Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#185 closed enhancement

Request for (x,y,e) readback from graph on mouse over — at Initial Version

Reported by: smk78 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: SasView 4.1.0
Component: SasView Keywords:
Cc: Work Package: SasView GUI Redesign


"When we plot a graph, it is possible with the cursor to point on a curve to have access to the (x,y) coordinate of a point? I think it is very useful to have a rapid information of the intensity level at a q value."

Arnauld Poulesquen
CEA Marcoule
Laboratoire de Chimie des Fluides Complexes et d'Irradiation
Bât. 37 - BP 17171
F - 30 207 Bagnols sur Cèze

Tél. : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)

Response by SMK for SasView? Developers, 14/05/13:

"As far as I know this is not possible at the moment, but I agree it would be a nice feature. The best SasView? can offer is if you right-click on ANY data point and move down the context menu to the name of the data set you are interested in, then follow the chevron to DataInfo?. A window will pop-up and if you scroll down you will get a listing of all the (x,y,e) values for that data set. I will ticket the feature you ask for (but at this juncture I do not know how feasible it may be or how quickly it will be implemented)."

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