Changeset 5400ad4 in sasmodels

Apr 17, 2018 6:52:17 AM (7 years ago)
Paul Kienzle <pkienzle@…>
master, core_shell_microgels, magnetic_model, ticket-1257-vesicle-product, ticket_1156, ticket_1265_superball, ticket_822_more_unit_tests
9a7ef88 (diff), 1fbadb2 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge branch 'master' into ticket-896

6 edited


  • sasmodels/

    r5770493 r1fbadb2  
    13761376    path = os.path.dirname(info.filename) 
    13771377    url = "file://" + path.replace("\\", "/")[2:] + "/" 
    1378     rst2html.view_html_qtapp(html, url) 
     1378    rst2html.view_html_wxapp(html, url) 
    13801380def explore(opts): 
  • sasmodels/

    r2d81cfe r1fbadb2  
    5656    # others don't work properly with math_output! 
    5757    if math_output == "mathjax": 
    58         settings = {"math_output": math_output} 
     58        # TODO: this is copied from docs/; there should be only one 
     59        mathjax_path = "" 
     60        settings = {"math_output": math_output + " " + mathjax_path} 
    5961    else: 
    6062        settings = {"math-output": math_output} 
  • sasmodels/models/core_shell_parallelepiped.c

    re077231 rdbf1a60  
    6060    // outer integral (with gauss points), integration limits = 0, 1 
     61    // substitute d_cos_alpha for sin_alpha d_alpha 
    6162    double outer_sum = 0; //initialize integral 
    6263    for( int i=0; i<GAUSS_N; i++) { 
    6364        const double cos_alpha = 0.5 * ( GAUSS_Z[i] + 1.0 ); 
    6465        const double mu = half_q * sqrt(1.0-cos_alpha*cos_alpha); 
    66         // inner integral (with gauss points), integration limits = 0, pi/2 
    6766        const double siC = length_c * sas_sinx_x(length_c * cos_alpha * half_q); 
    6867        const double siCt = tC * sas_sinx_x(tC * cos_alpha * half_q); 
     69        // inner integral (with gauss points), integration limits = 0, 1 
     70        // substitute beta = PI/2 u (so 2/PI * d_(PI/2 * beta) = d_beta) 
    6971        double inner_sum = 0.0; 
    7072        for(int j=0; j<GAUSS_N; j++) { 
    71             const double beta = 0.5 * ( GAUSS_Z[j] + 1.0 ); 
     73            const double u = 0.5 * ( GAUSS_Z[j] + 1.0 ); 
    7274            double sin_beta, cos_beta; 
    73             SINCOS(M_PI_2*beta, sin_beta, cos_beta); 
     75            SINCOS(M_PI_2*u, sin_beta, cos_beta); 
    7476            const double siA = length_a * sas_sinx_x(length_a * mu * sin_beta); 
    7577            const double siB = length_b * sas_sinx_x(length_b * mu * cos_beta); 
    9193            inner_sum += GAUSS_W[j] * f * f; 
    9294        } 
     95        // now complete change of inner integration variable (1-0)/(1-(-1))= 0.5 
    9396        inner_sum *= 0.5; 
    9497        // now sum up the outer integral 
    9598        outer_sum += GAUSS_W[i] * inner_sum; 
    9699    } 
     100    // now complete change of outer integration variable (1-0)/(1-(-1))= 0.5 
    97101    outer_sum *= 0.5; 
  • sasmodels/models/

