Version 9 (modified by robert-whitley, 12 years ago) (diff)

Build Instructions for Windows

  • SansView? works with wxPython where there is currently no 64-bit version. If you have a 64-bit computer then please download 32-bit versions of python, wxpython and all the other external packages.

Install Python

  • If you have two or more versions of python then you will have to make sure you use the correct version of python when installing packages and running python. You can check this on the command terminal by entering
python --version
  • If the correct version isn't displayed then it's probably not set as an environmental variable. These can be changed in My Computer ‣ Properties ‣ Advanced ‣ Environment Variables The directory where python is located should be entered under 'PATH' and 'PYTHONPATH'.
  • If this doesn't work then a temporary fix is setting the path on the command line. An example of this is below.
    PATH c:/Python25; %PATH%

Install wxPython 2.8

Install other external packages

  • Some packages don't come in a friendly .exe file. To install these you will have to use the command terminal. There are two examples below of how to install. (The example installs periodictable using Python 2.6).

— Example 1 (Using correct version of Python)

c:\>python --version
Python 2.6

c:\>cd C:\Users\rqh12525\Desktop\Periodic table\periodictable-1.3.0

C:\Users\rqh12525\Desktop\Periodic table\periodictable-1.3.0>python install

— Example 2 (Forcing to install using the correct version of Python)

c:\>cd C:\Users\rqh12525\Desktop\Periodic table\periodictable-1.3.0

C:\Users\rqh12525\Desktop\Periodic table\periodictable-1.3.0>c:/Python26/python.exe install
  • There are several external packages that need to be installed.

— matplotlib-0.99.x

— numpy-1.4.x

— scipy-0.7.x

— lxml-2.2

— pyparsing

— periodictable-1.3

— setuptools

— comtypes

— pywin32

— PIL(optional)

— Check the release notes to see if any more are needed.

— A lot of the packages are optional because they will be downloaded automatically while installing SansView?. However, if the latest version isn't compatible with the version of Python you have downloaded then it will throw an error and leave you confused why it didn't install. To be on the safe side download and install all packages before attempting SansView?.

Get the source code

  • One of the ways of getting the source code is using subversion. You can get subversion here if you haven't already got it. If you want to do it a harder way then you can download the source code here
  • Using subversion copy this onto the command line. It will allow you to checkout the code and put it into the directory 'c:/sansviewproject'
    c:\>svn co sansviewproject
  • An easier way to use subversion is by downloading Tortoise SVN. This is a GUI for subversion.
  • Note: You may need to add proxy settings for Subversion to work. Instructions on how to do this are here. It can be achieved using Tortoise SVN a lot simpler by going to TortoiseSVN→Settings→Network.