Changeset fdd3ba1 in sasview
- Timestamp:
- Aug 19, 2016 9:21:28 AM (9 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload
- Children:
- c476457
- Parents:
- d3e1870 (diff), 4abcc93a (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent. - Files:
- 17 added
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1cecc91 r55bbe0b2 6 6 ; 7 7 ; 0 - OK 8 ; 1 - Download failure 9 ; 2 - Installer failure 10 ; 3 - Problems running SasView (simple fitting) 11 ; 4 - Uninstaller failure 8 ; 1 - Installer failure 9 ; 2 - Problems running SasView (simple fitting) 10 ; 3 - Uninstaller failure 12 11 13 12 #include <Constants.au3> 14 13 #include <FileConstants.au3> 15 14 #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> 16 #include <InetConstants.au3>17 15 #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> 18 16 19 ; Custom error handler20 ;Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc")21 22 17 ; Modifiable globals 23 if $CmdLine[0] == 0 Then 24 ; Expected command line with the build number as argument 25 Exit (-1) 18 Global $fInstallerLocation = @TempDir & "\setupSasView.exe" 19 if $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then 20 ; If argument present - use it as local download path 21 $fInstallerLocation = $CmdLine[1] 26 22 EndIf 27 23 28 Local $lBuildNumber = $CmdLine[1]29 ;Global $fInstallerLocation = "C:\util\setupSasView.exe" ; debug and testing location30 Global $fInstallerLocation = @TempDir & "\setupSasView.exe"31 Global $fRemoteInstallerLocation = "" & $lBuildNumber & "/artifact/sasview/dist/setupSasView.exe"32 24 Global $fUninstallerLocation = "C:\Program Files (x86)\SasView\unins000.exe" 33 25 Global $lTimeout = 10 ; 10 sec timeout for waiting on windows … … 37 29 Global $installerPID = 0 38 30 39 40 31 ;; MAIN SCRIPT 41 Download()42 32 Install() 43 33 RunSasView() 44 34 Uninstall() 45 46 35 Exit(0) 47 36 48 37 ;============================================================== 49 Func Download()50 ; Download the file in the background with the selected option of 'force a reload from the remote site.'51 ConsoleWrite("Downloading...." & @CRLF)52 Local $iFailFlag = 153 Local $hDownload = InetGet($fRemoteInstallerLocation, $fInstallerLocation, $INET_FORCERELOAD)54 55 ; Close the handle returned by InetGet.56 InetClose($hDownload)57 Assert($hDownload, $iFailFlag)58 ConsoleWrite("Installer downloaded successfully to " & $fInstallerLocation & @CRLF)59 60 EndFunc61 38 62 39 Func Install() 63 40 ;;;;; APPLICATION INSTALLED ;;;;;;; 64 41 Local $sSetupWindow = "Setup - SasView" 65 Local $iFailFlag = 242 Local $iFailFlag = 1 66 43 ; Run setup 67 44 if FileExists($fInstallerLocation) Then … … 75 52 76 53 ; License click through 77 WinActivate($sSetupWindow) ; <-- REQUIRED when connecting from another host54 WinActivate($sSetupWindow) 78 55 Local $test = WinWaitActive($sSetupWindow, "License Agreement", $lTimeout) 79 56 ;ConsoleWrite("license agreement: " & $test) -
r6a698c0 r09afe90 199 199 msg += """Source: "dist\plugin_models\*";\tDestDir: "{userdesktop}\..\.sasview\plugin_models";\t""" 200 200 msg += """Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs\n""" 201 msg += """Source: "dist\compiled_models\*";\tDestDir: "{userdesktop}\..\.sasmodels\compiled_models";\t"""202 msg += """Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs\n"""203 201 msg += """Source: "dist\config\";\tDestDir: "{userdesktop}\..\.sasview\config";\t""" 204 202 msg += """Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs\n""" -
r7f71637 rfdd3ba1 100 100 101 101 from matplotlib import backend_bases 102 backend_bases. _default_filetypes.pop('pgf', None)102 backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase.filetypes.pop('pgf', None) 103 103 104 104 class SasView(): -