    r97be877 r5bc6d21  
    1111.. math:: 
    13     I(q) = \text{scale}\frac{\langle f^2 \rangle}{V} + \text{background} 
     13    I(q) = \frac{\text{scale}}{V} \langle P(q,\alpha,\beta) \rangle  
     14    + \text{background} 
    1516where $\langle \ldots \rangle$ is an average over all possible orientations 
    16 of the rectangular solid. 
    18 The function calculated is the form factor of the rectangular solid below. 
     17of the rectangular solid, and the usual $\Delta \rho^2 \ V^2$ term cannot be 
     18pulled out of the form factor term due to the multiple slds in the model. 
    1920The core of the solid is defined by the dimensions $A$, $B$, $C$ such that 
    2021$A < B < C$. 
    22 .. image:: img/core_shell_parallelepiped_geometry.jpg 
     23.. figure:: img/parallelepiped_geometry.jpg 
     25   Core of the core shell parallelepiped with the corresponding definition 
     26   of sides. 
    2429There are rectangular "slabs" of thickness $t_A$ that add to the $A$ dimension 
    2530(on the $BC$ faces). There are similar slabs on the $AC$ $(=t_B)$ and $AB$ 
    26 $(=t_C)$ faces. The projection in the $AB$ plane is then 
    28 .. image:: img/core_shell_parallelepiped_projection.jpg 
    30 The volume of the solid is 
     31$(=t_C)$ faces. The projection in the $AB$ plane is 
     33.. figure:: img/core_shell_parallelepiped_projection.jpg 
     35   AB cut through the core-shell parallelipiped showing the cross secion of 
     36   four of the six shell slabs. As can be seen, this model leaves **"gaps"** 
     37   at the corners of the solid. 
     40The total volume of the solid is thus given as 
    3242.. math:: 
    3444    V = ABC + 2t_ABC + 2t_BAC + 2t_CAB 
    36 **meaning that there are "gaps" at the corners of the solid.** 
    3846The intensity calculated follows the :ref:`parallelepiped` model, with the 
    3947core-shell intensity being calculated as the square of the sum of the 
    40 amplitudes of the core and the slabs on the edges. 
    42 the scattering amplitude is computed for a particular orientation of the 
    43 core-shell parallelepiped with respect to the scattering vector and then 
    44 averaged over all possible orientations, where $\alpha$ is the angle between 
    45 the $z$ axis and the $C$ axis of the parallelepiped, $\beta$ is 
    46 the angle between projection of the particle in the $xy$ detector plane 
    47 and the $y$ axis. 
    49 .. math:: 
    51     F(Q) 
     48amplitudes of the core and the slabs on the edges. The scattering amplitude is 
     49computed for a particular orientation of the core-shell parallelepiped with 
     50respect to the scattering vector and then averaged over all possible 
     51orientations, where $\alpha$ is the angle between the $z$ axis and the $C$ axis 
     52of the parallelepiped, and $\beta$ is the angle between the projection of the 
     53particle in the $xy$ detector plane and the $y$ axis. 
     55.. math:: 
     57    P(q)=\frac {\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\int_{0}^{\pi/2}F^2(q,\alpha,\beta) \ sin\alpha 
     58    \ d\alpha \ d\beta} {\int_{0}^{\pi/2} \ sin\alpha \ d\alpha \ d\beta} 
     62.. math:: 
     64    F(q,\alpha,\beta) 
    5265    &= (\rho_\text{core}-\rho_\text{solvent}) 
    5366       S(Q_A, A) S(Q_B, B) S(Q_C, C) \\ 
    5467    &+ (\rho_\text{A}-\rho_\text{solvent}) 
    55         \left[S(Q_A, A+2t_A) - S(Q_A, Q)\right] S(Q_B, B) S(Q_C, C) \\ 
     68        \left[S(Q_A, A+2t_A) - S(Q_A, A)\right] S(Q_B, B) S(Q_C, C) \\ 
    5669    &+ (\rho_\text{B}-\rho_\text{solvent}) 
    5770        S(Q_A, A) \left[S(Q_B, B+2t_B) - S(Q_B, B)\right] S(Q_C, C) \\ 
    6376.. math:: 
    65     S(Q, L) = L \frac{\sin \tfrac{1}{2} Q L}{\tfrac{1}{2} Q L} 
     78    S(Q_X, L) = L \frac{\sin (\tfrac{1}{2} Q_X L)}{\tfrac{1}{2} Q_X L} 
    6982.. math:: 
    71     Q_A &= \sin\alpha \sin\beta \\ 
