Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of DevNotes/Projects/Licensing

Jun 7, 2016 10:42:57 AM (8 years ago)


  • DevNotes/Projects/Licensing

    v22 v23  
    1717- Py2Exe - MIT style (bootstrap code is shipped as part of the windows exe) 
    1818- Py2App - PSF or MIT (bootstrap code is shipped as part of the Mac OS X app) 
     19- six - MIT 
    2021- perodictables - Public Domain 
    21   - numpy, pyparsing, matplotlib 
    22   - xray data: Henke et al., LBL 
    23   - neutron data: Rauch, Atomic Institute for Austrian Universities 
    24   - fundamental constants, atomic mass: NIST 
    25   - cromer-mann: BSD (c) Columbia University 
     22  - numpy, matplotlib, pyparsing 
     23  - xray data - Henke et al., LBL 
     24  - neutron data - Rauch, Atomic Institute for Austrian Universities 
     25  - fundamental constants, atomic mass - NIST 
     26  - cromer-mann - BSD (c) Columbia University 
    2627- sasmodels - Public Domain, plus whatever license we put on the models converted from public domain Igor code 
    2728  - numpy 
    2829  - pyopencl - MIT, BSD and Apache 
    2930  - cephes - BSD, depending on where we get it [] 
     31  - tinycc - LGPL 
     32  - xmlrunner - BSD 
    3033- bumps - Public Domain 
     34  - numpy, scipy, matplotlib, six 
     35  - mpi4py - two clause BSD 
    3136  - GUI - MIT (c) U. Maryland 
     37    - wxPython 
    3238  - DREAM - BSD (c) Los Alamos 
     39    - scipy, numpy, matplotlib 
     40    - sklearn - BSD 
    3341  - Levenberg-Marquardt - scipy 
    3442  - Differential Evolution, Nelder-Mead - PD 
    3543  - BFGS - MIT (c) U. Maryland 
     44  - dill - MIT (c) CalTech 
    4453 - is there a UTK License? 
    4554 - Add at beginning the DMR and use of danse code (see danse license above) 
     57= unix/mac/git-bash expression for finding imports = 
     60grep import *.py | sed -e 's/^[^:]*: *from  *\([^.]*\)\([.].*\)\{0,1\} import.*$/\1/' | sed -e 's/^[^:]*: *import  *\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\([. ][^,]*\)\{0,1\}$/\1/' | sort | uniq 
     63Much longer version for the sasview tree: 
     65find src -name "*.py" | xargs grep import | sed 's/^M//' | sed 's/#.*$//' | sed 's/^[^:]*: *$//' | sed -e 's/^[^:]*: *from  *\([^.]*\)\([.].*\)\{0,1\} import.*$/\1/' | sed -e 's/^[^:]*: *import  *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\([. ][^,]*\)\{0,1\} *$/\1/' | sort | uniq 
     68Note: some sasview files end with CR LF, hence the sed 's/^M//' early in the stream.  This is not ^M, this is an actual carriage return inserted by Ctrl-V+Ctrl-M.  With gnu sed, \r might work. Or maybe \\r. 
     70Sasview uses lots of implicit relative imports, so the results are noisy.  These should be changed to relative imports.