Changeset 5e2f36c in sasview for src/sas/sasgui/guiframe
- Timestamp:
- Apr 5, 2017 12:56:22 PM (8 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.2.2, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload
- Children:
- 9d93c37, 7b15990, 07b50df9, 63d773c
- Parents:
- 98c44f3 (diff), 8f8100a (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent. - git-author:
- Andrew Jackson <andrew.jackson@…> (04/05/17 12:56:22)
- git-committer:
- GitHub <noreply@…> (04/05/17 12:56:22)
- Location:
- src/sas/sasgui/guiframe
- Files:
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
rddbac66 r463e7ffc 16 16 17 17 USER_FILE = 'categories.json' 18 19 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 18 20 19 21 class CategoryInstaller: … … 114 116 @staticmethod 115 117 def get_default_file(): 116 logg ing.warning("CategoryInstaller.get_default_file is deprecated.")118 logger.warning("CategoryInstaller.get_default_file is deprecated.") 117 119 118 120 @staticmethod … … 153 155 model_enabled_dict.pop(model_name) 154 156 except: 155 logg ing.error("CategoryInstaller: %s", sys.exc_value)157 logger.error("CategoryInstaller: %s", sys.exc_value) 156 158 else: 157 159 add_list.remove(model_name) -
r212bfc2 r463e7ffc 20 20 from sas.sasgui.guiframe.CategoryInstaller import CategoryInstaller 21 21 IS_MAC = (sys.platform == 'darwin') 22 23 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 22 24 23 25 """ Notes … … 373 375 self.master_category_dict = json.load(f) 374 376 except IOError: 375 logg ing.error('Problem reading in category file.')377 logger.error('Problem reading in category file.') 376 378 377 379 self._regenerate_model_dict() -
r1779e72 r64ca561 7 7 import sas.sasview 8 8 import logging 9 10 11 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 9 12 10 13 # Version of the application … … 57 60 58 61 icon_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images")) 59 logg"icon path: %s" % icon_path)62"icon path: %s" % icon_path) 60 63 media_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "media")) 61 64 test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test")) -
r2ffe241 r463e7ffc 25 25 from sas.sasgui.guiframe.dataFitting import Data2D 26 26 import time 27 28 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 27 29 28 30 class DataManager(object): … … 136 138 msg = "Data manager already stores %s" % str( 137 139 msg += "" 138 logg 139 141 data_state = self.stored_data[id] 140 142 = data -
rd85c194 r463e7ffc 20 20 import urllib 21 21 import sys 22 23 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 22 24 23 25 SPHINX_DOC_ENV = "SASVIEW_DOC_PATH" … … 71 73 72 74 if not os.path.exists(file_path): 73 logg ing.error("Could not find Sphinx documentation at %s \75 logger.error("Could not find Sphinx documentation at %s \ 74 76 -- has it been built?", file_path) 75 77 elif WX_SUPPORTS_HTML2: … … 79 81 self.Show() 80 82 else: 81 logg ing.error("No html2 support, popping up a web browser")83 logger.error("No html2 support, popping up a web browser") 82 84 #For cases that do not build against current version dependency 83 85 # Wx 3.0 we provide a webbrowser call - this is particularly for -
r73cbeec r64ca561 48 48 from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers 49 49 50 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 51 50 52 warnings.simplefilter("ignore") 51 52 53 53 54 def get_app_dir(): … … 64 65 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(app_path, "")): 65 66 app_path = os.path.abspath(app_path) 66 logg"Using application path: %s", app_path)67"Using application path: %s", app_path) 67 68 return app_path 68 69 69 70 # Next, try the current working directory 70 71 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "")): 71 logg"Using application path: %s", os.getcwd())72"Using application path: %s", os.getcwd()) 72 73 return os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) 73 74 … … 76 77 # clean all these module variables and put them into a config class 77 78 # that can be passed by 78 logg logg 80 80 81 from sas import sasview as sasview 81 82 app_path = os.path.dirname(sasview.