    72     Q_B &= \sin\alpha \cos\beta \\ 
    73     Q_C &= \cos\alpha 
     84    Q_A &= q \sin\alpha \sin\beta \\ 
     85    Q_B &= q \sin\alpha \cos\beta \\ 
     86    Q_C &= q \cos\alpha 
    7689where $\rho_\text{core}$, $\rho_\text{A}$, $\rho_\text{B}$ and $\rho_\text{C}$ 
    77 are the scattering length of the parallelepiped core, and the rectangular 
     90are the scattering lengths of the parallelepiped core, and the rectangular 
    7891slabs of thickness $t_A$, $t_B$ and $t_C$, respectively. $\rho_\text{solvent}$ 
    7992is the scattering length of the solvent. 
     94.. note::  
     96   the code actually implements two substitutions: $d(cos\alpha)$ is 
     97   substituted for -$sin\alpha \ d\alpha$ (note that in the 
     98   :ref:`parallelepiped` code this is explicitly implemented with 
     99   $\sigma = cos\alpha$), and $\beta$ is set to $\beta = u \pi/2$ so that 
     100   $du = \pi/2 \ d\beta$.  Thus both integrals go from 0 to 1 rather than 0 
     101   to $\pi/2$. 
    94116based on the the averaged effective radius $(=\sqrt{(A+2t_A)(B+2t_B)/\pi})$ 
    95117and length $(C+2t_C)$ values, after appropriately sorting the three dimensions 
    96 to give an oblate or prolate particle, to give an effective radius, 
    97 for $S(Q)$ when $P(Q) * S(Q)$ is applied. 
     118to give an oblate or prolate particle, to give an effective radius 
     119for $S(q)$ when $P(q) * S(q)$ is applied. 
    99121For 2d data the orientation of the particle is required, described using 
    100 angles $\theta$, $\phi$ and $\Psi$ as in the diagrams below, for further 
     122angles $\theta$, $\phi$ and $\Psi$ as in the diagrams below. For further 
    101123details of the calculation and angular dispersions see :ref:`orientation`. 
    102124The angle $\Psi$ is the rotational angle around the *long_c* axis. For example, 
    103125$\Psi = 0$ when the *short_b* axis is parallel to the *x*-axis of the detector. 
    105 For 2d, constraints must be applied during fitting to ensure that the 
    106 inequality $A < B < C$ is not violated, and hence the correct definition 
    107 of angles is preserved. The calculation will not report an error, 
    108 but the results may be not correct. 
     127.. note:: For 2d, constraints must be applied during fitting to ensure that the 
     128   inequality $A < B < C$ is not violated, and hence the correct definition 
     129   of angles is preserved. The calculation will not report an error, 
     130   but the results may be not correct. 
    110132.. figure:: img/parallelepiped_angle_definition.png 
    113135    Note that rotation $\theta$, initially in the $xz$ plane, is carried 
    114136    out first, then rotation $\phi$ about the $z$ axis, finally rotation 
    115     $\Psi$ is now around the axis of the cylinder. The neutron or X-ray 
     137    $\Psi$ is now around the axis of the particle. The neutron or X-ray 
    116138    beam is along the $z$ axis. 
    120142    Examples of the angles for oriented core-shell parallelepipeds against the 
    121143    detector plane. 
     149Cross-checked against hollow rectangular prism and rectangular prism for equal 
     150thickness overlapping sides, and by Monte Carlo sampling of points within the 
     151shape for non-uniform, non-overlapping sides. 
    136167* **Author:** NIST IGOR/DANSE **Date:** pre 2010 
    137 * **Converted to sasmodels by:** Miguel Gonzales **Date:** February 26, 2016 
     168* **Converted to sasmodels by:** Miguel Gonzalez **Date:** February 26, 2016 
    138169* **Last Modified by:** Paul Kienzle **Date:** October 17, 2017 
    139 * Cross-checked against hollow rectangular prism and rectangular prism for 
    140   equal thickness overlapping sides, and by Monte Carlo sampling of points 
    141   within the shape for non-uniform, non-overlapping sides. 
  • sasmodels/models/parallelepiped.c

