Changes in / [a57b31d:eb63414] in sasmodels
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r1182da5 rf4b36fa 24 24 % section) 25 25 data = radial_data if section != "tangential" else tan_data 26 phi = 0 if section != "tangential" else 90 26 theta = 89.9 if section != "tangential" else 0 27 phi = 90 27 28 kernel = load_model(name, dtype="single") 28 29 cutoff = 1e-3 … … 30 31 if name == "ellipsoid": 31 32 model = Model(kernel, 32 scale=0.08, 33 r _polar=15, r_equatorial=800,33 scale=0.08, background=35, 34 radius_polar=15, radius_equatorial=800, 34 35 sld=.291, sld_solvent=7.105, 35 background=0, 36 theta=90, phi=phi, 37 theta_pd=15, theta_pd_n=40, theta_pd_nsigma=3, 38 r_polar_pd=0.222296, r_polar_pd_n=1, r_polar_pd_nsigma=0, 39 r_equatorial_pd=.000128, r_equatorial_pd_n=1, r_equatorial_pd_nsigma=0, 36 theta=theta, phi=phi, 37 theta_pd=0, theta_pd_n=0, theta_pd_nsigma=3, 40 38 phi_pd=0, phi_pd_n=20, phi_pd_nsigma=3, 39 radius_polar_pd=0.222296, radius_polar_pd_n=1, radius_polar_pd_nsigma=0, 40 radius_equatorial_pd=.000128, radius_equatorial_pd_n=1, radius_equatorial_pd_nsigma=0, 41 41 ) 42 42 43 44 43 # SET THE FITTING PARAMETERS 45 model.r_polar.range(15, 1000) 46 model.r_equatorial.range(15, 1000) 47 model.theta_pd.range(0, 360) 44 model.radius_polar.range(15, 1000) 45 model.radius_equatorial.range(15, 1000) 46 #model.theta.range(0, 90) 47 #model.theta_pd.range(0,10) 48 model.phi_pd.range(0,20) 49 model.phi.range(0, 180) 48 50 model.background.range(0,1000) 49 51 model.scale.range(0, 10) 50 52 51 53 52 53 54 elif name == "lamellar": 54 55 model = Model(kernel, 55 scale=0.08, 56 scale=0.08, background=0.003, 56 57 thickness=19.2946, 57 58 sld=5.38,sld_sol=7.105, 58 background=0.003,59 59 thickness_pd= 0.37765, thickness_pd_n=10, thickness_pd_nsigma=3, 60 60 ) 61 62 61 63 62 # SET THE FITTING PARAMETERS … … 77 76 radius_pd=.0084, radius_pd_n=10, radius_pd_nsigma=3, 78 77 length_pd=0.493, length_pd_n=10, length_pd_nsigma=3, 79 phi_pd=0, phi_pd_n=5 ,phi_pd_nsigma=3,)78 phi_pd=0, phi_pd_n=5 phi_pd_nsigma=3,) 80 79 """ 81 80 pars = dict( 82 81 scale=.01, background=35, 83 82 sld=.291, sld_solvent=5.77, 84 radius=250, length=178, 85 theta=90, phi=phi, 83 radius=250, length=178, 86 84 radius_pd=0.1, radius_pd_n=5, radius_pd_nsigma=3, 87 85 length_pd=0.1,length_pd_n=5, length_pd_nsigma=3, 88 theta_pd=10, theta_pd_n=50, theta_pd_nsigma=3, 89 phi_pd=0, phi_pd_n=10, phi_pd_nsigma=3) 86 theta=theta, phi=phi, 87 theta_pd=0, theta_pd_n=0, theta_pd_nsigma=3, 88 phi_pd=10, phi_pd_n=20, phi_pd_nsigma=3) 90 89 model = Model(kernel, **pars) 91 90 … … 93 92 model.radius.range(1, 500) 94 93 model.length.range(1, 5000) 95 model.theta.range(-90,100)96 model. theta_pd.range(0, 30)97 model. theta_pd_n = model.theta_pd + 594 #model.theta.range(0, 90) 95 