting matrix *W*is calculated on the first call228 to a smearing function, and includes ~60 *q*values (finely and evenly binned)229 below (>0) and above the *q*range of data in order to smear all data points for230 a given model and slit/pinhole size. The *Norm*factor is found numerically with the231 weighting matrix and applied on the computation of *I*\ :sub:`s`.229 In all the cases above, the weighting matrix $W$ is calculated on the first call 230 to a smearing function, and includes ~60 $q$ values (finely and evenly binned) 231 below (>0) and above the $q$ range of data in order to smear all data points for 232 a given model and slit/pinhole size. The $Norm$ factor is found numerically with the 233 weighting matrix and applied on the computation of $I_s$. 232 234 233 235 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ -
r6aad2e8 r094b9eb 10 10 ----------- 11 11 12 The scattering, or Porod, invariant ( Q*\) is a model-independent quantity that12 The scattering, or Porod, invariant ($Q^*$) is a model-independent quantity that 13 13 can be easily calculated from scattering data. 14 14 15 For two phase systems, the scattering invariant is defined as the integral of 16 the square of the wave transfer (Q) multiplied by the scattering cross section17 over the full range of Qfrom zero to infinity, that is15 For two phase systems, the scattering invariant is defined as the integral of 16 the square of the wavevector transfer ($Q$) multiplied by the scattering cross section 17 over the full range of $Q$ from zero to infinity, that is 18 18 19 .. image:: image001.png19 .. math:: 20 20 21 where *g = q* for pinhole geometry (SAS) and *g = q*\ :sub:`v` (the slit height) for 22 slit geometry (USAS). 21 Q^* = \int_0^\infty q^2I(q)\,dq 23 22 24 The worth of Q*\ is that it can be used to determine the volume fraction and 25 the specific area of a sample. Whilst these quantities are useful in their own 23 in the case of pinhole geometry. For slit geometry the invariant is given by 24 25 .. math:: 26 27 Q^* = \Delta q_v \int_0^\infty qI(q)\,dq 28 29 where $\Delta q_v$ is the slit height. 30 31 The worth of $Q^*$ is that it can be used to determine the volume fraction and 32 the specific area of a sample. Whilst these quantities are useful in their own 26 33 right they can also be used in further analysis. 27 34 28 The difficulty with using Q*\ arises from the fact that experimental data is29 never measured over the range 0 =< *Q* =< infinity. At best, combining USAS and30 WAS data might cover the range 1e-5 =< *Q* =< 10 1/\ |Ang| . Thus it is usually31 necessary to extrapolate the experimental data to low and high *Q*. For this35 The difficulty with using $Q^*$ arises from the fact that experimental data is 36 never measured over the range $0 \le Q \le \infty$. At best, combining USAS and 37 WAS data might cover the range $10^{-5} \le Q \le 10$ 1/\ |Ang| . Thus it is usually 38 necessary to extrapolate the experimental data to low and high $Q$. For this 32 39 33 High- *Q*region (>= *Qmax* in data)40 High-\ $Q$ region (>= *Qmax* in data) 34 41 35 * The power law function *C*/*Q*\ :sup:`4` is used where the constant36 *C* (= 2.\ |pi|\ .(\ |bigdelta|\ |rho|\ ).\ *Sv*\ ) is to be found by fitting part of data37 within the range *Q*\ :sub:`N-m` to *Q*\ :sub:`N` (where m < N).42 * The power law function $C/Q^4$ is used where the constant 43 $C = 2 \pi \Delta\rho S_v$ is to be found by fitting part of data 44 within the range $Q_{N-m}$ to $Q_N$ (where $m < N$). 38 45 39 Low- *Q*region (<= *Qmin* in data)46 Low-\ $Q$ region (<= *Qmin* in data) 40 47 41 * The Guinier function *I0.exp(-Rg*\ :sup:`2`\ *Q*\ :sup:`2`\ */3)* where *I0*42 and *Rg* are obtained by fitting as for the high-*Q* region above.48 * The Guinier function $I_0 exp(-R_g^2 Q^2/3)$ where $I_0$ 49 and $R_g$ are obtained by fitting as for the high-\ $Q$ region above. 