    r108e70e rdbf1a60  
    3838            inner_total += GAUSS_W[j] * square(si1 * si2); 
    3939        } 
     40        // now complete change of inner integration variable (1-0)/(1-(-1))= 0.5 
    4041        inner_total *= 0.5; 
    4344        outer_total += GAUSS_W[i] * inner_total * si * si; 
    4445    } 
     46    // now complete change of outer integration variable (1-0)/(1-(-1))= 0.5 
    4547    outer_total *= 0.5; 
  • sasmodels/models/

    ref07e95 r5bc6d21  
    22# Note: model title and parameter table are inserted automatically 
    4 The form factor is normalized by the particle volume. 
    5 For information about polarised and magnetic scattering, see 
    6 the :ref:`magnetism` documentation. 
    117 This model calculates the scattering from a rectangular parallelepiped 
    12  (\:numref:`parallelepiped-image`\). 
    13  If you need to apply polydispersity, see also :ref:`rectangular-prism`. 
     8 (:numref:`parallelepiped-image`). 
     9 If you need to apply polydispersity, see also :ref:`rectangular-prism`. For 
     10 information about polarised and magnetic scattering, see 
     11the :ref:`magnetism` documentation. 
    1513.. _parallelepiped-image: 
    2624error, or fixing of some dimensions at expected values, may help. 
    28 The 1D scattering intensity $I(q)$ is calculated as: 
     26The form factor is normalized by the particle volume and the 1D scattering 
     27intensity $I(q)$ is then calculated as: 
    3029.. Comment by Miguel Gonzalez: 
    4039    I(q) = \frac{\text{scale}}{V} (\Delta\rho \cdot V)^2 
    41            \left< P(q, \alpha) \right> + \text{background} 
     40           \left< P(q, \alpha, \beta) \right> + \text{background} 
    4342where the volume $V = A B C$, the contrast is defined as 
    44 $\Delta\rho = \rho_\text{p} - \rho_\text{solvent}$, 
    45 $P(q, \alpha)$ is the form factor corresponding to a parallelepiped oriented 
    46 at an angle $\alpha$ (angle between the long axis C and $\vec q$), 
    47 and the averaging $\left<\ldots\right>$ is applied over all orientations. 
     43$\Delta\rho = \rho_\text{p} - \rho_\text{solvent}$, $P(q, \alpha, \beta)$ 
     44is the form factor corresponding to a parallelepiped oriented 
     45at an angle $\alpha$ (angle between the long axis C and $\vec q$), and $\beta$ 
     46( the angle between the projection of the particle in the $xy$ detector plane 
     47and the $y$ axis) and the averaging $\left<\ldots\right>$ is applied over all 
    4950Assuming $a = A/B < 1$, $b = B /B = 1$, and $c = C/B > 1$, the 
    50 form factor is given by (Mittelbach and Porod, 1961) 
     51form factor is given by (Mittelbach and Porod, 1961 [#Mittelbach]_) 
    5253.. math:: 
    6667    \mu &= qB 
    68 The scattering intensity per unit volume is returned in units of |cm^-1|. 
     69where substitution of $\sigma = cos\alpha$ and $\beta = \pi/2 \ u$ have been 
    7072NB: The 2nd virial coefficient of the parallelepiped is calculated based on 
    120122.. math:: 
    122     P(q_x, q_y) = \left[\frac{\sin(\tfrac{1}{2}qA\cos\alpha)}{(\tfrac{1}{2}qA\cos\alpha)}\right]^2 
    123                   \left[\frac{\sin(\tfrac{1}{2}qB\cos\beta)}{(\tfrac{1}{2}qB\cos\beta)}\right]^2 
    124                   \left[\frac{\sin(\tfrac{1}{2}qC\cos\gamma)}{(\tfrac{1}{2}qC\cos\gamma)}\right]^2 
     124    P(q_x, q_y) = \left[\frac{\sin(\tfrac{1}{2}qA\cos\alpha)}{(\tfrac{1} 
     125                   {2}qA\cos\alpha)}\right]^2 
     126                  \left[\frac{\sin(\tfrac{1}{2}qB\cos\beta)}{(\tfrac{1} 
     127                   {2}qB\cos\beta)}\right]^2 
     128                  \left[\frac{\sin(\tfrac{1}{2}qC\cos\gamma)}{(\tfrac{1} 
     129                   {2}qC\cos\gamma)}\right]^2 
    162 P Mittelbach and G Porod, *Acta Physica Austriaca*, 14 (1961) 185-211 
    164 R Nayuk and K Huber, *Z. Phys. Chem.*, 226 (2012) 837-854 
     167.. [#Mittelbach] P Mittelbach and G Porod, *Acta Physica Austriaca*, 
     168   14 (1961) 185-211 
     169.. [#] R Nayuk and K Huber, *Z. Phys. Chem.*, 226 (2012) 837-854 
    166171Authorship and Verification 
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