model.phi.range(0, 180) 96 model.phi_pd.range(0, 30) 98 97 model.radius_pd.range(0, 1) 99 model.length_pd.range(0, 2)98 model.length_pd.range(0, 1) 100 99 model.scale.range(0, 10) 101 100 model.background.range(0, 100) … … 104 103 elif name == "core_shell_cylinder": 105 104 model = Model(kernel, 106 scale= .031, radius=19.5, thickness=30, length=22, 107 sld_core=7.105, sld_shell=.291, sdl_solvent=7.105, 108 background=0, theta=0, phi=phi, 109 105 scale= .031, background=0, 106 radius=19.5, thickness=30, length=22, 107 sld_core=7.105, sld_shell=.291, sld_solvent=7.105, 110 108 radius_pd=0.26, radius_pd_n=10, radius_pd_nsigma=3, 111 109 length_pd=0.26, length_pd_n=10, length_pd_nsigma=3, 112 110 thickness_pd=1, thickness_pd_n=1, thickness_pd_nsigma=1, 113 theta_pd=1, theta_pd_n=10, theta_pd_nsigma=3, 114 phi_pd=0.1, phi_pd_n=1, phi_pd_nsigma=1, 111 theta=theta, phi=phi, 112 theta_pd=1, theta_pd_n=1, theta_pd_nsigma=3, 113 phi_pd=0, phi_pd_n=20, phi_pd_nsigma=3, 115 114 ) 116 115 117 116 # SET THE FITTING PARAMETERS 118 #model.radius.range(115, 1000)119 #model.length.range(0, 2500)117 model.radius.range(115, 1000) 118 model.length.range(0, 2500) 120 119 #model.thickness.range(18, 38) 121 120 #model.thickness_pd.range(0, 1) 122 121 #model.phi.range(0, 90) 122 model.phi_pd.range(0,20) 123 123 #model.radius_pd.range(0, 1) 124 124 #model.length_pd.range(0, 1) … … 131 131 elif name == "capped_cylinder": 132 132 model = Model(kernel, 133 scale=.08, radius=20, cap_radius=40, length=400, 133 scale=.08, background=35, 134 radius=20, cap_radius=40, length=400, 134 135 sld=1, sld_solvent=6.3, 135 background=0, theta=0, phi=phi,136 136 radius_pd=.1, radius_pd_n=5, radius_pd_nsigma=3, 137 137 cap_radius_pd=.1, cap_radius_pd_n=5, cap_radius_pd_nsigma=3, 138 138 length_pd=.1, length_pd_n=1, length_pd_nsigma=0, 139 theta_pd=.1, theta_pd_n=1, theta_pd_nsigma=0, 140 phi_pd=.1, phi_pd_n=1, phi_pd_nsigma=0, 139 theta=theta, phi=phi, 140 theta_pd=0, theta_pd_n=1, theta_pd_nsigma=0, 141 phi_pd=10, phi_pd_n=20, phi_pd_nsigma=0, 141 142 ) 142 143 144 model.radius.range(115, 1000) 145 model.length.range(0, 2500) 146 #model.thickness.range(18, 38) 147 #model.thickness_pd.range(0, 1) 148 #model.phi.range(0, 90) 149 model.phi_pd.range(0,20) 150 #model.radius_pd.range(0, 1) 151 #model.length_pd.range(0, 1) 152 #model.theta_pd.range(0, 360) 153 #model.background.range(0,5) 143 154 model.scale.range(0, 1) 144 155 … … 146 157 elif name == "triaxial_ellipsoid": 147 158 model = Model(kernel, 148 scale=0.08, req_minor=15, req_major=20, rpolar=500, 159 scale=0.08, background=35, 160 radius_equat_minor=15, radius_equat_major=20, radius_polar=500, 149 161 sld=7.105, solvent_sld=.291, 150 background=5, theta=0, phi=phi, psi=0, 162 radius_equat_minor_pd=.1, radius_equat_minor_pd_n=1, radius_equat_minor_pd_nsigma=0, 