Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#1234 new enhancement

add orientation distributions for Jeffery orbits

Reported by: pkienzle Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: sasmodels Next Release +1
Component: sasmodels Keywords:
Cc: Work Package: SasModels New Model


Ellipsoids in shear will exhibit tumbling with period related to the shear and aspect ratio. The distribution shape will change with aspect ratio.

Need to create theta and phi distribution functions that capture joint distribution and check that they are separable (or nearly so). If not, need to figure out how to handle joint distributions on theta and phi is sasmodels. The work-around is to implement an Iqxy function which has parameters for the Jeffery distribution, but we will need a separate one for each shape, so not a good long-term solution.

The following is a starting point:

[Stover1990]: Stover, C.A., Cohen, C., 1990. The motion of rodlike particles in the pressure-driven flow between two flat plates. Rheologica Acta 29, 192–203.

Attachments (4)

Stover1990_Fig1.png (119.1 KB) - added by pkienzle 6 years ago.
orientation coordiates
Stover1990_Fig2.png (162.5 KB) - added by pkienzle 6 years ago.
Jeffery orbits
Jeffey Orbits.ipynb (105.6 KB) - added by pkienzle 6 years ago.
Jeffery Orbits.ipynb (109.1 KB) - added by pkienzle 6 years ago.
corrected filename

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

Changed 6 years ago by pkienzle

orientation coordiates

Changed 6 years ago by pkienzle

Jeffery orbits

Changed 6 years ago by pkienzle

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by pkienzle

Ignore the Jeffrey's Orbit ipython notebook attachment; it is out of date and I can't delete it. Should also rename Jeffey Orbits to Jeffrey Orbits.

Last edited 6 years ago by pkienzle (previous) (diff)

Changed 6 years ago by pkienzle

corrected filename

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