r98d89df r09afe90 209 209 data_files += guiframe.data_files() 210 210 211 # precompile sas models into the sasview build path; doesn't matter too much212 # where it is so long as it is a place that will get cleaned up afterwards.213 import sasmodels.core214 dll_path = os.path.join(build_path, 'compiled_models')215 compiled_dlls = sasmodels.core.precompile_dlls(dll_path, dtype='double')216 217 # include the compiled models as data; coordinate the target path for the218 # data with installer_generator.py219 data_files.append(('compiled_models', compiled_dlls))220 221 211 import sasmodels 222 212 data_files += sasmodels.data_files() -
r7f71637 rfdd3ba1 206 206 # Go through each child in the parent element 207 207 for node in dom: 208 attr = node.attrib 209 name = attr.get("name", "") 210 type = attr.get("type", "") 208 211 # Get the element name and set the current names level 209 212 tagname = node.tag.replace(self.base_ns, "") … … 223 226 ## Recursion step to access data within the group 224 227 self._parse_entry(node) 228 if tagname == "SASsample": 229 = name 230 elif tagname == "beam_size": 231 self.current_datainfo.source.beam_size_name = name 232 elif tagname == "SAScollimation": 233 = name 234 elif tagname == "aperture": 235 = name 236 self.aperture.type = type 225 237 self.add_intermediate() 226 238 else: … … 229 241 ## If this is a dataset, store the data appropriately 230 242 if tagname == 'Run': 243 self.current_datainfo.run_name[data_point] = name 231 244 232 245 elif tagname == 'Title': … … 369 382 self.process.notes.append(data_point) 370 383 elif tagname == 'term' and self.parent_class == 'SASprocess': 371 self.process.term.append(data_point) 384 unit = attr.get("unit", "") 385 dic = {} 386 dic["name"] = name 387 dic["value"] = data_point 388 dic["unit"] = unit 389 self.process.term.append(dic) 372 390 373 391 ## Transmission Spectrum … … 531 549 self.current_datainfo.collimation.append(self.collimation) 532 550 self.collimation = Collimation() 533 elif self.parent_class == ' SASaperture':551 elif self.parent_class == 'aperture': 534 552 self.collimation.aperture.append(self.aperture) 535 553 self.aperture = Aperture() … … 646 664 err_msg = None 647 665 default_unit = None 648 if 'unit' in attr and attr.get('unit') is not None and not self.ns_list.ns_optional: 666 if not isinstance(node_value, float): 667 node_value = float(node_value) 668 if 'unit' in attr and attr.get('unit') is not None: 649 669 try: 650 670 local_unit = attr['unit'] 651 if not isinstance(node_value, float):652 node_value = float(node_value)653 671 unitname = self.ns_list.current_level.get("unit", "") 654 672 if "SASdetector" in self.names: … … 907 925 self.write_node(point, "I", datainfo.y[i], 908 926 {'unit': datainfo.y_unit}) 909 if datainfo.dy !=None and len(datainfo.dy) > i:927 if datainfo.dy is not None and len(datainfo.dy) > i: 910 928 self.write_node(point, "Idev", datainfo.dy[i], 911 929 {'unit': datainfo.y_unit}) 912 if datainfo.dx !=None and len(datainfo.dx) > i:930 if datainfo.dx is not None and len(datainfo.dx) > i: 913 931 self.write_node(point, "Qdev", datainfo.dx[i], 914 932 {'unit': datainfo.x_unit}) 915 if datainfo.dxw !=None and len(datainfo.dxw) > i:933 if datainfo.dxw is not None and len(datainfo.dxw) > i: 916 934 self.write_node(point, "dQw", datainfo.dxw[i], 917 935 {'unit': datainfo.x_unit}) 918 if datainfo.dxl !=None and len(datainfo.dxl) > i:936 if datainfo.dxl is not None and len(datainfo.dxl) > i: 919 937 self.write_node(point, "dQl", datainfo.dxl[i], 920 938 {'unit': datainfo.x_unit}) … … 1184 1202 if isinstance(term, list): 1185 1203 value = term['value'] 1204 del term['value'] 1205 elif isinstance(term, dict): 1206 value = term.get("value") 1186 1207 del term['value'] 1187 1208 else: -
