Changeset aa8c6e0 in sasmodels for doc/guide

Oct 30, 2018 8:43:35 AM (6 years ago)
Paul Kienzle <pkienzle@…>
master, core_shell_microgels, magnetic_model, ticket-1257-vesicle-product, ticket_1156, ticket_1265_superball, ticket_822_more_unit_tests
765d025, 23df833
153f8f6 (diff), c6084f1 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' into beta_approx

2 edited


  • doc/guide/plugin.rst

    r81751c2 raa8c6e0  
    744744    erf, erfc, tgamma, lgamma:  **do not use** 
    745745        Special functions that should be part of the standard, but are missing 
    746         or inaccurate on some platforms. Use sas_erf, sas_erfc and sas_gamma 
    747         instead (see below). Note: lgamma(x) has not yet been tested. 
     746        or inaccurate on some platforms. Use sas_erf, sas_erfc, sas_gamma 
     747        and sas_lgamma instead (see below). 
    749749Some non-standard constants and functions are also provided: 
    812812        Gamma function sas_gamma\ $(x) = \Gamma(x)$. 
    814         The standard math function, tgamma(x) is unstable for $x < 1$ 
     814        The standard math function, tgamma(x), is unstable for $x < 1$ 
    815815        on some platforms. 
    817817        :code:`source = ["lib/sas_gamma.c", ...]` 
    818818        (`sas_gamma.c <>`_) 
     820    sas_gammaln(x): 
     821        log gamma function sas_gammaln\ $(x) = \log \Gamma(|x|)$. 
     823        The standard math function, lgamma(x), is incorrect for single 
     824        precision on some platforms. 
     826        :code:`source = ["lib/sas_gammainc.c", ...]` 
     827        (`sas_gammainc.c <>`_) 
     829    sas_gammainc(a, x), sas_gammaincc(a, x): 
     830        Incomplete gamma function 
     831        sas_gammainc\ $(a, x) = \int_0^x t^{a-1}e^{-t}\,dt / \Gamma(a)$ 
     832        and complementary incomplete gamma function 
     833        sas_gammaincc\ $(a, x) = \int_x^\infty t^{a-1}e^{-t}\,dt / \Gamma(a)$ 
     835        :code:`source = ["lib/sas_gammainc.c", ...]` 
     836        (`sas_gammainc.c <>`_) 
    820838    sas_erf(x), sas_erfc(x): 
    854872        If $n$ = 0 or 1, it uses sas_J0($x$) or sas_J1($x$), respectively. 
     874        Warning: JN(n,x) can be very inaccurate (0.1%) for x not in [0.1, 100]. 
    856876        The standard math function jn(n, x) is not available on all platforms. 
    862882        Sine integral Si\ $(x) = \int_0^x \tfrac{\sin t}{t}\,dt$. 
     884        Warning: Si(x) can be very inaccurate (0.1%) for x in [0.1, 100]. 
    864886        This function uses Taylor series for small and large arguments: 
    866         For large arguments, 
     888        For large arguments use the following Taylor series, 
    868890        .. math:: 
    872894             - \frac{\sin(x)}{x}\left(\frac{1}{x} - \frac{3!}{x^3} + \frac{5!}{x^5} - \frac{7!}{x^7}\right) 
    874         For small arguments, 
     896        For small arguments , 
    876898        .. math:: 
  • doc/guide/gpu_setup.rst

    r63602b1 r8b31efa  
    9494Device Selection 
     96**OpenCL drivers** 
    9698If you have multiple GPU devices you can tell the program which device to use. 
    9799By default, the program looks for one GPU and one CPU device from available 
    104106was used to run the model. 
    106 **If you don't want to use OpenCL, you can set** *SAS_OPENCL=None* 
    107 **in your environment settings, and it will only use normal programs.** 
    109 If you want to use one of the other devices, you can run the following 
     108If you want to use a specific driver and devices, you can run the following 
    110109from the python console:: 
    115114This will provide a menu of different OpenCL drivers available. 
    116115When one is selected, it will say "set PYOPENCL_CTX=..." 
    117 Use that value as the value of *SAS_OPENCL*. 
     116Use that value as the value of *SAS_OPENCL=driver:device*. 
     118To use the default OpenCL device (rather than CUDA or None), 
     119set *SAS_OPENCL=opencl*. 
     121In batch queues, you may need to set *XDG_CACHE_HOME=~/.cache*  
     122(Linux only) to a different directory, depending on how the filesystem  
     123is configured.  You should also set *SAS_DLL_PATH* for CPU-only modules. 
     125    -DSAS_MODELPATH=path sets directory containing custom models 
     126    -DSAS_OPENCL=vendor:device|cuda:device|none sets the target GPU device 
     127    -DXDG_CACHE_HOME=~/.cache sets the pyopencl cache root (linux only) 
     128    -DSAS_COMPILER=tinycc|msvc|mingw|unix sets the DLL compiler 
     129    -DSAS_OPENMP=1 turns on OpenMP for the DLLs 
     130    -DSAS_DLL_PATH=path sets the path to the compiled modules 
     133**CUDA drivers** 
     135If OpenCL drivers are not available on your system, but NVidia CUDA 
     136drivers are available, then set *SAS_OPENCL=cuda* or 
     137*SAS_OPENCL=cuda:n* for a particular device number *n*.  If no device 
     138number is specified, then the CUDA drivers looks for look for 
     139*CUDA_DEVICE=n* or a file ~/.cuda-device containing n for the device number. 
     141In batch queues, the SLURM command *sbatch --gres=gpu:1 ...* will set 
     142*CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=n*, which ought to set the correct device 
     143number for *SAS_OPENCL=cuda*.  If not, then set 
     144*CUDA_DEVICE=$CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES* within the batch script.  You may 
     145need to set the CUDA cache directory to a folder accessible across the 
     146cluster with *PYCUDA_CACHE_DIR* (or *PYCUDA_DISABLE_CACHE* to disable 
     147caching), and you may need to set environment specific compiler flags 
     148with *PYCUDA_DEFAULT_NVCC_FLAGS*.  You should also set *SAS_DLL_PATH*  
     149for CPU-only modules. 
     151**No GPU support** 
     153If you don't want to use OpenCL or CUDA, you can set *SAS_OPENCL=None* 
     154in your environment settings, and it will only use normal programs. 
     156In batch queues, you may need to set *SAS_DLL_PATH* to a directory 
     157accessible on the compute node. 
    119160Device Testing 
    154195*Document History* 
    156 | 2017-09-27 Paul Kienzle 
     197| 2018-10-15 Paul Kienzle 
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