Custom Query (780 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 780)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#82 fixed Merge README and release_notes butler butlerpd

We have agreed to move to README.txt rather than release_notes as sourceforge recognizes the readme in a special way and makes it easily availalbe. We need to make sure that README is uptodate with latest from release_notes and then remove release notes

#83 fixed Polydispersity with onion model is broken jhjcho ajjackson

See attached screen shot.

The green line is a frozen model with no polydispersity. The blue line is with 50% PD on both core and shell.

They are the same.

OS X 10.7.4 Sansview 2.1.1 build 6243

#84 fixed Add two more SK's models: ChenFractal(24) and GelFit(22) Models robert-whitley jhjcho

The FORTRAN code (attached) needs to be converted to our C/Python.

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