rb699768 r5f26aa4 176 176 177 177 self.assertEqual([0], "1234") 178 self.assertEqual(['loader'], "CanSAS 1D") 179 self.assertEqual(len(, 0) 178 self.assertEqual(['loader'], "CanSAS XML 1D") 180 179 181 180 # Data … … 198 197 self.assertEqual(, "my sample") 199 198 self.assertEqual(, 'mm') 200 self.assert Equal(, 1.03)201 202 self.assert Equal(, 0.327)199 self.assertAlmostEqual(, 1.03) 200 201 self.assertAlmostEqual(, 0.327) 203 202 204 203 self.assertEqual(, 'C') … … 233 232 234 233 self.assertEqual(, "nm") 235 self.assert Equal(, 1.0)234 self.assertAlmostEqual(, 1.0) 236 235 self.assertEqual(, "nm") 237 self.assert Equal(, 0.22)236 self.assertAlmostEqual(, 0.22) 238 237 self.assertEqual(, "percent") 239 238 self.assertEqual(, 14.3) … … 248 247 self.assertEqual(item.size_unit,'mm') 249 248 self.assertEqual(item.distance_unit,'mm') 250 249 251 250 if item.size.x==50 \ 252 251 and item.distance==11000.0 \ … … 294 293 self.assertTrue( in ['04-Sep-2007 18:35:02', 295 294 '03-SEP-2006 11:42:47']) 295 print item.term 296 296 for t in item.term: 297 297 if t['name']=="ABS:DSTAND" \ … … 345 345 self.assertEqual(, filename) 346 346 # The followed should not have been loaded 347 self.assert Equal(, 0.00103)347 self.assertAlmostEqual(, 0.00103) 348 348 # This one should 349 self.assert Equal(, 0.327)350 351 self.assertEqual(['loader'], "CanSAS 1D")349 self.assertAlmostEqual(, 0.327) 350 351 self.assertEqual(['loader'], "CanSAS XML 1D") 352 352 print 353 353 self.assertEqual(len(, 1) … … 385 385 386 386 if __name__ == '__main__': 387 unittest.main( testRunner=unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2))387 unittest.main() -
re04f87b rdf332d8 8 8 # generated. 9 9 # 10 # Feel free to add more stuff to this as and when it becomes an issue. 10 # Feel free to add more stuff to this as and when it becomes an issue. 11 11 12 12 .project … … 50 50 /test/sasdataloader/test/ 51 51 /test/sasdataloader/test/test_log.txt 52 /test/sasdataloader/test/isis_1_0_write_test.xml 53 /test/sasdataloader/test/isis_1_1_write_test.xml 54 /test/sasdataloader/test/write_test.xml 52 55 53 56 # autogenerated scripts 54 57 /sasview/installer.iss 55 -
r8f46df7 reb8da5f 8 8 9 9 Data Operations Utility <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/data_operator_help> 10 10 11 11 Density/Volume Calculator <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/density_calculator_help> 12 12 13 13 Generic SANS Calculator <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/sas_calculator_help> 14 14 15 15 Image Viewer <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/image_viewer_help> 16 16 17 17 Kiessig Thickness Calculator <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/kiessig_calculator_help> 18 18 19 19 SLD Calculator <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/sld_calculator_help> 20 20 21 21 Slit Size Calculator <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/slit_calculator_help> 22 22 23 23 Q Resolution Estimator <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/resolution_calculator_help> 24 24 25 25 Python Shell <sasgui/perspectives/calculator/python_shell_help> 26 26 27 File Converter <sasgui/perspectives/file_converter/file_converter_help> -
r832fea2 r18e7309 72 72 platform = '%s-%s'%(get_platform(),sys.version[:3]) 73 73 build_path = joinpath(root, 'build','lib.'+platform) 74 75 # Notify the help menu that the Sphinx documentation is in a different 74 75 # Notify the help menu that the Sphinx documentation is in a different 76 76 # place than it otherwise would be. 77 77 os.environ['SASVIEW_DOC_PATH'] = joinpath(build_path, "doc") … … 123 123 # Compiled modules need to be pulled from the build directory. 124 124 # Some packages are not where they are needed, so load them explicitly. 125 import sas.sascalc.file_converter 126 sas.sascalc.file_converter.core = import_package('sas.sascalc.file_converter.core', 127 joinpath(build_path, 'sas', 'sascalc', 'file_converter', 'core')) 128 129 # Compiled modules need to be pulled from the build directory. 130 # Some packages are not where they are needed, so load them explicitly. 125 131 import sas.sascalc.calculator 126 132 sas.sascalc.calculator.core = import_package('sas.sascalc.calculator.core', -
