Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #205, comment 4

Jul 10, 2016 1:29:58 PM (8 years ago)


  • Ticket #205, comment 4

    initial v1  
    1 Am reopening this ticket as it is not working at the moment.  A kratky option is provided but no q^2^I(q) option for the y axis and ! does not know about this view so is ignored (worse it raises a traceback error).  It needs to be added in ! and !  It may also need to be added to transform.  Finally, it would be good to be able to plot reduced Kratky (qRg rather than q) but this can wait. For release 4.0 we either need to fix the basic Kratky or remove it as an option (since it cannot have worked before that should be fine ... though should double check that is true of 3.1.2 before choosing this option). 
     1Am reopening this ticket as it is not working at the moment.  A kratky option is provided but no q^2^I(q) option for the y axis and ! does not know about this view so is ignored (worse it raises a traceback error).  It needs to be added in ! and !  It may also need to be added to transform.  Finally, it would be good to be able to plot reduced Kratky (qRg rather than q) but this can wait. For release 4.0 we either need to fix the basic Kratky or remove it as an option. Since it did not work before either (checked 3.1.2) that should be fine as well (though not ideal of course)