__file__) 82 logg"Using application path: %s", app_path)83"Using application path: %s", app_path) 83 84 return app_path 84 85 … … 104 105 config_module = imp.load_module(file, fObj, path_config, descr) 105 106 except: 106 logg ing.error("Error loading %s/%s: %s" % (path, file, sys.exc_value))107 logger.error("Error loading %s/%s: %s" % (path, file, sys.exc_value)) 107 108 finally: 108 109 if fObj is not None: 109 110 fObj.close() 110 logg"GuiManager loaded %s/%s" % (path, file))111"GuiManager loaded %s/%s" % (path, file)) 111 112 return config_module 112 113 … … 125 126 # Didn't find local config, load the default 126 127 import sas.sasgui.guiframe.config as config 127 logg"using default local_config")128"using default local_config") 128 129 else: 129 logg"found local_config in %s" % os.getcwd())130"found local_config in %s" % os.getcwd()) 130 131 else: 131 logg"found local_config in %s" % PATH_APP)132"found local_config in %s" % PATH_APP) 132 133 133 134 from sas.sasgui.guiframe.customdir import SetupCustom … … 138 139 if custom_config is None: 139 140 msgConfig = "Custom_config file was not imported" 140 logg 141 142 else: 142 logg"using custom_config in %s" % os.getcwd())143"using custom_config in %s" % os.getcwd()) 143 144 else: 144 logg"using custom_config from %s" % c_conf_dir)145"using custom_config from %s" % c_conf_dir) 145 146 146 147 # read some constants from config … … 374 375 frame.SetIcon(icon) 375 376 except: 376 logg ing.error("ViewerFrame.put_icon: could not set icon")377 logger.error("ViewerFrame.put_icon: could not set icon") 377 378 378 379 def get_client_size(self): … … 803 804 str(self._input_file)) 804 805 msg += str(sys.exc_value) + '\n' 805 logg ing.error(msg)806 logger.error(msg) 806 807 if self._data_panel is not None and len(self.plugins) > 0: 807 808 self._data_panel.fill_cbox_analysis(self.plugins) … … 869 870 if plugin.__class__ == item.__class__: 870 871 msg = "Plugin %s already loaded" % plugin.sub_menu 871 logg 872 873 is_loaded = True 873 874 if not is_loaded: 874 875 self.plugins.append(plugin) 875 876 msg = "Plugin %s appended" % plugin.sub_menu 876 logg 877 878 878 879 def _get_local_plugins(self): … … 894 895 msg = "ViewerFrame._get_local_plugins:" 895 896 msg += "cannot import dataloader plugin.\n %s" % sys.exc_value 896 logg ing.error(msg)897 logger.error(msg) 897 898 if style2 == GUIFRAME.PLOTTING_ON: 898 899 try: … … 904 905 msg = "ViewerFrame._get_local_plugins:" 905 906 msg += "cannot import plotting plugin.\n %s" % sys.exc_value 906 logg ing.error(msg)907 logger.error(msg) 907 908 908 909 return plugins … … 949 950 plugins.append(module.Plugin()) 950 951 msg = "Found plug-in: %s" % module.PLUGIN_ID 951 logg 952 953 except: 953 954 msg = "Error accessing PluginPanel" … … 956 957 except: 957 958 msg = "ViewerFrame._find_plugins: %s" % sys.exc_value 958 logg ing.error(msg)959 logger.error(msg) 959 960 finally: 960 961 if file is not None: … … 963 964 # Should raise and catch at a higher level and 964 965 # display error on status bar 965 logg ing.error(sys.exc_value)966 logger.error(sys.exc_value) 966 967 967 968 return plugins … … 1385 1386 1386 1387 if config._do_aboutbox: 1387 logg"Doing help menu")1388"Doing help menu") 1388 1389 wx_id = wx.NewId() 1389 1390 self._help_menu.Append(wx_id, '&About', 'Software information') … … 1746 1747 del self.panels[ID] 1747 1748 else: 1748 logg ing.error("delete_panel: No such plot id as %s" % ID)1749 logger.error("delete_panel: No such plot id as %s" % ID) 1749 1750 1750 1751 def create_gui_data(self, data, path=None): … … 1763 1764 log_msg += "load: %s\n" % str(basename) 1764 1765 log_msg += "Try Data opening...." 