Version 6 (modified by trnielsen, 8 years ago) (diff)

Update on wxpython3.0 on Ubuntu 14.04

Build Instructions for Linux (Ubuntu)

The following instructions concern Ubuntu 14.04 but should provide sufficient guidelines for any linux distribution.

Download source code for SasView

  • To obtain the source code you need to have git running. if you haven't already got it, it can be obtained from Ubuntu repository
    sudo apt-get install git
  • The easy way to download SasView code is by simply cloning a git repository
    git clone
  • This will create a sasview folder in your current directory

Install dependencies using apt-get

  • Scientific python packages (numpy, scipy) together with matplotlib, pylint and wxgtk2.8 can be installed by running
    sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib pylint python-wxgtk2.8
  • For wxgtk3.0 read "Build instructions" at

Install pip

  • The remaining dependencies can be installed using pip, which can be obtained by running the following:
    sudo python

Install dependencies using pip

  • Once pip is obtained the remaining dependencies are installed by:
    sudo pip install unittest-xml-reporting
    sudo pip install bumps
    sudo pip install periodictable
    sudo pip install sphinx

Compile SasView

  • Then one can navigate to a SasView source directory (most likely "cd sasview") and simply run
    python build      # will build the package underneath 'build/'
    python install    # will install the package
  • sudo commnand might be required for a global installation