Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of CodeCampIII

Feb 26, 2015 8:49:27 PM (9 years ago)


  • CodeCampIII

    v51 v52  
    4444The camp began with an introduction by Paul Butler outlining the goals for the week. Three major themes were identified as critical to the long term viability of !SasView as a collaborative, community project: good and well maintained documentation, both user and developer, low barrier to entry for new developers, and ease of including new models both for developers and users. A [wiki:CodeCampIIIScheduleAndWork schedule and series of work packages] were formulated to guide the work. 
    46 Besides addressing a number of feature requests and bug fixes, the first task was to migrate the !SasView code repository from SourceForge, which has been problematic of late, to Github. This was successfully accomplished. Migration included redirecting host names, editing trac and web pages, moving web pages hosting from UTK to github as well as updating all the developer machines.  In the process the final phase of renaming and reorganizing the folders in the !SasView tree was completed.  The official build servers and Jenkins site were moved to the DMSC servers and the development finally moved from using the old wx 2.8 to using wx 3.0. 
     46Besides addressing feature requests and bug fixes, the first task was to migrate the !SasView code repository from SourceForge, which has been problematic of late, to Github. This was successfully accomplished. Migration included redirecting host names, editing trac and web pages, moving web pages hosting from UTK to github as well as updating all the developer machines.  In the process the final phase of renaming and reorganizing the folders in the !SasView tree was completed.  The official build servers and Jenkins site were moved to the DMSC servers and the development finally moved from using the old wx 2.8 to using wx 3.0. 
    4848With the move to wx 3.0 the documentation re-write, begun at code camp II at ISIS to start addressing the first theme above, was completed with a porting of all the non-model documentation to RST files that can be built by sphinx. The new documentation was integrated into the gui simplifying the code in the process. Most of the non-model documentation was also carefully edited and updated.  With this restructuring, both the user documentation, now provided in RST files, and the developer documentation, provided in the doc strings included in the code by the code author, are automatically generated and pushed to the website with each build.   Further simplification is expected when the new model structure discussed below is completed. Thus the task of editing and updating user documentation is now greatly simplified making that task more manageable and should allow for better and more timely upkeep as we move forward.  Meanwhile the ease of access to the developer documentation should encourage better code documentation and starts addressing the second theme of lowering the barrier to entry for new developers.