Version 15 (modified by mathieu, 8 years ago) (diff)

Code Camp V Planning


The fifth SasView Code Camp will be held at the Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge, Tennessee from 4th to 11th October, 2016

Travel and Accommodation

  • The distance from Oak Ridge to the lab is about 20 min drive. It is recommended that a number of participants have rental cars during the code camp.

Hotel Suggestion

Getting to the Hotel and the SNS

Contact Information

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1 Bethel Valley Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37831

Mathieu Doucet

Phone: +1 865 574-6494

Admin contact: Melissa Richards

Phone: +1 865 576-5251

Participants (tentative)

  • Andrew Jackson (ESS)
  • Paul Butler (NIST)
  • Steve King (ISIS)
  • Richard Heenan (ISIS)
  • Wim Bouwman (Delft)
  • Mathieu Doucet (ORNL)
  • Wojciech Potrzebowski (ESS)