Code Camp VI Planning
The sixth SasView Code Camp will be held at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France from 4th to 11th April 2017. Details yet to be finalized.
Travel and Accommodation
Hotel Suggestion
Getting to the Hotel and the SNS
Participants (tentative)
Participant | Affiliation | Arrival | Departure | Hotel | Car
Paul Butler | NIST | | | |
Dirk Honecker | ILL | | | |
Andrew Jackson | ESS | 2nd April (SK 617 GVA 18:40) | 11th April (SN3592 LYS 18:55) | | No
Wojciech Potrzebowski | ESS | 3rd April (GVA 19:30) | 11th April (LYS 17:45) | | No
Ricardo M. F. Leal | ORNL | 31st Mars (LYS ?) | 11th April (LYS ?) | Le Grand Hotel Grenoble | No