1765 logg ing.error(log_msg)1766 logger.error(log_msg) 1766 1767 return 1767 1768 … … 1843 1844 log_msg += "load: %s\n" % str(path) 1844 1845 log_msg += "Try File opening ...." 1845 logg ing.error(log_msg)1846 logger.error(log_msg) 1846 1847 return 1847 1848 log_msg = '' … … 1849 1850 error_message = "" 1850 1851 try: 1851 logg"Loading Data...:\n" + str(path) + "\n")1852"Loading Data...:\n" + str(path) + "\n") 1852 1853 temp = self.loader.load(path) 1853 1854 if temp.__class__.__name__ == "list": … … 1864 1865 error_message += " Data from cmd:\n %s\n" % str(path) 1865 1866 error_message += str(sys.exc_value) + "\n" 1866 logg ing.error(error_message)1867 logger.error(error_message) 1867 1868 1868 1869 def load_folder(self, path): … … 1885 1886 error_message += " Data folder from cmd:\n %s\n" % str(path) 1886 1887 error_message += str(sys.exc_value) + "\n" 1887 logg ing.error(error_message)1888 logger.error(error_message) 1888 1889 1889 1890 def _on_open_state_application(self, event): … … 2044 2045 msg += "and model selected. " 2045 2046 msg += "No project was saved to %s" % (str(path)) 2046 logg ing.warning(msg)2047 logger.warning(msg) 2047 2048 wx.PostEvent(self, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) 2048 2049 except Exception: … … 2111 2112 #IF SAS_OPENCL is set, settings are stored in the custom config file 2112 2113 self._write_opencl_config_file() 2113 logg" --- SasView session was closed --- \n")2114" --- SasView session was closed --- \n") 2114 2115 wx.Exit() 2115 2116 sys.exit() … … 2140 2141 new_config_file.close() 2141 2142 else: 2142 logg"Failed to save OPENCL settings in custom config file")2143"Failed to save OPENCL settings in custom config file") 2143 2144 2144 2145 … … 2157 2158 # 2158 2159 content = 2159 logg"Connected to Latest version: %s"2160"Connected to Latest version: %s" 2160 2161 % (content)) 2161 2162 version_info = json.loads(content) 2162 2163 except: 2163 logg"Failed to connect to")2164"Failed to connect to") 2164 2165 self._process_version(version_info, standalone=event is None) 2165 2166 … … 2201 2202 msg = "guiframe: could not get latest application" 2202 2203 msg += " version number\n %s" % sys.exc_value 2203 logg ing.error(msg)2204 logger.error(msg) 2204 2205 if not standalone: 2205 2206 msg = "Could not connect to the application server." … … 2248 2249 dialog.Show(True) 2249 2250 except: 2250 logg ing.error("Error in _onTutorial: %s" % sys.exc_value)2251 logger.error("Error in _onTutorial: %s" % sys.exc_value) 2251 2252 try: 2252 2253 # Try an alternate method 2253 logg ing.error(2254 logger.error( 2254 2255 "Could not open the tutorial pdf, trying xhtml2pdf") 2255 2256 from xhtml2pdf import pisa 2256 2257 pisa.startViewer(path) 2257 2258 except: 2258 logg ing.error(2259 logger.error( 2259 2260 "Could not open the tutorial pdf with xhtml2pdf") 2260 2261 msg = "This feature requires 'PDF Viewer'\n" … … 2267 2268 try: 2268 2269 # Try an alternate method 2269 logg ing.error(2270 logger.error( 2270 2271 "Could not open the tutorial pdf, trying xhtml2pdf") 2271 2272 from xhtml2pdf import pisa 2272 2273 pisa.startViewer(path) 2273 2274 except: 2274 logg ing.error(2275 logger.error( 2275 2276 "Could not open the tutorial pdf with xhtml2pdf") 2276 2277 msg = "This feature requires the Preview application\n" … … 2411 2412 else: 2412 2413 msg = "Guiframe does not have a current perspective" 2413 logg 2414 2415 2415 2416 def set_theory(self, state_id, theory_id=None): … … 2422 2423 except: 2423 2424 msg = "Guiframe set_theory: \n" + str(sys.exc_value) 2424 logg 2425 2426 wx.PostEvent(self, StatusEvent(status=msg, info="error")) 2426 2427 else: 2427 2428 msg = "Guiframe does not have a current perspective" 2428 logg 2429 2430 2430 2431 def plot_data(self, state_id, data_id=None, … … 2508 2509 action='remove')) 2509 2510 except: 2510 logg ing.error(sys.exc_value)2511 logger.error(sys.exc_value) 2511 2512 2512 2513 def save_data1d(self, data, fname): … … 3306 3307 msg = "%s Could not load " % str(APPLICATION_NAME) 3307 3308 msg += "input file from command line.