Changeset f98961f in sasview for sansrealspace/src/realspace

Sep 28, 2007 10:48:09 AM (17 years ago)
Mathieu Doucet <doucetm@…>
master, ESS_GUI, ESS_GUI_Docs, ESS_GUI_batch_fitting, ESS_GUI_bumps_abstraction, ESS_GUI_iss1116, ESS_GUI_iss879, ESS_GUI_iss959, ESS_GUI_opencl, ESS_GUI_ordering, ESS_GUI_sync_sascalc, costrafo411, magnetic_scatt, release-4.1.1, release-4.1.2, release-4.2.2, release_4.0.1, ticket-1009, ticket-1094-headless, ticket-1242-2d-resolution, ticket-1243, ticket-1249, ticket885, unittest-saveload

Updated run() and runXY() to be compatible with the rest of the models

2 edited


  • sansrealspace/src/realspace/

    rba1d1e9 rf98961f  
    88from sansModeling.geoshapespy import geoshapespy 
    10 import os.path 
     10import os.path, math 
    1212class ShapeDescriptor: 
    2323        self.params = {} 
    2424        self.params["center"] = [0, 0, 0] 
     25        # Orientation are angular offsets in degrees with respect to X, Y, Z 
    2526        self.params["orientation"] = [0, 0, 0] 
    2627        # Default to lores shape 
    7273    """ 
    7374        Descriptor for a cylinder 
     75        Orientation: Default cylinder is along Y 
    7476    """ 
    7577    def __init__(self): 
    478480        """ 
    479481            Returns the value of I(q) for a given q-value 
    480             @param q: q-value [float] 
    481             @return: I(q) [float] 
    482         """ 
    483         #TODO: The right simulation function should be 
    484         # called according to the type of input we get. 
    485         # For now, only a q length is supported. 
    486         return getIq(q) 
     482            @param q: q-value ([float] or [list]) ([A-1] or [[A-1], [rad]]) 
     483            @return: I(q) [float] [cm-1] 
     484        """ 
     485        # Check for 1D q length 
     486        if q.__class__.__name__ == 'int' \ 
     487            or q.__class__.__name__ == 'float': 
     488            return self.getIq(q) 
     489        # Check for 2D q-value 
     490        elif q.__class__.__name__ == 'list': 
     491            # Compute (Qx, Qy) from (Q, phi) 
     492            # Phi is in radian and Q-values are in A-1 
     493            qx = q[0]*math.cos(q[1]) 
     494            qy = q[0]*math.sin(q[1]) 
     495            return self.getIq2D(qx, qy) 
     496        # Through an exception if it's not a 
     497        # type we recognize 
     498        else: 
     499            raise ValueError, "run(q): bad type for q" 
     501    def runXY(self, q = 0): 
     502        """ 
     503            Standard run command for the canvas. 
     504            Redirects to the correct method  
     505            according to the input type. 
     506            @param q: q-value [float] or [list] [A-1] 
     507            @return: I(q) [float] [cm-1] 
     508        """ 
     509        # Check for 1D q length 
     510        if q.__class__.__name__ == 'int' \ 
     511            or q.__class__.__name__ == 'float': 
     512            return self.getIq(q) 
     513        # Check for 2D q-value 
     514        elif q.__class__.__name__ == 'list': 
     515            return self.getIq2D(q[0], q[1]) 
     516        # Through an exception if it's not a 
     517        # type we recognize 
     518        else: 
     519            raise ValueError, "runXY(q): bad type for q" 
     522    def getIq2D(self, qx, qy): 
     523        """ 
     524            Returns simulate I(q) for given q_x and q_y values. 
     525            @param qx: q_x [A-1] 
     526            @param qy: q_y [A-1] 
     527            @return: I(q) [cm-1] 
     528        """ 
     529        # To find a complete example of the correct call order: 
     530        # In LORES2, in, method CalculateAction._get_iq() 
     532        # If there are not shapes, do nothing 
     533        if len(self.shapes) == 0: 
     534            self.hasPr = False 
     535            return 0 
     537        # generate space filling points from shape list 
     538        self.createVolumeFromList() 
     540        self.points = pointsmodelpy.new_point3dvec() 
     542        pointsmodelpy.complexmodel_add(self.complex_model,  
     543                                        self.lores_model, "LORES") 
     544        for shape in self.shapes: 
     545            if self.shapes[shape].params['is_lores'] == False: 
     546                pointsmodelpy.complexmodel_add(self.complex_model,  
     547                    self.shapes[shape].shapeObject, "PDB") 
     549        #pointsmodelpy.get_lorespoints(self.lores_model, self.points) 
     550        self.npts = pointsmodelpy.get_complexpoints(self.complex_model, self.points) 
     552        norm =  1.0e8/self.params['lores_density']*self.params['scale'] 
     553        #return norm*pointsmodelpy.get_lores_i(self.lores_model, q) 
     554        return norm*pointsmodelpy.get_complex_iq_2D(self.complex_model, self.points, qx, qy)\ 
     555            + self.params['background'] 
    488558    def getIq(self, q): 
  • sansrealspace/src/realspace/test/