rdb74ee8 r18e7309 9 9 from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext 10 10 from distutils.core import Command 11 import numpy 11 12 12 13 # Manage version number ###################################### … … 54 55 print "Removing existing build directory", SASVIEW_BUILD, "for a clean build" 55 56 shutil.rmtree(SASVIEW_BUILD) 56 57 57 58 # 'sys.maxsize' and 64bit: Not supported for python2.5 58 59 is_64bits = False 59 60 if sys.version_info >= (2, 6): 60 61 is_64bits = sys.maxsize > 2**32 61 62 62 63 enable_openmp = False 63 64 … … 118 119 c = self.compiler.compiler_type 119 120 print "Compiling with %s (64bit=%s)" % (c, str(is_64bits)) 120 121 121 122 # OpenMP build options 122 123 if enable_openmp: … … 127 128 for e in self.extensions: 128 129 e.extra_link_args = lopt[ c ] 129 130 130 131 # Platform-specific build options 131 132 if platform_lopt.has_key(c): … … 205 206 ) 206 207 207 208 208 209 # 209 210 srcdir = os.path.join("src", "sas", "sascalc", "pr", "c_extensions") … … 217 218 include_dirs=[], 218 219 ) ) 219 220 221 # sas.sascalc.file_converter 222 mydir = os.path.join("src", "sas", "sascalc", "file_converter", "c_ext") 223 package_dir["sas.sascalc.file_converter.core"] = mydir 224 package_dir["sas.sascalc.file_converter"] = os.path.join("src","sas", "sascalc", "file_converter") 225 packages.extend(["sas.sascalc.file_converter","sas.sascalc.file_converter.core"]) 226 ext_modules.append( Extension("sas.sascalc.file_converter.core.bsl_loader", 227 sources = [os.path.join(mydir, "bsl_loader.c")], 228 include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()], 229 ) ) 230 220 231 # 221 232 package_dir[""] = os.path.join("src", "sas", "sascalc", "fit") … … 239 250 packages.extend(["sas.sasgui.perspectives", "sas.sasgui.perspectives.calculator"]) 240 251 package_data['sas.sasgui.perspectives.calculator'] = ['images/*', 'media/*'] 241 252 242 253 # Data util 243 254 package_dir["sas.sascalc.data_util"] = os.path.join("src", "sas", "sascalc", "data_util") … … 294 305 'test/2d_data/*', 295 306 'test/save_states/*', 296 'test/upcoming_formats/*', 307 'test/upcoming_formats/*', 297 308 'default_categories.json'] 298 309 packages.append("sas.sasview") … … 316 327 required.extend(['pillow']) 317 328 318 # Set up SasView 329 # Set up SasView 319 330 setup( 320 331 name="sasview", … … 341 352 'docs': BuildSphinxCommand, 342 353 'disable_openmp': DisableOpenMPCommand} 343 ) 354 ) -
ra4deca6 r995f4eb 76 76 ## Add the last data set to the list of outputs 77 77 self.add_data_set() 78 ## Close the data file 79 self.raw_data.close() 78 80 ## Return data set(s) 79 81 return self.output … … 189 191 190 192 ## Sample Information 191 elif key == u'Title' and self.parent_class == u'SASsample': 193 elif key == u'Title' and self.parent_class == u'SASsample': # CanSAS 2.0 format 194 = data_point 195 elif key == u'name' and self.parent_class == u'SASsample': # NXcanSAS format 192 196 = data_point 193 197 elif key == u'thickness' and self.parent_class == u'SASsample': … … 213 217 elif key == u'name' and self.parent_class == u'SASprocess': 214 218 = data_point 215 elif key == u'Title' and self.parent_class == u'SASprocess': 219 elif key == u'Title' and self.parent_class == u'SASprocess': # CanSAS 2.0 format 220 = data_point 221 elif key == u'name' and self.parent_class == u'SASprocess': # NXcanSAS format 216 222 = data_point 217 223 elif key == u'description' and self.parent_class == u'SASprocess': … … 376 382 self.current_datainfo = DataInfo() 377 383 384 378 385 def _initialize_new_data_set(self, parent_list = None): 379 386 """
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