Sasmodels Enhancement Discussion
- From Roadmap
- reparametrization of models -
- What types: simple (e.g. sld → solvent fractions), complex (e.g. molecular constraints), other?
- How to implement (using categories, on the fly change, constrained fit special workflows, other?)
- Resources - when?
- Inclusion of more complex structure factors
- Locally Monodisperse approximation, others
- Structure factors that include the form factor directly
- How/who? resources?
- scatter 2D modeling of crystal structures
- 1D oriented data (i.e. 1D cuts through anisotropic data)
- Do we bother?
- How: separate function in model file (e.g. Iqxy1D), calculate in 2D and slice (e.g. use existing models and add infrastructure), other?
- How/who?
- New item
- Computational speeds - exploring integration options
- Options (golden vectors, adaptive, other?, combos?)
- Precision with single precision and compatibility with openCL
- Do we punt again? who/how resources?
- Optimizer benchmarking
- Project description
- Use cases covering broad base of different types of problems
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