Version 24 (modified by pkienzle, 8 years ago) (diff)

Code Camp IV Planning


The fourth SasView Code Camp will be hosted by the Reactor Instituut Delft from March 15th to 23rd 2016

Travel and Accommodation

Hotel Suggestion

  • We recommend the Hotel Leeuwenbrug. It is a very pleasant hotel in the centre of Delft with good connections and wifi. The best way to make a reservation is to send an e-mail to : [sales(at)] and mention that you are coming for the “codecamp SASVIEW” to get a 10% reduction off the room price. It is important to make the reservations as soon as possible. They have plenty of rooms now, but it is a small hotel and later it will be more difficult to be sure to get a place. We could not make an collective reservation.
  • Or any other by your own choice.

Getting to Hotel Leeuwenbrug

When you arrive at Amsterdam Airport, we advise that you do the following: Take the direct train to station Delft. Every 16 and 46 minutes after the hour a direct train is going, usually from platform 5 or 6, but please check this. Alternatively you can take the train every 27 and 57 minutes after the hour with a change over at Leiden Centraal, where you have to go to the diagonally other side of the platform. For more information check

In Delft, take the main exit on the east side and walk to the hotel in 7 minutes.,+Van+Leeuwenhoeksingel+42A,+2611+AC+Delft,+Nederland/Hotel+Leeuwenbrug,+Koornmarkt,+Delft/@52.0073196,4.3562017,17z/data=!3m2!4b1!5s0x47c5b5c0c25b354b:0x93ba42de4fd604fc!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c5b5c0c28ca02f:0xc098eaf8cccc90d7!2m2!1d4.3565297!2d52.007545!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c5b5c1946cbfb7:0xf9f0611607dc4a54!2m2!1d4.3598825!2d52.0089715!3e2

Getting from the Hotel to the Reactor Institute

Important: always take your passport with you. Without your passport you can not enter the building. You can rent a bicycle at the hotel or walk to the reactor. Fast walking will be some 35 minutes,+Koornmarkt,+Delft/Mekelweg+15,+Technische+Universiteit+Delft,+2629+JB+Delft,+Nederland/@52.000094,4.3530135,14z/data=!3m2!4b1!5s0x47c5b5c0c25b354b:0x93ba42de4fd604fc!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c5b5c1946cbfb7:0xf9f0611607dc4a54!2m2!1d4.3598825!2d52.0089715!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c5b58654b862d7:0x190534c76ac538ce!2m2!1d4.3815479!2d51.9907897!3e2.

You could also take bus 40, 69 or 174 from Zuidpoort (the big square some 500 m south from the hotel) to the reactor (TU Kluyverpark) in 8 minutes (5 stops). It is the most convenient and least expensive if you buy an electronic public transport card at the trainstation. You will have some money left on it in the end, but it is less expensive than buying single tickets.

Contact Information

  • Reactor Instituut Delft
  • Mekelweg 15
  • 2629 JB Delft
  • Wim Bouwman
  • Phone +31-15-27 85687
  • Jurrian Bakker
  • Secretaries: Ilse van der Kraaij, Trudy Beentjes and Nicole Banga
  • Phone: +31-15-27 86814

Confirmed participants

  • Steve King (ISIS). Arrive (afternoon) 14 Mar - Depart (late) 21 Mar. Staying at the Hotel Leeuwenbrug.
  • Paul Butler (NIST). Arrive 14 Mar - Depart 23 Mar. Staying at the Hotel Leeuwenbrug.
  • Jeffery R. Krzywon (NIST). Arrive 14 Mar - Depart 22 Mar. Staying in the Hotel Leeuwenbrug.
  • Richard Heenan (ISIS). Arrive (afternoon) 14 Mar - Depart (late) 21 Mar. Staying at the Hotel Leeuwenbrug.
  • Torben Nielsen (ESS). Arrive 14th Mar
  • Wim Bouwman (DUT). Arrive 15th Mar. Absent morning of Friday 18 Mar. Absent Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Staying at Leeuwenbrug from 15 - 19 March.
  • Jurrian Bakker (DUT).
  • Andrew Jackson (ESS). Arrive 14th Mar afternoon - Depart 22nd March late. Staying at Hotel Leewenbrug.
  • Piotr Rozyczko (ESS). Arrive 14th Mar - Depart 19th March.
  • Wojciech Potrzebowski (ESS). Arrive 14th Mar
  • Miguel Gonzalez (ILL). Arrive 14th - Depart 22. Staying at Leeuwenbrug.
  • Paul Kienzle (NIST). Arrive 14 Mar = Depart 22 mar. Staying at Hotel Leeuwenbrug.

Schedule (tentative)

Tuesday 15 - start at 9.00, tour of reactor and experimental hall after lunch
Wednesday 16 - Coding
Thursday 17 - At 10.00 open presentation by a member of SasView: SasView a Small Angle Scattering Analysis Software Package, by an international collaboration of facilities
Friday 18 - Coding
Saturday 19 - Coding
Sunday 20 - Coding
Monday 21 - Coding
Tuesday 22 - Post code camp wrap up as appropriate (optional)

Way to Reactor Institute Delft:
Public transport:
Delft tourism:
Precipitation forecast:


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