There are several systems used by different parts of the development process. All of these are linked from the SasView homepage. The four main components are:
- The SasView homepage at which is designed to be the front face of the project including information for the curious to users to developers.
- The trac site at which hosts the wiki where all developer specific information is stored and shared and which all developers contribute to, as well as the ticket system. A clone of the GitHub repository is available here as well so that the integrated "Browse Source" works here. All developers can create, modify and close tickets. Currently only authorized users can create tickets due to spam problems if it when it is open.
- The source code repository is hosted at GitHub Note there are actually 5 repos there. SasView is an organizational account with over 20 members. the sasmodels and sasview repos currently have a number of branches and are the two main active repos for developers. sasmodels is the package that houses all the models and the infrastructure to use them including their documentation. sasview is the repo that houses the coded that is used to deploy the full GUI application. This application has a number of other types of computations than just models and so is separated into a sasgui and a sascalc tree. The tinycc repo is there to allow the SasView application to be distributed with its own C compiler so that users on all platforms can just drop C models into their plugins directory and have it run even if OpenCL (which has its own built in compiler) is not available. Documents repo is a place that houses primary project documentation such as the Roadmap. Finally the .io repo houses the main web site code. Note that GitHub also serves the website for the domain.
- Finally continuous integration is performed using a Jenkins server, at and several build servers hosted by ESS's DMSC at Copenhagen. These are currently triggered whenever a comit is pushed into the master branch on GitHub but can also be manually triggered by a few members of the team with appropriate access.
Last modified 9 years ago
Last modified on Aug 28, 2016 6:42:30 PM