Changeset ead4bd5 in sasmodels

Mar 18, 2016 3:13:16 AM (9 years ago)
master, core_shell_microgels, costrafo411, magnetic_model, release_v0.94, release_v0.95, ticket-1257-vesicle-product, ticket_1156, ticket_1265_superball, ticket_822_more_unit_tests
eec5fd6 (diff), 5bb9c79 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' of

4 edited


  • doc/

    rc094758 r735507b  
    79 # Generate image (comment IF for 1D/2D for the moment) and generate only 1D 
     79# Generate image  
    8080fig_height = 3.0 # in 
    8181fig_left = 0.6 # in 
    109109    fig = plt.figure(figsize=aspect) 
    110110    ax1d = fig.add_axes([ax_left, ax_bottom, ax_width, ax_height]) 
    111 plot_1d(model, opts, ax1d) 
     111    plot_1d(model, opts, ax1d) 
    113113# Save image in model/img 
  • example/

    r4554131 r5bb9c79  
    1414    return model 
    16 def sesans_fit(file, model_name, initial_vals={}, custom_params={}, param_range=[], acceptance_angle=None): 
     16def sesans_fit(file, model, initial_vals={}, custom_params={}, param_range=[], acceptance_angle=None): 
    1717    """ 
  • sasmodels/

    rfcd7bbd r2622b3f  
    1717from copy import deepcopy 
    1818import warnings 
     19import collections 
    2021import numpy as np 
    5758        ## TODO: reorganize parameter handling 
    5859        self.details = dict() 
    59         self.params = dict() 
     60        self.params = collections.OrderedDict() 
    6061        self.dispersion = dict() 
    6162        partype =['partype'] 
    6264        for p in['parameters']: 
    6365            self.params[] = p.default 
  • sasmodels/models/