\n" 3308 logg ing.error(msg)3309 logger.error(msg) 3309 3310 # Display a splash screen on top of the frame. 3310 3311 try: … … 3320 3321 msg = "Cannot display splash screen\n" 3321 3322 msg += str(sys.exc_value) 3322 logg ing.error(msg)3323 logger.error(msg) 3323 3324 self.frame.Show() 3324 3325 … … 3375 3376 os.remove(file_path) 3376 3377 except: 3377 logg ing.error("gui_manager.clean_plugin_models:\n %s"3378 logger.error("gui_manager.clean_plugin_models:\n %s" 3378 3379 % sys.exc_value) 3379 3380 -
r3a22ce7 r463e7ffc 12 12 from sas.sasgui.guiframe.gui_style import GUIFRAME_ICON 13 13 14 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 15 14 16 # Number of fields on the status bar 15 17 NB_FIELDS = 4 … … 71 73 icon_type = 72 74 if icon_type == "warning": 73 logg ing.warning(status)75 logger.warning(status) 74 76 color = (0, 0, 255) # blue 75 77 icon_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_WARNING, 76 78 wx.ART_TOOLBAR) 77 79 if icon_type == "error": 78 logg ing.error(status)80 logger.error(status) 79 81 color = (255, 0, 0) # red 80 82 icon_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_ERROR, -
ra674d0b r463e7ffc 7 7 import wx 8 8 import logging 9 10 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 9 11 10 12 from sas.sascalc.dataloader.loader import Loader … … 160 162 message += "\tError: {0}\n".format(error_data) 161 163 else: 162 logg ing.error("Loader returned an invalid object:\n %s" % str(item))164 logger.error("Loader returned an invalid object:\n %s" % str(item)) 163 165 data_error = True 164 166 … … 182 184 log_msg += "Please try to open that file from \"open project\"" 183 185 log_msg += "or \"open analysis\" menu." 184 logg 185 187 file_errors[basename] = [log_msg] 186 188 continue … … 212 214 213 215 except: 214 logg ing.error(sys.exc_value)216 logger.error(sys.exc_value) 215 217 216 218 error_message = "The Data file you selected could not be loaded.\n" -
r9a5097c r9c0f3c17 24 24 from appearanceDialog import appearanceDialog 25 25 from graphAppearance import graphAppearance 26 27 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 26 28 27 29 DEFAULT_QMAX = 0.05 … … 242 244 wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=position)) 243 245 except: 244 logg ing.error(sys.exc_value)246 logger.error(sys.exc_value) 245 247 if not event.leftdown: 246 248 # text event … … 255 257 self.canvas.draw() 256 258 except: 257 logg ing.error(sys.exc_value)259 logger.error(sys.exc_value) 258 260 event.Skip() 259 261 return … … 409 411 self.q_ctrl[vl_ind].SetValue(str(pos_x)) 410 412 except: 411 logg ing.error(sys.exc_value)413 logger.error(sys.exc_value) 412 414 413 415 def set_resizing(self, resizing=False): -
r9a5097c r9c0f3c17 30 30 from graphAppearance import graphAppearance 31 31 (InternalEvent, EVT_INTERNAL) = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent() 32 33 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 32 34 33 35 DEFAULT_QMAX = 0.05 … … 432 434 except: 433 435 msg = "Add Text: Error. Check your property values..." 434 logg ing.error(msg)436 logger.error(msg) 435 437 if self.parent != None: 436 438 wx.PostEvent(self.parent, StatusEvent(status=msg)) -
rd85c194 r463e7ffc 4 4 import logging 5 5 import sys 6 7 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 6 8 7 9 class Selection(object): … … 70 72 canvas.mpl_disconnect(canvas.scroll_pick_id) 71 73 except: 72 logg ing.error(sys.exc_value)74 logger.error(sys.exc_value) 73 75 self.canvas = canvas 74 76 self.figure = figure -
