Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of DevNotes/Obsolete/v3p1PunchList

Jun 28, 2015 9:20:15 PM (9 years ago)


  • DevNotes/Obsolete/v3p1PunchList

    v12 v13  
    11112. The very nice help documentation works fine for me (apart from the previously mentioned irritating lack of “back” button on screen, though there is one if you right click, or use ALT/leftArrow; whilst ALT/rightArrow is forward.). However the section on the optimizers is not rendering equations so has $n$, $1-sigma$  etc. 
    12 >'''CHECK''' should be simply due to not connecting to Mathja CND. But may mean need to include in distributable. 
     12>'''CHECK''' should be simply due to not connecting to Mathjax CDN. But may mean need to include in distributable. 
    14143. I think, from experiment with data rather than looking at the code, the docs for the Hayter MSA structure factor needs to note that even if no salt has been specifically added to the sample,  the “salt conc” may need to be non-zero to allow for counterions that have come off say a micelle as it charges up. One day I will code up a version of the Hayter MSA where the Debye length is explicitly entered. NOTE added by PDB:  I'm not sure that is true.  The implication fromt the documentation (again without delving deeply into the code) is that the counterions are accounted for (assumed to be monovalent one per charge on colloid).  The documentation already indicates that currently the ionic strength cannot be directly entered and that the counterions and salts are all assumed mono-valent.