Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#938 cannot read canSAS1D file written out by SasView krzywon defect blocker SasView fixed
#948 mathjax CDN is going away defect blocker SasView fixed
#955 Consider releasing new tutorial in 4.1.1 ajj task blocker SasView fixed
#960 Save project throws an error if empty fit page(s) krzywon defect blocker SasView fixed
#968 About Box not showing correct version number defect blocker SasView invalid
#555 needs cleanup ajj defect major SasView fixed
#918 Test folders not bundled with build krzywon defect major SasView fixed
#929 Problem deleting data in first fit page krzywon defect major SasView fixed
#45 Provide access to sub and superscripts and some symbols on plots butler enhancement minor SasView fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.