Version 4 (modified by ajj, 6 years ago) (diff)

Lab 1 Report

The lab report consists of writing up some of the results you have obtained from the practical work.

You should write up the following tasks from Lab 1A and Lab 1B

Scattering Models

Include your plot results from tasks 5 and 7 and answer the questions there.

Polydispersity and Resolution

Include your plot results from tasks 8 and 9. Answer the questions there and compare the effects of polydispersity and resolution on the data.

SLD Calculation

Calculate SLD by hand and using one other method from the list in task 12. Show your working for the hand calculation.

Data Processing

Include your plot from task 14 and answer the questions there.

Data Analysis

Include your plot from task 17. Answer the questions in tasks 18, 19, 20 & 21.