163 radius_equat_major_pd=.1, radius_equat_major_pd_n=1, radius_equat_major_pd_nsigma=0, 164 radius_polar_pd=.1, radius_polar_pd_n=1, radius_polar_pd_nsigma=0, 165 theta=theta, phi=phi, psi=0, 151 166 theta_pd=20, theta_pd_n=40, theta_pd_nsigma=3, 152 167 phi_pd=.1, phi_pd_n=1, phi_pd_nsigma=0, 153 168 psi_pd=30, psi_pd_n=1, psi_pd_nsigma=0, 154 req_minor_pd=.1, req_minor_pd_n=1, req_minor_pd_nsigma=0,155 req_major_pd=.1, req_major_pd_n=1, req_major_pd_nsigma=0,156 rpolar_pd=.1, rpolar_pd_n=1, rpolar_pd_nsigma=0,157 169 ) 158 170 159 171 # SET THE FITTING PARAMETERS 160 model.r eq_minor.range(15, 1000)161 model.r eq_major.range(15, 1000)162 #model.r polar.range(15, 1000)172 model.radius_equat_minor.range(15, 1000) 173 model.radius_equat_major.range(15, 1000) 174 #model.radius_polar.range(15, 1000) 163 175 #model.background.range(0,1000) 164 176 #model.theta_pd.range(0, 360) … … 173 185 M = Experiment(data=data, model=model) 174 186 if section == "both": 175 tan_model = Model(model. kernel, **model.parameters())187 tan_model = Model(model.sasmodel, **model.parameters()) 176 188 tan_model.phi = model.phi - 90 177 189 tan_model.cutoff = cutoff -
rfa4a994 r20c856a 39 39 double S31,S32,S33,S34,S41,S42,S43,S44; 40 40 double Lad,Lbd,Lcd,Nav,Intg; 41 41 42 // Set values for non existent parameters (eg. no A or B in case 0 and 1 etc) 42 43 //icase was shifted to N-1 from the original code 43 44 if (icase <= 1){ … … 57 58 Kab = Kac = Kad = -0.0004; 58 59 } 59 60 61 // Set volume fraction of component D based on constraint that sum of vol frac =1 62 Phi[3]=1.0-Phi[0]-Phi[1]-Phi[2]; 63 64 //set up values for cross terms in case of block copolymers (1,3,4,6,7,8,9) 60 65 Nab=sqrt(N[0]*N[1]); 61 66 Nac=sqrt(N[0]*N[2]); … … 79 84 Phicd=sqrt(Phi[2]*Phi[3]); 80 85 86 // Calculate Q^2 * Rg^2 for each homopolymer assuming random walk 81 87 Xa=q*q*b[0]*b[0]*N[0]/6.0; 82 88 Xb=q*q*b[1]*b[1]*N[1]/6.0; … … 84 90 Xd=q*q*b[3]*b[3]*N[3]/6.0; 85 91 86 Paa=2.0*(exp(-Xa)-1.0+Xa)/(Xa*Xa); 87 S0aa=N[0]*Phi[0]*v[0]*Paa; 88 Pab=((1.0-exp(-Xa))/Xa)*((1.0-exp(-Xb))/Xb); 92 //calculate all partial structure factors Pij and normalize n^2 93 Paa=2.0*(exp(-Xa)-1.0+Xa)/(Xa*Xa); // free A chain form factor 94 S0aa=N[0]*Phi[0]*v[0]*Paa; // Phi * Vp * P(Q)= I(Q0)/delRho^2 95 Pab=((1.0-exp(-Xa))/Xa)*((1.0-exp(-Xb))/Xb); //AB diblock (anchored Paa * anchored Pbb) partial form factor 89 96 S0ab=(Phiab*vab*Nab)*Pab; 90 Pac=((1.0-exp(-Xa))/Xa)*exp(-Xb)*((1.0-exp(-Xc))/Xc); 97 Pac=((1.0-exp(-Xa))/Xa)*exp(-Xb)*((1.0-exp(-Xc))/Xc); //ABC triblock AC partial form factor 91 98 S0ac=(Phiac*vac*Nac)*Pac; 92 Pad=((1.0-exp(-Xa))/Xa)*exp(-Xb-Xc)*((1.0-exp(-Xd))/Xd); 99 Pad=((1.0-exp(-Xa))/Xa)*exp(-Xb-Xc)*((1.0-exp(-Xd))/Xd); //ABCD four block 93 100 