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Results (40 - 42 of 780)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1162 fixed QT5 Gui developer environment issue? richardh richardh

On my win7 laptop, I have cloned current sasview & sasmodels and run the yml files for both wx and qt5 gui.

Though this works fine on my desk top machine, the laptop behaves slightly differently (e.g. makes an environment called qt5_win not qt5). The wx vesrion runs fine, but I cannot get the qt5 one to work, the initial splash image appears briefly, then I get the failed import error below. Any ideas?

(Would not normally ticket this sort of thing but I want to get the laptop prepared for code camp and also update the developer wiki page on how to make local builds.)

$ python

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 167, in <module>


File "C:\stfc\sasview42\sasview\src\sas\qtgui\MainWindow\", line 71, in run_sasview

mainwindow = MainSasViewWindow()

File "C:\stfc\sasview42\sasview\src\sas\qtgui\MainWindow\", line 24, in __init__

from .GuiManager import GuiManager

File "C:\stfc\sasview42\sasview\src\sas\qtgui\MainWindow\", line 14, in <module>

from sas.qtgui.Utilities.ConnectionProxy import ConnectionProxy

File "C:\stfc\sasview42\sasview\src\sas\qtgui\Utilities\", line 3, in <module>

import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse

ImportError: No module named request


#1160 fixed fix VR for core_shell_cylinder, fractal_core_shell and hollow_cylinder butler pkienzle

The VR function returns the volume of the whole and the volume of a part, creating the volume ratio:

    ratio = part / whole

The volume fraction used for the structure factor is then Vf/ratio.

This is appropriate when Vf refers to the volume fraction of shell rather than the volume fraction of the whole particle. Scaling by the volume ratio turns it into the volume fraction of the whole particle when calling the structure factor model.

Compared to sasview 3.x, we have the following VR functions in sasmodels: rison with sasview 3.x

    core_shell_cylinder = shell / total [ 1 in sasview 3.x ]
    core_shell_sphere = 1 [ was 1 in sasview 3.x ]
    fractal_core_shell = shell / total [ model not in sasview 3.x? ]
    hollow_cylinder = total / shell [ was shell / total in sasview 3.x ]
    hollow_rectangular_prism = shell / total  [ was 1 in sasview 3.x ]
    hollow_rectangular_prism_thin_walls = surface area / total [ was 1 in sasview 3.x ]
    vesicle = shell / total [ was shell / total in sasview 3.x ]

    * core_shell_sphere has code for shell / total, but that was replaced with 1 when we added sesans support
    * hollow_cylinder is returning total/shell rather than shell/total
    * hollow prisms had ER and VR defined as 1 in 3.x

We should remove VR for core_shell_sphere, core_shell_cylinder and fractal_core_shell, and fix the hollow_cylinder ratio.

See also ticket #1030.

#1157 fixed force background to 0.0 for structure factors pkienzle pkienzle

The scale and background parameters are still present in the model in sasmodels, they are just invisible to the interface in sasview.

Unfortunately, it appears that the default value for background for structure factor is 0.001 and there is no way to change it from sasview. Need to force it to zero within the model.

Tests should not specify background=0 in order to verify that 0 is the default value.

Note that the parameters are only hidden to sasview via, they are not registered as hidden within sasmodels. This means sascomp hardsphere -pars will show the defaults. May want to hide the parameters within sasmodels itself, once the default has been corrected.

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