Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#924 new defect

Need better feedback to user when fitting fails to converge — at Initial Version

Reported by: butler Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: SasView 5.0.0
Component: SasView Keywords:
Cc: Work Package: SasView Bug Fixing


As of version 4.1, when the fitting fails to converge or hits a singularity etc, there are two responses. For sum/multiply (including P*S) models which are still in the old SasView? infrastructure a pop up with the traceback … which is extremely confusing to the user and not helpful. For regular models that use the sasmodels infrastructure, a message is sent to the console stating that no values were returned from the fitter and a warning that fitting did not converge. Also the corner of the console line goes red. However the console line stays blank.

The first issue will get resolved when the sum/multiply get moved to the product model in the sasmodels infrastructure.

Two other things are being requested in order to make this useful:

  • Send the message also to a popup
  • To the "fitting did not converge" add some suggestions for what might help such as "you might want to check your starting parameters"

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