S0ad=(Phiad*vad*Nad)*Pad; 94 101 95 102 S0ba=S0ab; 96 Pbb=2.0*(exp(-Xb)-1.0+Xb)/(Xb*Xb); 103 Pbb=2.0*(exp(-Xb)-1.0+Xb)/(Xb*Xb); // free B chain 97 104 S0bb=N[1]*Phi[1]*v[1]*Pbb; 98 Pbc=((1.0-exp(-Xb))/Xb)*((1.0-exp(-Xc))/Xc); 105 Pbc=((1.0-exp(-Xb))/Xb)*((1.0-exp(-Xc))/Xc); // BC diblock 99 106 S0bc=(Phibc*vbc*Nbc)*Pbc; 100 Pbd=((1.0-exp(-Xb))/Xb)*exp(-Xc)*((1.0-exp(-Xd))/Xd); 107 Pbd=((1.0-exp(-Xb))/Xb)*exp(-Xc)*((1.0-exp(-Xd))/Xd); // BCD triblock 101 108 S0bd=(Phibd*vbd*Nbd)*Pbd; 102 109 103 110 S0ca=S0ac; 104 111 S0cb=S0bc; 105 Pcc=2.0*(exp(-Xc)-1.0+Xc)/(Xc*Xc); 112 Pcc=2.0*(exp(-Xc)-1.0+Xc)/(Xc*Xc); // Free C chain 106 113 S0cc=N[2]*Phi[2]*v[2]*Pcc; 107 Pcd=((1.0-exp(-Xc))/Xc)*((1.0-exp(-Xd))/Xd); 114 Pcd=((1.0-exp(-Xc))/Xc)*((1.0-exp(-Xd))/Xd); // CD diblock 108 115 S0cd=(Phicd*vcd*Ncd)*Pcd; 109 116 … … 111 118 S0db=S0bd; 112 119 S0dc=S0cd; 113 Pdd=2.0*(exp(-Xd)-1.0+Xd)/(Xd*Xd); 120 Pdd=2.0*(exp(-Xd)-1.0+Xd)/(Xd*Xd); // free D chain 114 121 S0dd=N[3]*Phi[3]*v[3]*Pdd; 122 123 // Reset all unused partial structure factors to 0 (depends on case) 115 124 //icase was shifted to N-1 from the original code 116 125 switch(icase){ … … 193 202 S0dc=S0cd; 194 203 204 // self chi parameter is 0 ... of course 195 205 Kaa=0.0; 196 206 Kbb=0.0; … … 243 253 ZZ=S0ad*(T11*S0ad+T12*S0bd+T13*S0cd)+S0bd*(T21*S0ad+T22*S0bd+T23*S0cd)+S0cd*(T31*S0ad+T32*S0bd+T33*S0cd); 244 254 255 // D is considered the matrix or background component so enters here 245 256 m=1.0/(S0dd-ZZ); 246 257 … … 297 308 S44=S11+S22+S33+2.0*S12+2.0*S13+2.0*S23; 298 309 310 //calculate contrast where L[i] is the scattering length of i and D is the matrix 311 //Note that should multiply by Nav to get units of SLD which will become 312 // Nav*2 in the next line (SLD^2) but then normalization in that line would 313 //need to divide by Nav leaving only Nav or sqrt(Nav) before squaring. 299 314 Nav=6.022045e+23; 300 315 Lad=(L[0]/v[0]-L[3]/v[3])*sqrt(Nav); … … 303 318 304 319 Intg=Lad*Lad*S11+Lbd*Lbd*S22+Lcd*Lcd*S33+2.0*Lad*Lbd*S12+2.0*Lbd*Lcd*S23+2.0*Lad*Lcd*S13; 320 321 //rescale for units of Lij^2 (fm^2 to cm^2) 322 Intg *= 1.0e-26; 305 323 306 324 return Intg; -
rfa4a994 r20c856a 1 1 r""" 2 Definition 3 ---------- 4 2 5 Calculates the macroscopic scattering intensity for a multi-component 3 6 homogeneous mixture of polymers using the Random Phase Approximation. … … 24 27 Case 9: A-B-C-D tetra-block copolymer 25 28 26 **NB: these case numbers are different from those in the NIST SANS package!** 29 .. note:: 30 These case numbers are different from those in the NIST SANS package! 27 31 28 Only one case can be used at any one time. 32 USAGE NOTES: 29 33 30 The RPA (mean field) formalism only applies only when the multicomponent 31 polymer mixture is in the homogeneous mixed-phase region. 