Richard's page

  • It is very tedious at present to use the same model on a different data set.

Either - get the "data source" drop down at top of fit page to work to change data Or - change "send to" then "fitting" to instead have "current fit page" or "new fit page" - Now #747

  • Could possibly save results of every fit so that "wind back" to previous results

is possible - but could get very messy for simultaneous fits etc. - Now #745

Need look at constraints & polydispersity again.

  • If possible, would be useful to add a fittable parameter that can be used within

constraints. e.g. I want (Rcore+Tshell)/Rcore = C this requires constraint for Tshell = Rcore(C-1) where C can be fitted. This would save having to write variant models, BUT constraints may need to be called inside polydispersity integrations for say Rcore , which may not be possible here. [FISH does this] - Now #746

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Oct 11, 2016 1:03:56 PM