43 50 Alternatively a power law can be used. 44 51 … … 52 59 2) Load some data with the *Data Explorer*. 53 60 54 3) Select a dataset and use the *Send To* button on the *Data Explorer* to load 61 3) Select a dataset and use the *Send To* button on the *Data Explorer* to load 55 62 the dataset into the *Invariant* panel. 56 63 57 4) Use the *Customised Input* boxes on the *Invariant* panel to subtract 58 any background, specify the contrast (i.e. difference in SLDs - this must be 59 specified for the eventual value of Q*\ to be on an absolute scale), or to64 4) Use the *Customised Input* boxes on the *Invariant* panel to subtract 65 any background, specify the contrast (i.e. difference in SLDs - this must be 66 specified for the eventual value of $Q^*$ to be on an absolute scale), or to 60 67 rescale the data. 61 68 62 5) Adjust the extrapolation range as necessary. In most cases the default 69 5) Adjust the extrapolation range as necessary. In most cases the default 63 70 values will suffice. 64 71 65 72 6) Click the *Compute* button. 66 73 67 7) To include a lower and/or higher Q range, check the relevant *Enable74 7) To include a lower and/or higher $Q$ range, check the relevant *Enable 68 75 Extrapolate* check boxes. 69 70 If power law extrapolations are chosen, the exponent can be either held 71 fixed or fitted. The number of points, Npts, to be used for the basis of the 76 77 If power law extrapolations are chosen, the exponent can be either held 78 fixed or fitted. The number of points, Npts, to be used for the basis of the 72 79 extrapolation can also be specified. 73 80 74 8) If the value of Q*\ calculated with the extrapolated regions is invalid, a81 8) If the value of $Q^*$ calculated with the extrapolated regions is invalid, a 75 82 red warning will appear at the top of the *Invariant* panel. 76 83 77 The details of the calculation are available by clicking the *Details* 84 The details of the calculation are available by clicking the *Details* 78 85 button in the middle of the panel. 79 86 … … 88 95 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 89 96 90 The volume fraction |phi| is related to Q*\by97 The volume fraction $\phi$ is related to $Q^*$ by 91 98 92 .. image:: image002.png99 .. math:: 93 100 94 where |bigdelta|\ |rho| is the SLD contrast. 101 \phi(1 - \phi) = \frac{Q^*}{2\pi^2(\Delta\rho)^2} \equiv A 95 102 96 .. image:: image003.png 103 where $\Delta\rho$ is the SLD contrast. 104 105 .. math:: 106 107 \phi = \frac{1 \pm \sqrt{1 - 4A}}{2} 97 108 98 109 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ … … 101 112 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 102 113 103 The specific surface area *Sv* is related to Q*\by114 The specific surface area $S_v$ is related to $Q^*$ by 104 115 105 .. image:: image004.png116 .. math:: 106 117 107 where *Cp* is the Porod constant. 118 S_v = \frac{2\pi\phi(1-\phi)C_p}{Q^*} = \frac{2\pi A C_p}{Q^*} 119 120 where $C_p$ is the Porod constant. 108 121 109 122 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ -
r6aad2e8 r9d06728 373 373 copy_tree(html, SASVIEW_DOCS) 374 374 375 print "=== Build Latex Docs from Rest Files ===" 376["sphinx-build", 375 #We are building latex doc on linux only 376 if "linux" in platform: 377 print "=== Build Latex Docs from Rest Files ===" 378["sphinx-build", 377 379 "-b", "latex", # Builder name. TODO: accept as arg to 378 380 "-d", os.path.join(SPHINX_BUILD, "doctrees"), … … 380 382 os.path.join(SPHINX_BUILD, "latex")]) 381 383 382 print "=== Copy Latex Docs to Build Directory ==="383 latex = os.path.join(SPHINX_BUILD, "latex")384 copy_tree(latex, SASVIEW_DOCS)384 print "=== Copy Latex Docs to Build Directory ===" 385 latex = os.path.join(SPHINX_BUILD, "latex") 386 copy_tree(latex, SASVIEW_DOCS) 385 387 386 388 def rebuild():
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