32 33 **Component D is assumed to be the "background" component (ie, all contrasts 34 are calculated with respect to component D).** So the scattering contrast 35 for a C/D blend = [SLD(component C) - SLD(component D)]\ :sup:`2`. 36 37 Depending on which case is being used, the number of fitting parameters - the 38 segment lengths (ba, bb, etc) and $\chi$ parameters (Kab, Kac, etc) - vary. 39 The *scale* parameter should be held equal to unity. 40 41 The input parameters are the degrees of polymerization, the volume fractions, 42 the specific volumes, and the neutron scattering length densities for each 43 component. 34 * Only one case can be used at any one time. 35 * The RPA (mean field) formalism only applies only when the multicomponent 36 polymer mixture is in the homogeneous mixed-phase region. 37 * **Component D is assumed to be the "background" component (ie, all contrasts 38 are calculated with respect to component D).** So the scattering contrast 39 for a C/D blend = [SLD(component C) - SLD(component D)]\ :sup:`2`. 40 * Depending on which case is being used, the number of fitting parameters can 41 vary. Note that in general the degrees of polymerization, the volume 42 fractions, the molar volumes, and the neutron scattering lengths for each 43 component are obtained from other methods and held fixed while the segment 44 lengths (b\ :sub:`a`, b\ :sub:`b`, etc) and $\chi$ parameters (K\ :sub:`ab`, 45 K\ :sub:`ac`, etc). The *scale* parameter should be held equal to unity. 44 46 45 47 … … 47 49 ---------- 48 50 49 A Z Akcasu, R Klein and B Hammouda, *Macromolecules*, 26 (1993) 413651 .. [#] A Z Akcasu, R Klein and B Hammouda, *Macromolecules*, 26 (1993) 4136 50 52 """ 51 53 … … 53 55 54 56 name = "rpa" 55 title = "Random Phase Approximation - unfinished work in progress"57 title = "Random Phase Approximation" 56 58 description = """ 57 59 This formalism applies to multicomponent polymer mixtures in the … … 90 92 ["N[4]", "", 1000.0, [1, inf], "", "Degree of polymerization"], 91 93 ["Phi[4]", "", 0.25, [0, 1], "", "volume fraction"], 92 ["v[4]", "mL/mol", 100.0, [0, inf], "", " specificvolume"],94 ["v[4]", "mL/mol", 100.0, [0, inf], "", "molar volume"], 93 95 ["L[4]", "fm", 10.0, [-inf, inf], "", "scattering length"], 94 96 ["b[4]", "Ang", 5.0, [0, inf], "", "segment length"], … … 107 109 108 110 control = "case_num" 109 HIDE_ NONE = set()110 HIDE_A = set("N1 Phi1 v1 L1 b1 K12 K13 K14".split()) 111 HIDE_ALL = set("Phi4".split()) 112 HIDE_A = set("N1 Phi1 v1 L1 b1 K12 K13 K14".split()).union(HIDE_ALL) 111 113 HIDE_AB = set("N2 Phi2 v2 L2 b2 K23 K24".split()).union(HIDE_A) 112 114 def hidden(case_num): … … 120 122 return HIDE_A 121 123 else: 122 return HIDE_ NONE124 return HIDE_ALL 123 125
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