Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#915 closed defect (fixed)

load project issues

Reported by: richardh Owned by: krzywon
Priority: major Milestone: SasView 4.2.0
Component: SasView Keywords:
Cc: Work Package: SasView Bug Fixing


Have found instance of load project not creating proper state of the loaded fits. Attached csd5… works fine but very similar csd8… where the polydispersity is Schultz instead of Gaussian, appears to load the parameters OK, but the fits are as per the default params for the models. Hitting compute on each of the 3 fit pages (but this does not update plots), then fit on the constraints page restores the expected fit. Hitting just the latter without the computes first, the fit blows up.

Attachments (4)

csd5_withSQ_proj.svs (99.7 KB) - added by richardh 8 years ago.
csd5 works
csd8_withSQ_69ptSchultz_proj.svs (100.0 KB) - added by richardh 8 years ago.
csd8 fails to start up nicely, the fits should be good!
csd9_twoModels_proj.svs (98.1 KB) - added by richardh 8 years ago.
csd9.. has two model versios, M2 swaps to M3 on input, but not in the constraints
sph1_proj.svs (30.4 KB) - added by richardh 8 years ago.
sph1_proj has simpler poly sphere*hard sphere, single data set, plot not up to date after load

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

Changed 8 years ago by richardh

csd5 works

Changed 8 years ago by richardh

csd8 fails to start up nicely, the fits should be good!

Changed 8 years ago by richardh

csd9.. has two model versios, M2 swaps to M3 on input, but not in the constraints

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by richardh

Another project csd9… attached after, fit page M2 had different model (sphere not core_shell_sphere), but when reloaded this is now M3, but the constraints are as per the original.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by richardh

Simpler project, sph1… After loading project Model line on plot only updates to correct fit if hit "compute" twice.

Changed 8 years ago by richardh

sph1_proj has simpler poly sphere*hard sphere, single data set, plot not up to date after load

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by butler

user Artem Feoktystov reports similar issue:

It seems like I have found a bug.

I was fitting 4 curves simultaneously in "Const & Simul Fit" mode. I have set up relation between parameters for the M1, M2, M3 and M4 curves (Model Titles) then ran successfully fits. I saved the project, but when I re-opened it again, the Mx models were in completely another order. I mean the Mx Model Titles were pointing now to another curves. So, I had to re-arrange the constrains by changing numbers at M's in order to come back to the previous (before closing) state.

And another point:

when one selects the data sets to be loaded into the SasView - they appear in alphabetical order in Data Explorer, but once I "Send To" them all to "Fitting" - the FitPageX pages appear to have the curves in a random order. So that the alphabetical order of the data is not preserved in FitPage numeration.

I think it might be somewhere here. Can it be that SasView has different assigned numbers for the models within the current session and svs-file saved later?

I'm using SasView 4.1 on Win7 SP1 (64-bit, with all updates).

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by richardh

Installed 4.1.2 on Windows 7
If I set up fits to say 3 data sets, with constraints, save the project, then load it inot a new sasview session the order of the models and the order of the data sets in FitPage1, FitPage2 etc is still not being conserved, but likely no-one has had time to look into this bug yet. This messes up the constraints, and indeed they can then reference a parameter that does not exist if I don't have identical models for each FitPage?.

Sometimes, but not always, so I cannot yet supply a consistent example, the constrained fit fails to run and error message appears as below.

2017-08-21 15:06:07 : Traceback (most recent call last):

File "sas\sasgui\perspectives\fitting\fit_thread.pyc", line 82, in compute
File "sas\sasgui\perspectives\fitting\fit_thread.pyc", line 14, in map_apply
File "sas\sasgui\perspectives\fitting\fit_thread.pyc", line 11, in map_getattr
File "sas\sascalc\fit\BumpsFitting?.pyc", line 275, in fit
File "sas\sascalc\fit\BumpsFitting?.pyc", line 375, in run_bumps

AttributeError?: 'FitDriver?' object has no attribute 'fitter'

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by krzywon

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

PR109 resolved the multiple issued outlined in this ticket. Fit constraints are loading properly and the errors seen on loading are fixed.

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