Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#850 closed defect

Custom pinhole smearing is broken? — at Version 1

Reported by: Federica Sebastiani Owned by:
Priority: blocker Milestone: SasView 4.1.0
Component: SasView Keywords:
Cc: Work Package: SasView Bug Fixing

Description (last modified by ajj)

Federica Sebastian - student at LU noticed a problem with the custom smearing in SasView? 4.0.1 …

Setting values in custom pinhole smearing gives a different answer to loading the same values from a data file.

Some instruments do not provide resolution information - hence the need for the custom smearing.

Taking data set and calculating a, say, 8% dQ/Q and putting that in the file as the 4th column behaves as expected.

Generating a custom pinhole smear with *the same dQ_low and dQ_high* as the dataset with "fake" resolution column gives a completely different answer and blows the curve out.

Attached images are for the attached data set with
(a) resolution from dQ data which was faked in the file.
(b) resolution from a custom pinhole smear using the same dQ_low and dQ_high

Change History (4)

Changed 8 years ago by ajj

Data file with faked dQ values at 8% dQ/Q

Changed 8 years ago by ajj

Core-shell model smeared with dQ values from file

Changed 8 years ago by ajj

Core-shell model smeared with custom pinhole smearing

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by ajj

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Reporter changed from ajj to Federica Sebastiani
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