Version 4 (modified by wojciech, 8 years ago) (diff)

Build Instructions for Linux (Ubuntu)

The following instructions concern Ubuntu 14.04 but should provide sufficient guidelines for any linux distribution.

Download source code for SasView

  • To obtain the source code you need to have git running. if you haven't already got it, it can be obtained from Ubuntu repository
    sudo apt-get install git
  • The easy way to download SasView code is by simply cloning a git repository
    git clone
  • This will create a sasview folder in your current directory

Install dependencies using apt-get

  • Scientific python packages (numpy, scipy) together with matplotlib, pylint and wxgtk2.8 can be installed by running
    sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib pylint python-wxgtk2.8

Install pip

  • The remaining dependencies can be installed using pip, which one could get and install by running the following:
    sudo python

Install dependencies using pip

  • Once pip is installed one can install the remaining dependencies
    sudo pip install unittest-xml-reporting
    sudo pip install bumps
    sudo pip install periodictable
    sudo pip install sphinx

Compile SasView

  • Then one can navigate to a SasView source directory (most likely "cd sasview") and then simply run
    python build      # will build the package underneath 'build/'
    python install    # will install the package
  • sudo commnand might be required for a global installation