rd85c194 r463e7ffc 6 6 import logging 7 7 import re 8 9 10 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 8 11 9 12 ''' … … 71 74 proxy_url_list = [] 72 75 for this_pac_url in pac_urls_list: 73 logg ing.debug('Trying pac file (%s)...' % this_pac_url)76 logger.debug('Trying pac file (%s)...' % this_pac_url) 74 77 try: 75 78 response = urllib2.urlopen( 76 79 this_pac_url, timeout=self.timeout) 77 logg ing.debug('Succeeded (%s)...' % this_pac_url)80 logger.debug('Succeeded (%s)...' % this_pac_url) 78 81 except Exception: 79 logg ing.debug('Failled (%s)...' % this_pac_url)82 logger.debug('Failled (%s)...' % this_pac_url) 80 83 continue 81 84 pacStr = … … 120 123 response = None 121 124 try: 122 logg ing.debug("Trying Direct connection to %s..."%self.url)125 logger.debug("Trying Direct connection to %s..."%self.url) 123 126 response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout) 124 127 except Exception, e: 125 logg ing.debug("Failed!")126 logg ing.debug(e)128 logger.debug("Failed!") 129 logger.debug(e) 127 130 try: 128 logg ing.debug("Trying to use system proxy if it exists...")131 logger.debug("Trying to use system proxy if it exists...") 129 132 self._set_proxy() 130 133 response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout) 131 134 except Exception, e: 132 logg ing.debug("Failed!")133 logg ing.debug(e)135 logger.debug("Failed!") 136 logger.debug(e) 134 137 pac_urls = self._get_addresses_of_proxy_pac() 135 138 proxy_urls = self._parse_proxy_pac(pac_urls) 136 139 for proxy in proxy_urls: 137 140 try: 138 logg ing.debug("Trying to use the proxy %s found in proxy.pac configuration"%proxy)141 logger.debug("Trying to use the proxy %s found in proxy.pac configuration"%proxy) 139 142 self._set_proxy(proxy) 140 143 response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout) 141 144 except Exception, e: 142 logg ing.debug("Failed!")143 logg ing.debug(e)145 logger.debug("Failed!") 146 logger.debug(e) 144 147 if response is not None: 145 logg ing.debug("The connection to %s was successful."%self.url)148 logger.debug("The connection to %s was successful."%self.url) 146 149 else: 147 logg ing.warning("Connection to %s failed..."%self.url)150 logger.warning("Connection to %s failed..."%self.url) 148 151 return response 149 152 -
r6dd6e32 r463e7ffc 7 7 import sys 8 8 import wx.html as html 9 10 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 9 11 10 12 ISPDF = False … … 135 137 return pisaStatus.err 136 138 except: 137 logg ing.error("Error creating pdf: %s" % sys.exc_value)139 logger.error("Error creating pdf: %s" % sys.exc_value) 138 140 return False 139 141 -
r48b8f6d r98c44f3 4 4 .. by S King, ISIS, during SasView CodeCamp-III in Feb 2015. 5 5 .. WG Bouwman, DUT, added during CodeCamp-V in Oct 2016 the SESANS data format 6 .. WG Bouwman, DUT, updated during CodeCamp-VI in Apr 2017 the SESANS data format 6 7 7 8 .. _Formats: … … 82 83 The file format has a list of name-value pairs at the top of the file which detail the general experimental parameters necessary for fitting and analyzing data. This list should contain all the information necessary for the file to be 'portable' between users. 83 84 84 Following the header is a 6column list of instrument experimental variables:85 Following the header is a 8 (only the first 4 are really needed) column list of instrument experimental variables: 85 86 86 87 - Spin echo length (z, in Angstroms) 88 - depolarization (:math:`log(P/P_0)/(lambda^2 * thickness)`, in Angstrom^-1 cm^-1) 89 - depolarization error in the same unit) (measurement error) 87 90 - Spin echo length error (:math:`\Delta`\ z, in Angstroms) (experimental resolution) 88 - Neutron wavelength (:math:`\lambda`, in Angstroms) (essential for ToF instruments)91 - Neutron wavelength (:math:`\lambda`, in Angstroms) 89 92 - Neutron wavelength error (:math:`\Delta \lambda`, in Angstroms) 90 93 - Normalized polarization (:math:`P/P_0`, unitless) … … 93 96 .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 94 97 95 .. note:: This help document was last changed by Steve King, 07Oct201698 .. note:: This help document was last changed by Wim Bouwman, 05Apr2017
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