Changeset f0fc507 in sasmodels for doc/guide

Aug 17, 2017 4:59:19 AM (8 years ago)
GitHub <noreply@…>
master, core_shell_microgels, costrafo411, magnetic_model, ticket-1257-vesicle-product, ticket_1156, ticket_1265_superball, ticket_822_more_unit_tests
Adam Washington <rprospero@…> (08/17/17 04:59:19)
GitHub <noreply@…> (08/17/17 04:59:19)

Clarification of the Hankel transform

I've tried to tidy up the documentation and get it more in line with what's going on with in the actual code.

1 edited


  • doc/guide/sesans/sans_to_sesans.rst

    r8ae8532 rf0fc507  
    1515in which :math:`J_0` is the zeroth order Bessel function, :math:`\delta` 
    1616the spin-echo length, :math:`Q` the wave vector transfer and :math:`\frac{d \Sigma}{d \Omega} (Q)` 
    17 the scattering cross section in absolute units. This is a 1-dimensional 
    18 integral, which can be rather fast. In the numerical calculation we integrate 
    19 from :math:`Q_{min} = 0.1 \times 2 \pi / R_{max}` in which :math:`R_{max}` 
    20 will be model dependent. We determined the factor 0.1 by varying its value 
    21 until the value of the integral was stable. This happened at a value of 0.3. 
    22 The have a safety margin of a factor of three we have choosen the value 0.1. 
    23 For the solid sphere we took 3 times the radius for :math:`R_{max}`. The real 
    24 integration is performed to :math:`Q_{max}` which is an instrumental parameter 
    25 that is read in from the measurement file. From the equation above we can 
    26 calculate the polarisation that we measure in a SESANS experiment: 
     17the scattering cross section in absolute units. 
     19Out of necessity, a 1-dimensional numerical integral approximates the exact Hankel transform. 
     20The upper bound of the numerical integral is :math:`Q_{max}`, which is calculated from the wavelength and the instrument's maximum acceptance angle, both of which are included in the file. 
     21While the true Hankel transform has a lower bound of zero, most scattering models are undefined at :math: `Q=0`, so the integral requires an effective lower bound. 
     22The lower bound of the integral is :math:`Q_{min} = 0.1 \times 2 \pi / R_{max}`, in which :math:`R_{max}` is the maximum length scale probed by the instrument multiplied by the number of data points. 
     23This lower bound is the minimum expected Q value for the given length scale multiplied by a constant. 
     24The constant, 0.1, was chosen empirically by integrating multiple curves and finding where the value at which the integral was stable. 
     25A constant value of 0.3 gave numerical stability to the integral, so a factor of three safety margin was included to give the final value of 0.1. 
     28From the equation above we can calculate the polarisation that we measure in a SESANS experiment: 
    2830.. math:: P(\delta) = e^{t \left( \frac{ \lambda}{2 \pi} \right)^2 \left(G(\delta) - G(0) \right)} \!, 
    30 in which :math:`t` is the thickness of the sample and :math:`\lambda` is 
    31 the wavelength of the neutrons. 
     32in which :math:`t` is the thickness of the sample and :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength of the neutrons. 
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