SansView Trac Site
The following are the SasView dependencies installed on Ubuntu 14.04. They can be obtained from Ubuntu repository or via pip, see for details on installation LinuxBuild:
- Python 2.7
- xhtml2pdf 3.0
- wxPython 2.8
- matplotlib 1.3
- SciPy 0.13
- numpy 1.6.2
- lxml 3.3
- periodictable 1.4
- pyparsing 2.0 (required by periodictable)
- reportlab 3.0 (required by pisa; To PDF conversion functionality)
- PIL 1.1
- setuptools 19.6
- unittest-xml-reporting 1.14
- bumps 0.7.5
- pylint
- sphinx 1.3
- pyparsing 2.0
- html5lib 0.9999999
Last modified 9 years ago
Last modified on Feb 4, 2016 9:18:28 AM