Version 23 (modified by butler, 6 years ago) (diff)

Code Camp IX Planning


The ninth SasView Code Camp will be held in Grenoble, France starting March 25th 2019.

Travel and Accommodation

Hotel Suggestion

As the Guesthouse is closed as will the canteen for dinners, we will once again stay in a hotel in the center of town. In keeping with the spirit of the code camp we encourage everyone to make reservations as soon as they can at the code camp hotel:


  • special rate: 114 euro/night with breakfast - 24h (prior to arrival) cancellation policy.
  • Deadline: March 11, 2019
  • reservation code: SASVIEW
  • website:
  • you can register individually by email to resa at You will need a credit card (but you can cancel your reservation freely up to 24 h before arriving). Don't forget to use the reservation code SASVIEW when writing.

If you need a really cheap accomodations, the Marie Curie residence is a good option with a rate of 41.50 euro/night, breakfast included. Link:

If you miss the deadline and cannot get a room at the Europole, other possibilities include:

A few other options recommended by the ILL at our last user meeting can be found here:

Getting to the Presqu'île

Contact Information

  • Miguel Gonzalez (phone +33 476 20 71 66)

Participants (current list)

Participant Affiliation Arrival Departure Hotel Notes
Paul Butler NIST 2019-03-23 2019-04-03 current plan - not reserved
Andrew Jackson ESS 2019-03-23 AirBnB booked Staying for Mantid and simSAS
Wojtek Potrzebowski ESS 2019-03-24 2019-03-31 will arrive late on 24th
Piotr Rozyczko ESS 2019-03-24 2019-03-31
Ricardo Ferraz Leal ORNL 2019-03-24 2019-04-08 Probably Airbnb Waiting for government approval
Steve King ISIS 2019-03-24 2019-04-05 Europole to Apr 1, then Le Grand Arrive BA358 16:00 LYS. Depart 17:35 Fri 5; staying for Mantid but not simSAS
Richard Heenan ISIS 2019-03-24 2019-03-31 Europole Arrive BA358 16:00 LYS. Depart 17:35 Sun 31
Adam Washington ISIS 2019-03-24 2019-04-05 likely - not yet booked
Tianfu Li CARR Likely - Not yet booked
Zhiyuan Wang CSNS Likely - Not yet booked
Junrong Zhang CSNS Likely - Not yet booked
Mathieu Doucet ORNL
Yun Liu NIST Tentative but only for the first few days



Lunches from Monday to Friday will be taken on the onsite canteen. As both the ILL and the ESRF will be shut down during the code camp period, the canteen will not be open for dinner and on the weekend.


If we want to eat together in town in the evenings then many places will need a booking for the number we have. Suggestions will be added here in due time.

Proposed Workgroups/Worktopics

The following is simply a template from prior camps and will be updated with relevant work packages which will serve as initial proposed work areas. Should you have requests please let the management team know. In any even the participants eventually listed will be suggestions and you should look at the work and decided where your talents are best employed.

Topic Owner Participants Relevant Tickets etc
Sasview 5.0 / QtGUI Piotr Piotr
Beta Approximation Yun Yun, Richard Beta Approximation Project Tickets
Tutorials & Documentation Steve Steve, Paul B. Documentation Tickets
Admin/Management/Planning Paul Paul, Andrew, Steve Admin Tickets, Trac→GitHub? migration
4.3 release Paul B. Paul B.
Paper Paul Paul, Mathieu, Andrew, Steve, Richard etc etc

JIRA : Kanban Board for SasGUI work

Jenkins :

Conda setup :

Agenda (tentative)

Monday March 25th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • 9:15 Introduction to the site and computer setup
  • Room/building assignment TBA

Tuesday March 26th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • Room/building assignment TBA

Wednesday March 27th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • Room/building assignment TBA

Thursday March 28th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • Room/building assignment TBA

Friday March 29th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL
  • Room/building assignment TBA

Saturday March 30th

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site
  • Room/building assignment TBA

Sunday March 31st

  • 9:00 Arrival at ESRF/ILL site (Room/building assignment TBA)
  • Room/building assignment TBA
