Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TartuSchoolSasViewInstall

Sep 8, 2017 3:39:50 AM (7 years ago)


  • TartuSchoolSasViewInstall

    v1 v1  
     1= Tartu School SasView Instructions = 
     3= Installing for Windows or Mac = 
     4Download and install the latest release of SasView for your platform (Windows 32bit / Windows 64bit / Mac) from: [] 
     7= Running Sasview on Linux = 
     8The following instructions concern Ubuntu 16.04 but should provide sufficient guidelines for any linux distribution. These instructions obviously reference the package manger on Debian based system (apt), so you should replace such commands with the correct ones for your distro. 
     10== Download source code for !SasView and !SasModels ==  
     11- To obtain the source code you need to have git running. if you haven't already got it, it can be obtained from Ubuntu repository 
     13sudo apt-get install git 
     15- The easy way to download the !SasView and !SasModels code is by simply cloning a git repository 
     17mkdir sasview-code 
     18cd sasview-code 
     19git clone 
     20git clone 
     22- This will create a sasview-code folder in your current directory and then check out the latest version of the sasview and sasmodels code. However, we need to use a stable version and not the developer version. So we need to then do 
     24cd sasview 
     25git checkout v4.1.2 
     26cd ../sasmodels 
     27git checkout v0.96 
     29- Each of !SasView and !SasModels should now be checked out at the current release version. 
     31== Install dependencies using apt-get ==  
     32- Scientific python packages (numpy, scipy) together with matplotlib, pylint and wxgtk2.8 can be installed by running 
     34sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib pylint python-wxgtk3.0 pyopencl 
     37== Install pip == 
     38- The remaining dependencies can be installed using pip, which can be obtained by running the following: 
     41sudo python 
     44== Install dependencies using pip == 
     45- Once pip is obtained the remaining dependencies are installed by: 
     47sudo pip install unittest-xml-reporting 
     48sudo pip install bumps 
     49sudo pip install periodictable 
     50sudo pip install sphinx 
     53== Run !SasView == 
     54- Then one can navigate to a !SasView source directory (most likely "cd sasview") and simply run 
     58- This should then build !SasModels as needed and run !SasView. 
     60== Building the Help Docs == 
     61The process for building the help docs has been steadily evolving. The latest instructions might be found [ here]