Custom Query (780 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 780)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#655 duplicate Polydispersity array doesn't work pkienzle Kriechbaum, Manfred <manfred.kriechbaum@…>

Selecting the option "Polydispersity on / Array" and reading in a 2 column file (representing the size distribution) seems to have no effect on the calculation ("Compute") in version 4.0 (in 3.1.2 it does however).

#197 invalid Unhealthy Competition RichFiorica

There are many aspects that we usually do not take seriously as humans and more so as students. Many of aspects such as respect and recognizing beats seems to be very minimal but they mean a lot from my perspective. Students therefore need to appreciate the factor that there are other students who are lighter than them and this will make them not overstrain themselves in the name of competing with them.

After all university is all about getting what you are capable of getting and the moment students take the aspect in unhealthy competition then they may become disappointed in their whole lifestyle. I therefore call upon all students to be studying and changing their performs so that they will be in a better place to handle their evaluation with bravery and successfully pass.

#263 fixed Error in report output for fixed parameters Richard Heenan

Email to help@… on 2014-05-28:

If you fit a parameter, then fix it, any following “report results” has a spurious +-error value associated with the value of the fixed parameter. (Then you cannot tell from the “e results” that it was actually fixed.)

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.