| 29 | We might be able to accomplish this by updating sphinx conf.py with: |
| 30 | |
| 31 | {{{ |
| 32 | mathjax_path="MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML-full&delayStartupUntil=configured" |
| 33 | }}} |
| 34 | |
| 35 | and adding _templates/layout.html with: |
| 36 | {{{ |
| 37 | {% extends "!layout.html" %} |
| 38 | |
| 39 | {%- block extrahead %} |
| 40 | <script type="text/javascript"> |
| 41 | MathJax.Hub.Config({ |
| 42 | // displayAlign: "left", |
| 43 | // displayIndent: "2.5em", |
| 44 | "HTML-CSS": { |
| 45 | //undefinedFamily: ["STIXGeneral, 'Arial Unicode MS', serif"], |
| 46 | preferredFont: "TeX", |
| 47 | availableFonts: ["TeX"], |
| 48 | webFont: "TeX", |
| 49 | imageFont: null |
| 50 | } |
| 51 | }); |
| 52 | MathJax.Hub.Configured() |
| 53 | </script> |
| 54 | {% endblock %} |
| 55 | }}} |