Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#1185 new enhancement

change data in a FitPage — at Version 2

Reported by: richardh Owned by: richardh
Priority: major Milestone: SasView 5.1.0
Component: SasView Keywords:
Cc: Work Package: SasView GUI Enhancements

Description (last modified by butler)

It still annoys me greatly that having set up a complicated model in a FitPage you have to start from scratch to reuse it with a different data set. Thus is particularly important if you have constraints between two or three FitPages.

I would like to send a fresh data set to a FitPage, at the same time "freezing" any fit results currently there so they are still available.

Is there any reason why this would not work? (Also is there a ticket for this somewhere already?)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by butler

I think this issue is the subject of another ticket by @richardh but not sure what to search for. If we cannot find it may just proceed and eventually close the other as duplicate, if and when it gets found?

Question 1: currently one can change the model used on a FitPage but I don't think we can currently send a new data set to a current FitPage can we? If one sends a new data set to fitting I believe a new FitPage is created and the data sent there. In this case one would have to re-select the PQ and, if necessary, the S(Q), but then one should be able to use "copy paste parameters" to set up the same model? We used to have problems with not all parameters being saved but thought that was fixed at some point?

Also, batch fitting provides a way (wont work with complex constraints between tabs of course) to fit multiple data to the same arbitrarily complex model.

Perhaps it would help to have a bit more detailed description of the use case? Or is the use case strictly the constrained fitting where the constraints will be defined against a particular set of FitPages?

Question 2: Is the suggestion to allow sending new data to a FitPage that already contains data (and a model with parameters etc set)? There is currently a label box that contains the data name that I suppose could be turned into a drop down box to choose any data set in the datamanager, and I think that is done in some panel (maybe batch fit?), but I think that could cause a lot of user confusion? I guess I am not entirely clear on what is being suggested here?

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by butler

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