    rf10bc52 r4f4e0d5  
    8 This model describes the scattering from a layer of surfactant or polymer adsorbed on spherical particles under the conditions that (i) the particles (cores) are contrast-matched to the dispersion medium, (ii) *S(Q)* ~ 1 (ie, the particle volume fraction is dilute), (iii) the particle radius is >> layer thickness (ie, the interface is locally flat), and (iv) scattering from excess unadsorbed adsorbate in the bulk medium is absent or has been corrected for. 
     8This model describes the scattering from a layer of surfactant or polymer adsorbed on large, smooth, notionally spherical particles under the conditions that (i) the particles (cores) are contrast-matched to the dispersion medium, (ii) *S(Q)* ~ 1 (ie, the particle volume fraction is dilute), (iii) the particle radius is >> layer thickness (ie, the interface is locally flat), and (iv) scattering from excess unadsorbed adsorbate in the bulk medium is absent or has been corrected for. 
    1010Unlike many other core-shell models, this model does not assume any form for the density distribution of the adsorbed species normal to the interface (cf, a core-shell model normally assumes the density distribution to be a homogeneous step-function). For comparison, if the thickness of a (traditional core-shell like) step function distribution is *t*, the second moment about the mean of the density distribution (ie, the distance of the centre-of-mass of the distribution from the interface), |sigma| =  sqrt((*t* :sup:`2` )/12). 
    3535description =  """ 
    36     Evaluates the scattering from particles 
     36    Evaluates the scattering from large particles 
    3737    with an adsorbed layer of surfactant or 
    3838    polymer, independent of the form of the 
    4343#             ["name", "units", default, [lower, upper], "type", "description"], 
    44 parameters =  [["second_moment", "Ang", 23.0, [0.0, inf], "", "Second moment"], 
    45               ["adsorbed_amount", "mg/m2", 1.9, [0.0, inf], "", "Adsorbed amount"], 
    46               ["density_poly", "g/cm3", 0.7, [0.0, inf], "", "Polymer density"], 
    47               ["radius", "Ang", 500.0, [0.0, inf], "", "Particle radius"], 
    48               ["volfraction", "None", 0.14, [0.0, inf], "", "Particle vol fraction"], 
    49               ["polymer_sld", "1/Ang^2", 1.5e-06, [-inf, inf], "", "Polymer SLD"], 
    50               ["solvent_sld", "1/Ang^2", 6.3e-06, [-inf, inf], "", "Solvent SLD"]] 
     44parameters =  [["second_moment", "Ang", 23.0, [0.0, inf], "", "Second moment of polymer distribution"], 
     45              ["adsorbed_amount", "mg/m2", 1.9, [0.0, inf], "", "Adsorbed amount of polymer"], 
     46              ["density_shell", "g/cm3", 0.7, [0.0, inf], "", "Bulk density of polymer in the shell"], 
     47              ["radius", "Ang", 500.0, [0.0, inf], "", "Core particle radius"], 
     48              ["volfraction", "None", 0.14, [0.0, inf], "", "Core particle volume fraction"], 
     49              ["sld_shell", "1e-6/Ang^2", 1.5, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Polymer shell SLD"], 
     50              ["sld_solvent", "1e-6/Ang^2", 6.3, [-inf, inf], "sld", "Solvent SLD"]] 
    5252# NB: Scale and Background are implicit parameters on every model 
    53 def Iq(q, second_moment, adsorbed_amount, density_poly, radius,  
    54         volfraction, polymer_sld, solvent_sld): 
     53def Iq(q, second_moment, adsorbed_amount, density_shell, radius,  
     54        volfraction, sld_shell, sld_solvent): 
    5555    # pylint: disable = missing-docstring 
    56     deltarhosqrd =  (polymer_sld - solvent_sld) * (polymer_sld - solvent_sld) 
    57     numerator =  6.0 * pi * volfraction * (adsorbed_amount * adsorbed_amount) 
    58     denominator =  (q * q) * (density_poly * density_poly) * radius 
    59     eterm =  exp(-1.0 * (q * q) * (second_moment * second_moment)) 
    60     #scale by 10^10 for units conversion to cm^-1 
    61     inten =  1.0e+10 * deltarhosqrd * ((numerator / denominator) * eterm) 
     56#    deltarhosqrd =  (sld_shell - sld_solvent) * (sld_shell - sld_solvent) 
     57#    numerator =  6.0 * pi * volfraction * (adsorbed_amount * adsorbed_amount) 
     58#    denominator =  (q * q) * (density_shell * density_shell) * radius 
     59#    eterm =  exp(-1.0 * (q * q) * (second_moment * second_moment)) 
     60#    #scale by 10^-2 for units conversion to cm^-1 
     61#    inten =  1.0e-02 * deltarhosqrd * ((numerator / denominator) * eterm) 
     62    aa =  (sld_shell - sld_solvent) * adsorbed_amount / q / density_shell  
     63    bb = q * second_moment 
     64    #scale by 10^-2 for units conversion to cm^-1 
     65    inten =  6.0e-02 * pi * volfraction * aa * aa * exp(-bb * bb) / radius 
    6266    return inten 
    6367Iq.vectorized =  True  # Iq accepts an array of q values 
    7175            second_moment = 23.0, 
    7276            adsorbed_amount = 1.9, 
    73             density_poly = 0.7, 
     77            density_shell = 0.7, 
    7478            radius = 500.0, 
    7579            volfraction = 0.14, 
    76             polymer_sld = 1.5e-06, 
    77             solvent_sld = 6.3e-06, 
     80            sld_shell = 1.5, 
     81            sld_solvent = 6.3, 
    7882            background = 0.0) 
    8286               second_moment = 'second_moment', 
    8387               adsorbed_amount = 'ads_amount', 
    84                density_poly = 'density_poly', 
     88               density_shell = 'density_poly', 
    8589               radius = 'radius_core', 
    8690               volfraction = 'volf_cores', 
    87                polymer_sld = 'sld_poly', 
    88                solvent_sld = 'sld_solv', 
     91               sld_shell = 'sld_poly', 
     92               sld_solvent = 'sld_solv', 
    8993               background = 'background') 
    9296tests =  [ 
    9397    [{'scale': 1.0, 'second_moment': 23.0, 'adsorbed_amount': 1.9,  
    94      'density_poly': 0.7, 'radius': 500.0, 'volfraction': 0.14,  
    95      'polymer_sld': 1.5e-06, 'solvent_sld': 6.3e-06, 'background': 0.0}, 
     98     'density_shell': 0.7, 'radius': 500.0, 'volfraction': 0.14,  
     99     'sld_shell': 1.5, 'sld_solvent': 6.3, 'background': 0.0}, 
    96100     [0.0106939, 0.469418], [73.741, 9.65391e-53]], 
    97101    ] 
     102# ADDED by: SMK  ON: 16Mar2016  convert from sasview, check vs SANDRA, 18Mar2016 RKH some edits & renaming 
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