Changes between Version 48 and Version 49 of ModelConvInst

Mar 17, 2016 1:03:26 PM (8 years ago)


  • ModelConvInst

    v48 v49  
    4040 - **parameters = [["name", "units", default, [min,max], "type", "tooltip"],...].** This is where the parameters get defined. The syntax should be obvious from the default. Copy the parameters from the model header file [ src/sas/models/include]. 
    4141 - ''the order of the parameters in the definition will be the order of the parameters in the user interface and the order of the parameters in Iq(), Iqxy() and form_volume().'' 
    42  - VERY IMPORTANT: We are trying to make the model parameters more consistent between models. So solvent_sld, for example, should have exactly the same name in every model. ''The current list of new parameters is:'' 
    43   - ''radius''      = radius 
    44   - ''sld''         = scattering length density of particle 
    45   - ''solvent_sld'' = scattering length density of matrix 
    46   - ''regiona_sld'' = scattering length density of region a for a multi component model with several slds 
    47   - ''cor_length''  = correlation length 
    48   - ''exp''         = exponent (example: porod_exp) 
    49   - ''peak_pos''    = q_peak or q0 etc 
    50   - ''theta''       = axis_theta, phi = axis_phi 
    51   - ''vol_frac''    = volume fraction of particle (example: lg_vol_frac) 
    52   - add more as you generate them! 
     42 - VERY IMPORTANT: We are trying to make the model parameters more consistent between models. So sld_solvent, for example, should have exactly the same name in every model.  
    5343  - **''NOTE: There is no need to specify 'scale' or 'background', these are implicit to all models.''** 
    5444  - to see the list of parameters currently used across all models, use 
    5646python -m sasmodels.list_pars 
     48 - **the parameter default values are used to auto-generate a plot of the model function in the documentation**. 
    5849 - lower and upper limits can be any number, or -inf or inf. 
    5950  - add limits where required the (old) sasview models don't usually define them. 
    146137Also remember, if using a locally-built !SasView, that if you have done a ''pull'' from the repo you will need to re-build before continuing! 
    148 The first thing to test is that you are getting the same answer as !SasView for the 1D version of the model. This is done with: 
     139The first thing to test is that you are getting the same answer as !SasView for the 1D version of the model. **These tests use the ''demo='' values in your model file.** To run the tests use: 
    199190Dispersion parameters n, sigma and type will be unchanged from demo so that run times are predictable. 
    201 Now run the unit tests that you have added: 
     192Now run the unit tests that you have added. **These tests use the ''test='' values in your model file**. To run the unit tests use: 
    260251Once compare and the unit test(s) pass properly and everything is done, commit your new model to the repo and then edit the models table at [] to indicate that the conversion is complete. 
     253Also complete the documentation check table [ Checks]. 
    263256'''OPENCL ISSUES'''