Custom Query (780 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 780)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1136 fixed QT5 GUI - rename FitPage0 to Fitpage1 or rename M1 to M0 richardh richardh

The first FitPage in the QT gui is FitPage0 but has models M1 and parameters M1.radius etc. This will make constraints very confusing!

Suggest rename one or the other, preferably to my mind start at FitPage1 for backwards compatibility with earlier versions.

(putting this in beta approx project for now, though is not really part of this)

#1134 invalid sum/multi scale factor in 4.2 seems incorrect? pkienzle richardh

With Torin watching me, I just downloaded installer for 4.2, build #1279 from Jenkins.

Repeated the test of   ellipsoid*hardsphere  , comparing plugin produced by  sum/multi  with normal P*S as per the projects I uploaded at #1118

The "scale" factor in sum/multi is not correct, seems to be tied to the volume fraction in the S(Q) when it should not be.

#1133 fixed Reference in Acknowledging SasView box will need updating for release ajj smk78

In the Acknowledging SasView box the reference currently reads:

  1. Doucet et al. SasView Version 4.1.2, Zenodo, 10.5281/zenodo.825675

Will need updating when 4.2 is released.

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