    r1b0707e1 rf98961f  
    254254        self.assert_( math.fabs(sim_val/ana_val-1.0)<0.05 ) 
     256class TestRunMethods(unittest.TestCase): 
     257    """ Tests run methods for oriented (2D) systems """ 
     259    def setUp(self): 
     260        """ Set up ellipsoid """ 
     261        from sans.models.EllipsoidModel import EllipsoidModel 
     263        radius_a = 10 
     264        radius_b = 15 
     265        density = 1 
     267        self.ana = EllipsoidModel() 
     268        self.ana.setParam('scale', 1.0) 
     269        self.ana.setParam('contrast', 1.0) 
     270        self.ana.setParam('background', 0.0) 
     271        self.ana.setParam('radius_a', radius_a) 
     272        self.ana.setParam('radius_b', radius_b) 
     275        canvas = VolumeCanvas.VolumeCanvas() 
     276        canvas.setParam('lores_density', density) 
     277        self.handle = canvas.add('ellipsoid') 
     278        canvas.setParam('%s.radius_x' % self.handle, radius_a) 
     279        canvas.setParam('%s.radius_y' % self.handle, radius_b) 
     280        canvas.setParam('%s.radius_z' % self.handle, radius_b) 
     281        canvas.setParam('scale' , 1.0) 
     282        canvas.setParam('%s.contrast' % self.handle, 1.0) 
     283        canvas.setParam('background' , 0.0) 
     284        self.canvas = canvas      
     286        self.ana.setParam('axis_theta', 1.57) 
     287        self.ana.setParam('axis_phi', 0) 
     289        self.canvas.setParam('%s.orientation' % self.handle, [0,0,0]) 
     292    def testRunXY_List(self): 
     293        """ Testing ellipsoid along X """ 
     294        ana_val = self.ana.runXY([0.1, 0.2]) 
     295        sim_val = self.canvas.runXY([0.1, 0.2]) 
     296        #print ana_val, sim_val, sim_val/ana_val 
     298        self.assert_( math.fabs(sim_val/ana_val-1.0)<0.05 ) 
     300    def testRunXY_float(self): 
     301        """ Testing ellipsoid along X """ 
     302        ana_val = self.ana.runXY(0.1) 
     303        sim_val = self.canvas.runXY(0.1) 
     304        #print ana_val, sim_val, sim_val/ana_val 
     306        self.assert_( math.fabs(sim_val/ana_val-1.0)<0.05 ) 
     308    def testRun_float(self): 
     309        """ Testing ellipsoid along X """ 
     310        ana_val = 
     311        sim_val = 
     312        #print ana_val, sim_val, sim_val/ana_val 
     314        self.assert_( math.fabs(sim_val/ana_val-1.0)<0.05 ) 
     316    def testRun_list(self): 
     317        """ Testing ellipsoid along X """ 
     318        ana_val =[0.1, 33.0]) 
     319        sim_val =[0.1, 33.0]) 
     320        #print ana_val, sim_val, sim_val/ana_val 
     322        self.assert_( math.fabs(sim_val/ana_val-1.0)<0.05 ) 
    256327if __name__ == '__main__': 
    257328    unittest.main()         
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